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  2. At least no one bothered us with their unnecessary comments, and this also helped. It is not necessary to show off the entire process of problem solving. For those of you who have been analogous multicore-handling problem, can test intermediate version of adapter (not fogot to rename to "chrome-xpapi-adapter.dll") : https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter/releases/download/v1.2/chrome-xpapi-adapter.5062.2.for.testing.zip And try onother one test, Which should show how many cores loaded. Should be loaded all possible cores. https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html Should be runned w/o hardware acceleration (i.e without switches like --use-angle=d3d9) to be handled only by software.
  3. Two pages of back & forth, debugging my HW issue (still unresolved). Didn't want to derail this thread.
  4. When I first read that, my thought was "uh oh, another false positive", lol.
  5. Thank you for the info! I may wait a bit to see some feedback in regards to this issue. Hopefully it's fixed.
  6. Just to make something clear, my aim is to use this mini-PC in front of me not remotely. Someone was telling me that running a VM setup is for only remote access to tap into another computer. But I'm not looking to do that, so I'm trying to have the Win7 installed then another 3rd-party program installed into that to be able to run an OSX Mojave ontop of that so then I can install the Think or Swim platform which is the ultimate goal of this process. Does "ESXi and Hyper-V" do this? act as that 3rd-party program? I was told to look into Proxmox as well. I will be studying up on this over the next week or more. I saw some YouTube tutorials saying to not Hackintosh a system if going the OpenCore or Clover route and that there is a much simpler way of setting up a Hackintosh virtually, but I'm not sure if they meant by the Hypervisor way. If you know of any other way, a 3rd approach to getting an OSX onto a daily-use mini-PC I would appreciate that advice as well, thank you.
  7. Probably a very good idea, I recently had so much trouble with a simple search on DuckDuckGo from my real London IP. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186217-solved-xcom-failedscriptvendor/?do=findComment&comment=1266413
  8. Why private? You aren't hiding anything from us, by any chance, are you?
  9. DirectAccess is the latest feature to hit the list of deprecated features in Windows client and server editions. For those unfamiliar, DirectAccess was introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 as a new method for clients to connect to their corporate networks without installing a VPN. However, with time, Microsoft developed new network capabilities to improve the experience, and now it is ready to replace DirectAccess with a better alternative. According to the official documentation, Microsoft suggests migrating from DirectAccess to Always On VPN: DirectAccess is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windows. We recommend migrating from DirectAccess to Always On VPN. Microsoft has a dedicated page that describes why users should move from DirectAccess to Always On VPN and how IT admins can implement the change. You can check it out on the official Microsoft Learn website. Besides DirectAccess and NTLM, in 2024, Microsoft deprecated Driver Verifier GUI, NPLogonNotify and NPPPasswordChangeNotify APIs, TLS server authentication with short RSA keys, and Test Base for Microsoft 365. As a reminder, deprecated and removed features are not the same. Components that are no longer in active development may remain in the operating system for a while and even continue to work. However, they do not receive new functionality or fixes. Eventually, Microsoft deletes them from Windows, as was the case with WordPad, which is no longer part of the upcoming Windows 11 version 24H2 update. You can track the list of deprecated features in client Windows versions here. Recently, we also published a list of features Microsoft no longer develops in Windows Server 2025, so check it out here. Source: Taras Buria · Jun 11, 2024 17:22 EDT · HOT!6 https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-to-remove-directaccess-from-windows-recommends-switching-to-always-on-vpn/
  10. Yesterday
  11. VBE 3.0 support is generally available. But in the case of DVI, this is not enough. We need something else. Or something interferes with full-fledged work (What exactly?). This generally exists and works fine over a VGA connection. At least in combination with some VBE 3.0 compatible nVidia-based cards, such as NV30, NV31\NV34 (Only some vBIOS implementations actually allow this capability) , and NV38, from the ones I've tested. For the first three, the UniRefresh utility is suitable, and for NV38, the patched UniVBE is suitable. However, in none of these cases is it possible to change the refresh rate exactly when DVI is connected (Always remains 60hz). As for the G70, which I'm tormenting at the moment. Using a DVI connection under DOS, it always remains 60hz by default (Or another value that is explicitly specified in the monitor's EDID (In the Preferred Timing Block)). And it doesn't change to anything else with the help of these utilities. Alas! As specified in this EDID block, it remains under DOS in all cases (and in the DOS window of Windows 98, too). I should probably try switching back to NV34 (where VBE 3.0 is guaranteed to work via a VGA connection) and think carefully about why this doesn't happen with DVI... What else can I try to do? Here by the way there is a link to this: "Bit 11 Refresh rate control Select. If set to 1, use usеr specified CRTC values for refresh rate, otherwise use BIOS default refresh rate." Maybe somewhere you need to switch to 1 by hand? This is via RU.EXE is it changing or is it being changed in vBIOS? If the former, how do I get to this place? I would like to see what the G70 value is now.
