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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2022 in all areas

  1. ... Pale Moon has been now released, with issue #1986 backed-out... If issue #1986 is, hopefully, reverted too in @roytam1's UXP tree, in coming weekend's UXP releases we shouldn't have any such "glitch" to take care of (unless upstream issue #1986 comes back in a revised iteration - I couldn't help noticing Moonchild mentioning nothing about uBO's dashboard menu going awry, his reason for PM's OOB (out-of-band) release being "severe usability issues on several websites" ) ...
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone. I must extend my sincere apologies for being inactive here this year. My life has changed dramatically over the past year, from walking away from a toxic relationship, to putting myself through therapy to recover from the trauma that it caused me, to finding someone new, to working at the Post Office every day and that taking up most of my energy (as @LoneCrusader can relate ) the time has just gotten away from me, and I haven't made the time that I should have to keep this list up to date. With that being said, I am setting up a virtual machine of stock (NO extended kernel) Windows Vista to test software on, and continuing my obligation of providing Vista users with the best and most up-to-date resource available when it comes to running their favorite software on their preferred operating system. I am going to go through nearly every entry still listed as ONG as of October 2020, and find out which ones no longer fit the label of ONG, and try to narrow down exactly the final versions of these pieces of software to run on Vista, and list them here accordingly. I will also be going through and fixing every broken link I can find, as I'm sure a lot of them have stopped working over the past couple of years. Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. I hope everyone here is happy, healthy & doing well! (Screenshot of VM so you know I'm serious about this :
    2 points
  3. Very good find! Thanks for your deeper insight and information about the latest developments! You are definitely the expert of repos and commits. I've just tested this setting of uiStyles and it works perfectly. Now, I understand why you didn't observe this issue in your browsers. When I was thinking about a solution for this glitch some weeks ago, I also looked in the advanced settings of uBlock Origin. Unfortunately, I didn't pursue this further because I didn't look at the individual options more closely due to the fact that I didn't know their syntax, either. A look at this page would have greatly simplified my search for a solution: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Advanced-settings Anyway, we have now different solutions to solve this glitch of uBlock Origin's dashboard page, and I have extended my knowledge about CSS.
    2 points
  4. Tried it out and it is fixed. My modded version of uBO-legacy now no longer needs the css fix; only './assets/assets.json' from upstream uBO (see my post here).
    1 point
  5. Thank you very much for everything you do here, I hope you are recovered and that you can continue with the thread... greetings
    1 point
  6. Hi Mina, I react finally: To change the ideas, you make a big line on the past, and start to live only in kindness and love, period. "Kindness is easier than hate" - this must lead you now. Don't worry about bad memories of the past - live in the present kindness and love, live a spiritual lifestyle and take care of living, Now! " "We live a spiritual lifestyle when we treat all life with care, kindness, and love." - Anthony Douglas Williams " - writing on the "meme" in the Pretty Detox Posts topic, page 16. To me, "meme" is an image with writing. "A meme is a virally transmitted image embellished with text, usually sharing pointed commentary on cultural symbols, social ideas, or current events. A meme is typically a photo or video, although sometimes it can be a block of text." "Memes are usually funny, but often that humor is injected with wry political or social commentary. Sometimes memes exist for shock value or to teach a life lesson." - here: https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-a-meme-2483702
