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  1. Past hour
  2. Well, that really is news. BTW, did I mention that I have over 38 years of DOS and over 32 years of Windows experience? The registry is so to speak my home. And where do you live?
  3. I noticed that the recently updated StartAllBack's NotifyIconOverflowWindow removes the border color, how does this work? Normally if you use DWMWCP_ROUND, the window will have a gray border, how does StartAllBack do it with rounded corners and no border color? Does it use undocumented windows flags?
  4. from what i remember there once was a virus called CIH this virus deleted up the bios it was often claimed that the BIOS is a non programmable ROM but it was NOT - it was EEPROM aka a programmable "ROM" (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) therefore a decision was made if the EEPROM bios where deleted then it used a backup what actually then was a real non programmble ROM that backup then was put into the EEPROM again that is actually programmable i do not know if that helps
  5. Today
  6. You can assume whatever comes to your mind. I couldn't care less. I have had negative experiences, and that was not so long ago (only a month). Therefore, there cannot and will not be any anecdotes here.
  7. Yesterday
  8. sure. http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/firefox38-tls13-xprtm-vc10hack.7z
  9. I give you a risk-free way to verify my claim [export the key before deleting it, import it if it doesn't reappear]. You respond with a quaint anecdote about your past Thorium woes. Can only assume you're trolling.
  10. I know that these settings are not just there for fun. I lost nearly all my installed extensions at the beginning of my tests with Thorium due to these registry settings. I'm not going to play around with it again. I have installed 14 extensions. Not all are enabled, of course. Some of them are permanently enabled and some only on demand.
  11. If you honestly think the two versions treat the registry differently, [back up and] delete the keys from your registry to confirm they don't. Disregard if just trolling.
  12. I know this was asked and answered on @roytam1's thread but it makes sense to post that problem and the workaround in this thread too, since others may have the same question and his thread is cluttered with so many unrelated things. So, here's the backspace key fix:
  13. You are using a different version of Thorium than mine. Yours is an SSE4 release, mine is the SSE2 variant. And why do you have two icons with uBlock Origin in your browser? Strictly according to the motto twice is better?
  14. Oh look! P.S. If not obvious, these exist in USER_DATA folder & are written to registry when Thorium opens. Delete yours (from the registry), see them magically restored next time you open your browser; be amazed
  15. Yea, i've had already the suspicion - Kepler forever . Currently i'm looking for an active cooled Zotac GT 730 GDDR5: passive GT-7x0's get too hot and the GTX 7xx are exaggerated for my purposes.
  16. To rebel against trends, against what seems to be imposed. Not bad at all. Sometimes I look at the guys who spend months making their Linux distro, I admire them. Sometimes I draw a parallel between what they do and what we do here. I don't feel we're that far apart. Sometimes I even fantasise about us releasing a new XP, completely free, fresh and modern for not so new machines. Bring your laptop back to life!
  17. That's great news for me because if someone asks either of us for a "Windows XP" compatible web browser, you can now say "Try my custom Firefox 38.8.0esr build. INSERT LINK HERE" Also, I just tested Firefox 1.5 using Visual C++ 6.0 SP5, and got a compilation time of 1152 seconds using MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j3".
  18. Thorium SSE2 122.0.6261.168 WINXP x32, which is actually the version 122.0.6261.169, stores extension settings in the registry. That you cannot replicate it is unfortunately not my problem. And I don't believe that this version does it only for me. Or do you think I created all these entries by myself just to confuse you? Here is a screenshot:
  19. ... A more in-depth analysis of the term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_application A "portable" app installation is also called "stealth" when the portable app is being launched from an external (to the host) storage media (e.g. HDD) but when the app is exited and the media detached from the host computer, NO TRACE whatsoever related to the app is left on the host's file system and registry; I guess you can also call the app "stealth" even when "installed" on an internal (host) disk, when it doesn't leave any of its 1. associated files outside of its assigned "portable installation" directory 2. associated registry keys on the host OS once exited... Many apps can be made "portable", but it takes a lot of effort to additionally make them "stealth"; sometimes, that isn't possible at all, even with app virtualisation (e.g. Microsoft Office and most of the Adobe Suites); in those difficult cases , the application is very complexly intertwined with the OS it runs on ...
  20. I cannot replicate what you are seeing, Astro. This could be YOUR Thorium and not "everybody's" Thorium. Even without my "loader", I can carry my EXTENSIONS, settings and all!, from one computer to another - even to one that has NEVER had Thorium on it and does NOT have Thorium's registry-writes. You just might be "adamant" about something that is only true for you. Again, even without my "loader", I cannot replicate your notion that extensions are tied to registry-writes. You keep pounding the table with this, over and over. I've asked for extension examples in the past and you declined to provide, claiming it is with all extension. Again, I cannot replicate. This may be YOUR profile and yours ALONE. Or just ONE of your extensions and you won't reveal that to us for us to verify. I cannot replicate your claim.
  21. But without the extensions' settings. They are stored in the registry.
  22. @Mark-XP I added an external graphic card. Geforce GT 730. It fits even with its large 16 PCI-e into the 4 PCI-e slot on this board, because this4PCI-e slot is open at the side. The board is stable under XP SP3, I did some tests Dietmar
  23. Hi @Dietmar, (how) did you achieve to have the internal (?) graphics (Alderlake UHD) supported with XP/3?? Or have you added an external?
  24. On a different computer, Thorium folder on a flash drive. What works: All the extensions, cookies, the sites i was logged into, theme, etc. What doesn't work: open tabs. Opens to new page. OTOH, if i copy the folder to the internal drive, everything works as expected Opens all the right tabs and, of course, all the extensions are there. No idea why running off the flash drive opens a blank page.
  25. Shouldn't be so radical, yes. Happens when you're into customising the OS completely to your liking and something in the environment ruins it. Some of these programmes not only look great but add some functionality that I think is genius. Paradoxically they seem very sensitive and susceptible to the environment. Not a big deal anyway, with images you can go back. It's more laziness and the desire to avoid getting angry.
  26. The effort to install complex programmes that need to access data in different locations in Windows is probably too great and probably in certain cases not possible, either. I therefore have no problem with certain programmes having to be installed correctly.
  27. But that's exactly what i did. Or, rather, not exactly. I lied. Simply booted into another OS in the same computer (multiboot). Copying the folder to a flash drive (the folder is huge, ~ 3 gigs, USB 2.0 is slow), just to make sure. Will post from it in a few
  28. Can't talk about McAfee, it's never been my cup of tea, but Avast? I don't want to talk bad anyway, not even doing it with Thorium 'cause of this personal problem this experience brought me, on the contrary, I recognize and appreciate the effort. But the truth is I see installing programs as a thing of the past. Very occasionally, if there's no other way around and I really want to test some software, what I do is create a fake user account, that kinda creates a parallel space where later, if you have problems, you can delete the user and that's it. You avoid problems in the personal one. Which makes me think sometimes you get overconfident with portables.
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