  12. I recently bought a new computer and want to share files between it and my Windows 8 computer so I did the following: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center | Change advanced sharing settings | Turn on file and printer sharing | Save changes When I come back to "Change advanced sharing settings" file and printer sharing is still turned off. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  13. Finally looked at this, focus is set to false by default. VPN was still enabled. I'm in the middle of working on an experimental feature, so I can't exactly just go and flip the pref, but I'll try to remember to do so.
  14. If those are ready-made boxes, why wouldn't they? Those include a chip which makes all conversions on the fly. The question is, would they work (be seen with files), if removed from that boxes and connected directly, most likely - no.
  15. I have 2 4TB external hard drives and they work fine on XP 64. Didn't have to do anything. They just work. Edit: I saw people here talking about 512k and 4k sectors. The thing is this. If you format the drive on Windows 7 or newer the drive will have the 4k alignment as it should by factory. After that, when you plug the drive on XP it will stay that way and it will work without the performance drop you would get if you try to align them to 512 for XP compatibility.
  16. I write through self-translation, so I apologize if I missed your English-language lines. Read more about the VK error here: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/2508 Thank you for your work for Windows XP users.
  17. just bring an older version of webp library to fx38vc10 to 486
  18. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-66 - E = file Encrypted with pw=bootwimb Make_WinPE - Make PE WIM file from Windows 10x64 ISO file Download Manual VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools with Portable Apps for WinPE Credits and Thanks to homes32 aka Jonathan Holmgren for making PhoenixPE
  19. You're welcome! Personally, I prefer the portable version: https://github.com/smplayer-dev/smplayer/releases/download/v24.5.0/smplayer-portable- But once again. The outer shell, SMPlayer, has been updated again and again, but neither mplayer nor mpv, i.e. the heart of the SMPlayer. Simply put, it's great on the outside, but a bit of a bummer on the inside. This is the real problem for Windows XP users.
  20. Hello, I have created and uploaded small workaround for that issue. the build "5061.2". Now here 2 versions of adapter inside archive. One (without suffix) -- dont changes GPU process priority at all, (for those of you, who having such freezes), and another with suffix -- for wery weak CPU's w/o hypertreading (also works fine on very fast CPU's). Try it and write if it fixes the problem.
  21. Cheers @AstroSkipper. Thanks for creating this thread. Smplayer devs have started building their last version with qt5.6, which works fine in XP, at least in my set up. Better than ever, actually, although still with issues playing composite (DVD like, multiple) files. https://www.smplayer.info/en/download-windows https://github.com/smplayer-dev/smplayer/releases/download/v24.5.0/smplayer-24.5.0-win32-qt5.6-unsigned.exe
  22. Last week
  23. As in the previous releases, the problem is not SMPlayer itself but the embedded mplayer which has been discontinued for working under Windows XP. The last compatible version was 37940 from 2017 if I remember correctly.
  24. @66cats, thanks, I have compared 2 your recordings. And have found how to reproduce such freezes. Its occured only on weak CPU's (I have checked on one). When CPU usage is very high. It because in my Adapter DLL, the GPU process priority was fine-tuned for very weak CPU's to prevent whole system freezing, when videos played. (Even on 1-core weak CPU w/o hyperthreading). And to prevent audio glitches (in conjunction with Audio process priority). Even by cost of "freezing" of some video frames. Its here by design of my workaround for it. This problem not happens on fast CPU's, not loading the system very high. (Should not happen at least) I will experiment with process priorities more, and may be provide some switch to configure it, Or set another process priorities.
  25. Hi @Berno_sour, quite interested, really. I have tried the latest smplayer and not only does work in XP as is, but does (on conditions I have not quite yet figure out/explored in detail) play DVD content sequentially, as it is supposed and MPC-HC does (although not always, gotta keep experimenting and most of my dvds I have transformed into mp4, but not all). I would welcome more info on your workflow smplayer-smtube. Thank you.
  26. Can only show you screen recordings: win32's (version 1.1.something) yours (version 1.2.something) Again, if you know of a better way to show you what's happening, i'll give it a shot.
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