    1 point
  7. Thank you so much, good to hear that! You're welcome! Thank you two for your nice replies, I appreciate it.
    1 point
  8. @WinFX Does Windows Vista still have the same problems on Alder Lake as with Haswell, Broadwell, Skylake, Coffee Lake, etc? (I’m referring to failed services at startup, failed boot attempts, and applications failing to launch randomly) TIA
    1 point
  9. The uBlock Origin legacy "flex" bug reported and discussed at length here in this thread (with fix provided by @AstroSkipper - thanks ) has finally hit upstream, with the release of latest Pale Moon 31.3.0: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=28882 Thing is, I had already applied the workaround mentioned by @Tomaso more than two years ago: (I didn't like the "new" uBO default fonts (Inter and Metropolis woff2) after: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/commit/62d5ac43df6e713c3fbc8416653e9013ef6ce681 https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/commit/f26bd86406f29d0e0c550c1b85d820dbb4adb68c https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/commit/0753fa7518073eff29513f005e38d10e3a5f5299 https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/commit/930038cecbb6e8acf6484587bfe1a8bf0b2e3a59 , hence I followed what https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/commit/013b64a3e3733d72da09369ba0d63c684ac1a9df advised ; see also: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1044 ) so I did not experience the "bug" even when I upgraded my Serpent 52 copy from the (2022-08-05) build to the (2022-08-24) one I'm currently running... Who would have thought of that ... BTW, Moonchild has now reverted upstream issue #1986 believed to have been the cause for that uBO-legacy "glitch": https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/4bf2bf74b15772ca9c63188cd1d6c6fc046c0ed0 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/5f8d70dacd2efad6f16c706f5d5261181938cc74 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/95907ddf88c78b8431d50606714f48304c7c8a16
    1 point
  10. Maybe DW Version 2.2.10011 built on 29 October 2015 is the latest and yes it requires KernelEx. So far I have only used the older version 2.2.6000. https://zzz.buzz/2017/05/18/download-dependency-walker/
    1 point
  11. But correct for @Dave-H You could use GMT+2.
    1 point
  12. Thank you @mina7601 for waking me up! Your question is not "disturbing" nor "annoying" - of course.
    1 point
  13. You're not disturbing anything, our discussion is not exclusive Please feel free to interject. I'm not sure whom he is talking to but I often talk to myself and some of the best conversations I've had with *with* myself Your questions are never annoying.
    1 point
  14. I hold some hope, otherwise, when all hope is lost, that is the end.
    1 point
  15. I'm a retired EE, I've been around computers for a shade under 60 years now. I should be out in the garden, but I'd rather sit behind my screens and curse M$.
    1 point
  16. 25/07/2022 The Chinese superhero: caught a two-year-old baby girl who fell from the fifth floor A Chinese man was declared a "national hero" after he miraculously caught a two-year-old girl who fell from a fifth-floor window. Shen Dong, 31, was parking his car in front of an apartment building in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, when he heard a loud noise. It was a baby girl who fell from the window from the fifth floor and landed on a metal roof. The two-year-old slipped off the roof and was about to hit the sidewalk, when she was saved at the last moment by a tooth that caught her. The girl was rushed to the hospital with injuries to her legs and lungs, and her condition is stable, the "South China Morning Post" reported. A video of the incident was shared by the local police on Weibo - China's equivalent of Twitter - and went viral. On social networks, Shen was nicknamed "superhero". Shen, who works at the bank opposite, saw what was happening and was in the middle of a phone call to the emergency services, but then he noticed that the girl was about to fall from the roof, threw his phone and managed to catch her before she hit the concrete. According to him, at first he did not know it was a baby. "The truth is, I don't remember all the details," he told the "Chiangyang Evening News." "I don't remember if my arms hurt. It was an instinct to grab her. I was lucky I was able to grab her in time. Otherwise I would have felt terrible." Here: https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-07-25-the-chinese-superhero--caught-a-two-year-old-baby-girl-who-fell-from-the-fifth-floor---voila!-news.S1WXyuln2c.html
    1 point
  17. Today I'm listening to smooth jazz and I miss it very much, but need to be careful it doesn't remind me of bad times. Hard to explain. Haven't seen @e-t-c in quite some time ... hope all is well.
    1 point
  18. Don't care! I'm on XP. As you already know! I'm done with this "debate".
    1 point
  19. Please STOP referring to 360Chrome as "outdated". It is intended for an audience that DOES NOT CARE about having up-to-the-second "updated" web browser or even OS for that matter. There are a thousand reasons that I could list as to why I remain on XP. This thread was NEVER intended to be a "debate" on what hardware or OS we run! If your level of "required updates" requires you to run Win11, then go out and get Win11 and STOP expecting TOO MUCH from an "NT-Family OS / Browser". If your threshold for "unsecure" and "outdated" hardware is the same as MOST readers of this thread, then 360Chrome will solve 90% of your browser-related issues. But to think that ANY of the browsers here at MSFN will work on 100% of "modern" web sites is UNREALISTIC and that "debate" is not the intent of this thread - ie, "Browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes".
    1 point
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