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3 points
3 points
The current offerings are severely lacking in comparison to XP/7/8.1 Standard due to the lack of full componentized builds using ICE and IBW. The reason why those tools seem to be good is likely due to Microsoft deciding to make additional SKUs for those types of builds rather than just letting the EPs build it for themselves. Then again, there are no clients that seem to have any real requirement for smaller footprints considering the state of the storage market, where outside of NVME, you can't readily buy a disk with less than 1 TB space. DOMs still exist but I haven't seen anyone use them for their primary OS installation.2 points
2 points
Apologies for bumping the topic, but I find it interesting! After going back and forth trying out different OSes, I've settled on what I feel is a good option going forward. I ended up returning to Windows 7--not one of the 'standard' versions, but the obscure and highly underrated Windows Thin PC. One of the things I've always loved about XP is how lightweight it is...it was the last proper version of Windows that could fit on a CD-ROM (I think only Windows 10 IoT Core has achieved this since then, but sadly it can't be used as a proper OS). I've found a few unofficial 7 builds that can also fit within the CD-ROM limit, but aside from my reservations about using unofficial builds (though I have a lot of respect for those who make them and am always excited to see what they're cooking up), it seems so much has to be stripped out, including certain system files (which breaks some drivers/software in the process). As much as possible I want to stick with 'official' versions, and I have noticed that when Microsoft makes the effort themselves of making their own 'stripped down' versions of their OSes, the results tend to be quite great. The Embedded series as a whole is excellent, and the legacy lives on through Windows 10 LTSB/LTSC...and of course, the 'lower end' offerings among the standard versions (e.g. XP/Vista/7 Home versions) also seem to strike that perfect features/performance balance. After doing some research and comparing ISO sizes, the smallest post-XP Windows version I've found that can also be used as a proper OS is Thin PC, the vanilla ISO of which clocks in at a stunning ~1.5 GB. I was able to get everything set up with no problems. Didn't have to reactivate any disabled services or tinker with any settings I don't normally touch when installing a standard 7 version. Software compatibility is just as good as standard 7, and most of the drivers found in standard 7 installation media are still on this ISO. And of course, using Legacy Update it is still possible to fully update a vanilla installation (though for the moment you may not need it as Microsoft's official 7 update servers still seem to be functional; it does help to have it as you can update root certificates with it too). I'm open to trying other versions of 7, and later Windows releases, 32-bit and 64-bit alike, in the future. But for now I can say for sure that I'm very happy with Thin PC and plan to use it as long as I can. The future seems much brighter for it...being able to run the latest Firefox versions and very recent Chrome versions gives it a major advantage over XP, and I anticipate that just as we've ended up with a good number of modern browsers that saved the day for XP users once Chrome and Firefox support ended, it'll be the same story for 7 too. For the moment, the way I see it, it seems either an Embedded 7 version or Windows 10 LTSB/LTSC is the way to go if you're looking for that balance between performance and modern software compatibility. (Of course XP will still have its uses, especially for those who are keeping ancient hardware and software in use.) Your future is brighter with 10 than 7, but 7 is much closer in spirit to XP...at this point I believe it has just about taken XP's throne in terms of becoming the new 'nostalgic' Windows, and will be getting more attention from tinkerers and hobbyists & the public at large. And of course there's still the 8.x line, the bizarre yet beautiful bridge between 7 and 10 that is still worth revisiting (and a good way to ease the learning curve before heading into 10). So to answer the question posed by the OP, I will continue to use Thin PC (or another suitable 7 release) as long as possible. I believe that with good habits and common sense you can stay safe no matter what OS you use, and I'm not opposed to making the switch to 10 in the future, but I'd like to do it on my terms. Just as XP was extended by many dedicated hobbyists for many years, I want to stick around and see how 7 ends up being extended. I believe that 7 will be useful up to the end of the decade, and then once we're in the 2030s we may have to seriously consider 10/11. Apologies for the long message! Hopefully someone will find it interesting or useful!2 points
