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  2. Even in the best scenario, it seems I would need a more decent soldering iron to hope to be able to get even a single capacitor off board. If I learned anything from this and the initial enthusiasm to do something on my own and investments that I put into it, is that in these cases, I'm better off with the good old "throw it away when it's dead" approach.
  3. Today
  4. I noticed a few things when using the app: the old non-fluent icons of the categories in the ribbon menu: too contrasting vertical tab separator and lack of the horizontal separator at the bottom under the tabs when the mica effect turned off:
  5. for atari, thank you ever so much for your answer, I do not mind weird people's attitudes, so I will cope with what u said of them, ... but, btw, why can't we have the same here as well? as for the strange dialogue with wd, i have not had it installed for ages, so I am not the one to give proper advice there. for jfx, win11 has 128, win 10 2015 haa 16, what is the optimal size for loading the vhd into ram thru svbus, if there is one?
  6. Right! I have already corrected my post. I meant not using this flag, of course. Too early for me, too.
  7. I see a bank's MFA app encrypting its files to make them unusable when moved to different computer the same as a web browser encrypting its files to make them unusable when moved to a different computer. You don't even have to move them, just start over with a new Windows install and they're useless.
  8. @feodor2 Just a short feedback. Your most recent release Mypal 68.14.2b is really great. A lot of improvements and better web compatibility. Even Codeberg does not show an error anymore as far as I can see. Many thanks for your efforts! Great release!
  9. I did not get this captcha when I called it up in Mypal 68.14.2b from Germany. And TBH, this website is totally bloated and cumbersome. Good stuff for my Android tablet if at all.
  10. There's no reason to use the flag, unless you need Thorium to be fully portable, By "portable," i mean a browser that could be moved to another machine without losing passwords/cookies/etc. EDIT: too early in the morning to think, edited. Sorry.
  11. In my case, the main reason for not using this flag is to have especially my few passwords encrypted inside Thorium. One can have whatever opinion one likes about this flag, but enabling encryption does offer a little more security for your own data. I would only switch it off by using this flag if I had to move with my profile.
  12. Just guessing here, so take it for what it's worth, but sounds like *all portable browser launchers* must disable encryption, if a machine-specific key is involved. Different machine = different machine-specific key. P.S. i know the Magic 8-ball is talking about a different browser, assuming all are basically the same.
  13. Are we talking about the Chrome flag --disable-encryption or about the machinations of banks when it comes to Online Banking? The latter would then have nothing to do with the actual statement and would only lead to the generation of further off-topic comments like this one: I would be more interested in a concrete statement on the Chrome flag --disable-encryption than such absurd ramblings.
  14. Agreed! Absolute BS! I have one account that has to be logged into at least THREE times per week all from the same EXACT computer. If I do one of those three from a different computer, I have to call a 1-800 number to have my MFA (multi-factor authentication) reset! If I fail to log in THREE times within a week, I have to call a 1-800 number to reset MFA. Any week that contains the 28th thru 31st day of the month, I have to call a 1-800 number to reset MFA even if I log in three times per DAY each and every day of that week! When asked why that last day of the month always always ALWAYS triggers a "you must call", they tell me it's because "we tried to email you but we have no email on file". And no! They will NEVER be given an email address! PRIVACY RIGHTS are virtually NON-EXISTENT in this day and age.
  15. Modern web sucks with constant reliance on new bells and whistles. Slightly off-topic, but I encountered another oddity with self-compiled build of Pale Moon on Raspberry Pi 5, enabling subtitles on https://piped.video/ makes the browser get stuck with full CPU core utilization. Then go ahead and try being @roytam1 and roll your own builds.
  16. So now we need to know (from that MDL user or by testing) if Smartscreen is -actually- enabled or not. Het mentioned it was set to "on", without the option to turn it off, but I will ask if that is actually the case. It might be a problem in that case.
  17. @TheFighterJetDude https://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=477539#p477539
  18. It's just a problem with settings app. It properly tries to communicate with Defender and does not get any respond.
  19. The minimum OS requirement of latest Intel audio driver becomes 1809, so installing the driver on 1607 requires INF modification. Another problem is 24-bit audio output over HDMI may require Intel's control panel.
  20. Oh, so this is where Moonchild crew is going (regarding AVX builds)! https://www.phoronix.com/news/Ubuntu-x86-64-v3-Experiment https://www.phoronix.com/news/RedHat-RHEL10-x86-64-v3-Explore BTW, H.265/HEVC video codec was brought up a while back, the only browser with working implementation that doesn't require GPU support for it I found is Thorium.
  21. Also try https://www.politico.eu/ with a giant EU flag on full screen. I am more and more convinced that UXP-browsers are absolutely not adapted for surfing the modern Internet. Considering that even primitive functions like proper SVG processing are beyond them.
  22. Because it's more of a nuisance than genuine security feature. To me, it's the same s*** most banks are pulling off with convoluted ways to lock access to one's account/banking services to one device. And how are we more "secure" for it?
  23. Hmm, i see. So that's another 2 weeks from now right ?? - Mathwiz/Roytam1
  24. found a bug of selecting numbers as text in UXP and SP55, but too late for replacing binaries. will be available in next build.
  25. The MDL user I mentioned did some more research. Sorry for the dirty cut-and-pase, but my previously edited message disappeared when I tried to post it here: (My question was: "What is 'reputation based protection'?") Quote: Smartscreen. I try to disable it but it doesn't want to. https://i.imgur.com/kLnERuZ.mp4 I also tried to disable it from registry and policy editor but it was still enabled. Probably happens only on IoT version. Edit: I did some tests. It happens on both IoT and non IoT version of LTSC 2024. When I don't disable Defender with WinNTSetup I can disable Smartscreen. I tested to disable Defender with a script from TairikuOkami "Microsoft Defender Disable.bat" https://github.com/TairikuOokami/Windows (Windows Defender quarantines the script so disable tamper and real time protection first) and both Defender and Smartscreen was disabled after using the script. So it is the way WinNTSetup disables Defender that is the problem. You can contact the dev and report it. Thanks
  26. Antonino, MDL is a great forum with some very clever developers (I'm sure you heard of Abbodi1406's script collection), why not join there and open a topic? A little "warning" though: Don't be discouraged by some of the most active users that seem to have nothing better to do than criticize other people. Just ignore them and calmly wait for serious reactions from users that maybe only have time to post once a week, due to busy jobs etc. This patient approach can be difficult, I know, but it's the only way to "survive".
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