and actually you can experience how MC frustrated on trying to port PM front-end to moebius but failed because of other browser components requiring major reverts/rewrites to get PM front-end working. this progress "itself" is fun. just I don't have enough wisdom to make it go further this time in the moment. maybe I will revisit it again in the future.2 points
Is Blockbuster video about to make a ComeBack? By Stuart Heritage Thu 23 Mar 2023 10.57 EDT Link To The Article Read More On The Guardian1 point
Nothing clicked, shut down the browser and this error window disappeared, but before I checked IP - there was my IP. In userenv.log the same as always: "CUserProfile: CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state." It doesn't appear again... this Generative Agent, LOL...1 point
Here is a link to Autoruns 13.98: http://web.archive.org/web/20200901171530/https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns1 point
You have to add ?g_sconsumersite=1 after aspx to open the website. But scanning won't work unless you apply redirects (patching wuaueng and registry or using another proxy). If you run my installer (any Windows) or the one in the 1st post (XP only) you'll have everything working1 point
I use autoruns, old but funtional (probably hidden away somewhere in sysinternals site, or archive.orf?). I also use startupcl (more simple, using the startup registry entries in HKLM, HKCU and RunOnce (used to be in http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml, now gone). For services and drivers I use the old, but very functional p-service 2.7 (which used to be at p-nand-q.com). To delay startup items, I use startup delayer (http://www.cottonwoodsw.com/dlyrsumm.html), but have not used it much (only for special occasions).1 point
1 point
Hey Tihiy, just wanted to say thanks for this awesome tool! Over the years ever since startisback's early days, it's been fantastic to use and I honestly can't understand how anyone can use Windows without it anymore. With all the updates since SAB's release, the program has become extremely stable and feature rich and you've implemented basically everything there is to implement with the merge of OldNewExplorer, in bringing things up to usable standards, providing a very complete package. Now if I may, I'm really curious, are there any major or minor plans or features you're planning to add to SAB? How do you work? Is list you work from? Or is it more so that you come up with the ideas on the fly? Are you planning major changes? Or will you focus on smaller components and bug fixes? For the most part it seems you've basically nailed down everything and always come up with solutions to mostly any request, it all seems to just work, and work extremely well at that. Sometimes I just forget this isn't native in Windows with how well it integrates, looks and behaves even after major updates. Anyway, this wasn't a request, I was just really curious. Either way, keep up the good work and thanks for maintaining SAB constantly, I genuinely appreciate all your work even if it'd only be bug fixes or updates to work on newer builds, great work man! Thanks for making modern day Windows usable.1 point
But that's not what you said earlier: So first it was, UXP needs Rust to properly implement m10s mode; now adding Rust code to UXP would just be "useless cruft." Which is it? I also sense a straw-man argument. I didn't say MCP should incorporate Rust code into UXP, only that they could, if they felt it was necessary. (Actually, I'm surprised they didn't do so back when MAT was there, just to make our lives more difficult.) Come on; the "defining feature" of Chrome isn't multi-process, it's Googlisms: frequent additions to JS/CSS, proposed by Google, Inc., that require equally frequent browser updates to implement, thus ensuring obsolescence of any browser not backed by a development team large enough to implement the continual flow of new Googlisms. (Of course we have seen at least one "Mozilla-ism," so Google isn't the only one playing this game; but it's quite clear that Google is far and away the dominant player.) In theory that would probably work! The only problem is, companies at that scale are less committed to "philosophy," so it's easier for them either to just start with the dominant engine - Cr - and add their own flourishes (M$), or to work out a tech-sharing agreement with Google (Mozilla and - probably - Apple). That is true as well. E10s is certainly not for the smaller, slower systems many users are running XP on, and it makes less difference on 64-bit systems with essentially unlimited virtual RAM. It's probably best suited for larger, faster 32-bit systems, since you can use more virtual RAM without "maxing out" and crashing a single process. One nice thing about the implementation we have in Serpent is that it can keep e10s on a rather tight leash, limiting the number of processes to fit your PC's resources. Cr, OTOH, spawns processes like crazy - often several per tab. Even though they're generally rather small, they can quickly overwhelm a smaller PC if you open a lot of tabs.1 point
1 point
From my very long experience with various HDDs, a year is too short, I'd say refresh data every 2-3 years or so. IMPORTANT data needs to be on 3 different backup storages, also preferably use different locations (your second/third house, for example). If you have something to hide, then NOT your house, obviously. I even used to store data in a very humid enviroment (with the measures taken). BUT 12 years HDDs (if I read your post correctly, they were constantly on) - the only place for them is a dumpster, sorry, they aren't safe to store anything on them. Don't buy the new ones from Toshiba, and don't buy the ones that have the "new" crappy SMR tech, like WD60EFAX or any Toshiba model.1 point
it doesn't run, missing SetProcessMitigationPolicy as in normal chrome/chromium 110....1 point
Someone might want to test Slimjet 39.0 Beta based on Chromium 110. Either it still supports Windows 7 or they need to revise documentation.1 point
1 point
StartAllBack 3.6.4 will finally provide automatic updates, new versions will be downloaded once pushed and installed on user logon. You can grab test version to have 3.6.4 installed once available. http://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe1 point
@Ugh: What does your "old lady" use currently, BTW? Official FirefoxESR 52.9.x was never meant to be run on a non-SSE2 CPU; AFAIAA, no effort has been made public here to recompile it to run on a SSE-only machine; compiler optimisation is one thing, but the source-code itself is another ; if the latter invokes the SSE2+ instructions set, then the SSE-only optimised binary will crash when run on a SSE-only CPU... The last (official) Firefox that would run on a SSE-only CPU is FxESR 45.9.x; Roytam1 does maintain a fork of that, for the sake of very old H/W, but it's being rarely updated and offered (as ALL of his browsers) in English, only: http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.34-20221210-b637891ad-win32-sse.7z Discussion of Firefox 45/52 tends to be academic nowadays, because Google, with their dominance on everything web-related , have restructured the Internet of 2020+ to be palatable mostly to the latest Chrom-e/-ium version (-20 versions, if lucky ...) and likewise with their stepchild, "Firefox Browser"... The "-sse" & "-ia32" variants of New Moon (27/)28 target nonSSE2 CPUs: New Moon 27.10 was originally forked from Pale Moon 27 (Vista+); its engine is inadequate for today's web, but it has recent TLS (HTTPS) implementation... https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230408-f4385096ea-xpmod-sse.7z https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20230408-f4385096ea-xpmod-ia32.7z New Moon 28.10.6a1 tries to catch up/be better than latest Pale Moon 32.1.0 (Win7+) ; it's based on the UXP platform and has, together with Serpent 52, the best web compatibility of the offered XP-compatible browsers (but still inferior to mainline Chrome/Firefox): https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230408-d849524bd-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod-sse.7z https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230408-d849524bd-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod-ia32.7z Originally forked from FxESR 52, the "-ia32" variant of Serpent 52.9.0 will be the closest thing (to Fx52) that will run under XP+nonSSE2: https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230408-3219d2d-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod-ia32.7z ALL above binaries will NOT autoupdate, thus you need to manually update/overwrite older builds with newer ones (they're released in weekly cycles, but, unless you have a special need that calls for it, you can update more infrequently); and, as stated, are only offered in English (so, here's hoping your client has at least some rudimentary command of English ) ... For updated builds, you may want to bookmark: https://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser Best regards1 point
New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20230408-de147fa3-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20230408-de147fa3-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom * Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15. -- New build of HBL-UXP for XP! Test binary: IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20230408-id-656ea98-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20230408-id-656ea98-ia-93af9a0-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/icedove-uxp/tree/winbuild https://github.com/roytam1/iceape-uxp/tree/winbuild for UXP changes please see above.1 point
New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230408-3219d2d-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20230408-3219d2d-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20230408-3219d2d-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod-ia32.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32 NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230408-d849524bd-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z Win32 IA32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230408-d849524bd-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod-ia32.7z Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win32-git-20230408-d849524bd-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod-sse.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.6a1.win64-git-20230408-d849524bd-uxp-b5e969b8a-xpmod.7z Official UXP changes picked since my last build: - No Issue - Fix drawing in titlebar on Mac when building with the Big Sur 11.0 SDK. On Intel we build with the 10.12 SDK so this problem is avoided. Also Pale Moon no longer supports drawing in the titlebar in the front end. However Basilisk does and built for ARM the tabs were cut off by the native titlebar. This uses the new APIs introduced in SDK 10.10 and 11.0 to draw in the titlebar. (2625cb0b6) - Issue #2181 - Add sys/auxv.h to system-headers (607df6796) - Issue #2184 - Increase mozjemalloc page cache size from 1 MiB to 16 MiB. (d8cd769cf) - Issue #62 - Follow-up: Fix debug build bustage with shared Spidermonkey. (af72806b3) - No issue - FreeBSD builds should also use xz compression for packaging. (2e6362218) - Issue #2155 - Follow-up: Reorder super-property evaluation order per latest spec change (74032644f) - Issue #2173 - Fix exporting array and object binding patterns (0b2e8c481) - Issue #2173 - Add a new PNK_ARGUMENTS node type for call argument lists (924140d40) - Issue #2173 - Add a new PNK_PROPERTYNAME to hold location information about property access name (fa1193b8c) - Issue #2173 - Store the info about the existence of the default case into the switch ParseNode (36b5a5624) - Issue #2173 - Fix return value of MUST_MATCH_TOKEN* macros in Parser methods which returns bool (c02e109b7) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to ListNode (9c17ec053) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to TernaryNode (4726d96fd) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to BinaryNode and subclasses (662419c50) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to UnaryNode and subclasses (68a407c93) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to NameNode, CodeNode, RegExpLiteral, and add NumericLiteral (ba730c488) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to NullaryNode and change LoopControlStatement arity to PN_LOOP (a49f4d048) - Issue #2173 - Add accessors to LexicalScopeNode (3bd300e26) - Issue #2173 - Add TryNode (d4103253d) - Issue #2173 - Fix remaining ParseNode* in FullParseHandler methods signature (287a2ad2e) - Issue #2173 - Allow constant folding to see inside functions when using the module pattern (661b1c534) - Issue #2173 - Remove unused case/code from function node ops (f21340f1a) - Issue #2173 - Separate CodeNode into FunctionNode and ModuleNode (0dac79185) - Issue #2173 - Introduce FunctionNode::syntaxKind instead of JSOPs (0132ae210) - Issue #1863 - Update freetype2 to 2.13.0. (8a54b4f30) - PR #2189 - Follow-up: Fix build bustage with GCC 9 related to checkExportedNamesForDeclaration (7c9215f95) - No Issue - Fix FreeBSD build failure with WebRTC enabled. (3c3456cc6) - Issue #2191 - Remove as much old fontconfig support as needed for Harfbuzz update. (b5d5963a4) - Issue #2191 - Make ScaledFont::SetCairoScaledFont virtual so it can be accessed from outside Moz2D. (c54e2502b) - Issue #2191 - Get rid of gfxFontconfigUtils.h since gfxFontconfigFontBase is unnecessary. (a35ce5e5e) - Issue #2191 - Remove redundant CairoScaledFont accessor from gfxFont subclasses. (b721b6257) - Issue #2191 - Require implementation of gfxFont::GetScaledFont and remove unnecessary gfxPlatform::GetScaledFontForFont. (0f7750cd2) - Issue #2191 - Remove virtual from gfxFont::GetCairoScaledFont. (44b74873c) - Issue #2191 - Follow-up: Add missing mozilla::gfx in gfxFcPlatformFontList.cpp (d9e7c07ed) No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build. No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build. My changes since my last build: - update harfbuzz to 2.8.2 (58116e6c5) - update harfbuzz to 3.2.0 (b5e969b8a) Update Notice: - You may delete file named icudt*.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases. * Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.1 point
There are news: You asked for a Website, here it is (bought by @millenium_tech): http://www.windowsupdaterestored.com Still work in progress, but it works1 point
1 point