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  2. I have an explanation. When real capitalists ran the West, everything was fine. Nowadays commies ran the majority of all businesses. I was in shock when discovered they only allow you to buy the exact (low) amount of items in America! Like 3 CPUs in one hands. They started to shove down our throats those limits rather recently. It's not capitalism. It's freaking Soviet Union! In real capitalism you buy whatever amount you want!
  3. All browsers based on the UXP platform as, for example, New Moon 28 or Serpent 52.
  4. The World's populace numbers are terrible, agree. "Thanks" to China, Russia, Latin America, Africa and India. I'm in shock how fast they grew in size in the last 30 years, of course if they don't stop to overpopulate the Earth, something terrible will happen to the planet. There's literally no place for animals anymore! In Europe, most of the land is occupied with farms. Thankfully, the locals don't spawn here like rabbits.
  5. What's UXP browsers? Something for Xeon Processors only?
  6. Today
  7. Not strictly related, but I remember panic about simulations of black hole they were doing at CERN that wasn't literal black hole, but some people believed it'll make a black hole that will eat the Earth. That was over a decade ago. I wonder if anyone thought about the digital junk. All the stuff that's kept on our storage devices and in data centers. Some say we should think about that as well. Also, what about celebrities and other rich people? How terrible is the average nobody in comparison? Maybe we're still terrible in numbers. But we don't fly around in private jets at least. I don't know, the more I think about it, the more I'm lost in the maze. Hey, anyone ever told you if all people were like you, everything would collapse? So on one hand, you can be an average stupid c0ns00m3r, buying junk you don't need and polluting the planet. On the other hand, you can be humble and then you come out as selfish communist and anti-capitalist. "All businesses would collapse if everyone was like you!" Nothing makes sense.
  8. Hi, my startisback installation got slightly corrupted in Windows 10 LTSC somehow?? Originally it installed and worked fine, but after putting my PC on sleep and eventually booting it up again, the window preview became corrupted, and it seems to break easily, as this happened 2 times on different installs, everything else seems fine. And yes, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it doesn't do anything. I don't know if this is useful info, but I did change from the default theme to aero lite and the back to default on windows, and tried changing the taskbar styles, but to no avail.
  9. Yep! I like UXP browsers. But if another browser offers such a security feature, why should I disable it? That would make no sense. I only disable features which have a noticeable, negative impact of the system or browser performance. And of course those which cause problems or are not supported by the system anyway.
  10. No place here for feelings. Everything is insecure. The whole world is insecure. And in these days, more recent Windows versions like Windows 10 are much more likely to be targeted by hackers than the small fraction of 1% who still use Windows XP. It's simply not worth it. However, knowingly increasing general vulnerability and insecurity is something one can do, but one doesn't have to.
  11. Aw c'mon, another site all over the place due to the notorious new popular way of doing CSS, techradar.com. https://www.techradar.com/phones/android/android-15-could-tell-you-how-long-your-phones-storage-will-survive-for Well, what I picked up from the article and another place is that due the older eMMC standard, I probably have no way of telling the state of internal storage of my smartphone that is in its 10th year.
  12. Thanks for the accuracy. Made me remember my first experience with a portable... was a game! Don't remember exactly which one but in those days they already came in 3 or more CDs and the process of installing could be tedious not to mention the thousands of files that were copied and other modifications to the system, you'll know better than me. So, the fact of downloading a single zip file with a folder that when unzipped you could just run the .exe and play... it was like magic! I think they were called "Direct Play". That's when it all started for me and from that moment on I always look for portables. Give me portables.
  13. but how can i do this, maybe put instructions
  14. Yes, well, @AstroSkipper likes UXP browsers very much and they don't encrypt their databases.
  15. If you want to check whether DEP protection is up and running for browsers, you can also use the old HPA test tool: http://dl.surfright.nl/hmpalert-test.exe obviously only DEP would be (from my point of view) just enough for the security of browsers: https://sendvid.com/wp52v128 in the video above my old anti-exploit protections in Windows XP applied to browsers. But I am digressing,have a good evening.
  16. Wasn't trying to inform, simply to put "--disable-encryption ... is unsecure" in due perspective.
  17. @Mov AX, 0xDEAD I see at the nuked Fernando forum, that in October 2018 you have a talk with Lost_N_BIOS: " Mov_AX_0xDEAD October 23, 2018, 5:56pm 227 That’s cool @Mov AX, 0xDEAD was it that easy, just re-arrange in AmitSESteupData? that was no easy, AMITSESetupData is binary file, i manually found offsets to menus (pages) and offsets to each element. page contains pageid and parentid, i’ve replaced parentid to pageid of "Peripherals". element contains link to sub-pageid, textreference and texthelpreference, i’ve replaced all three fields. then need to modify IFR like i did in post Accessing Locked BIOS Menu Settings (14) because IFR works in real bios, amibcp fully ignore ifr. i specialy did not use amibcp v.5 to save edited bios because this program is overkill, it change/rebase/increase size of many modules, i dont accept this behavior " Can you help me with this Bios for to overcome any problems with switching between CSM and UEFI? Dietmar Original Bios from the ASRock N100DC-ITX board https://ufile.io/pi4xs90q
  18. @D.Draker Sure, but it gets kinda old since MS in the forum name (Microsoft) is much larger term. OK, this might actually be more important on XP x64, I bet Chromium calls infamous SetProcessDEPPolicy on XP x86, which doesn't exist on x64 XP (different branch). But if it does not call it appropriately on XP x86, does the OS get out of the way and enable it with the right flag in the .exe? What you see below isn't the default state on XP x64: I made a jump to the data section where I put a NOP instruction and tried to execute it. Prerequisite: Otherwise, no access violation.
  19. Of course not! But the amount of times we read it, oh boy... Besides, telling it simply makes no sense since it's already publicly known we're on old "insecure" OS. P.S. I want, and always preferred, strictly about the subject posts.
  20. Certainly It can be. Has anyone checked whether DEP is enabled -permanent with Process Explorer? P.S. Enabling DEP for all programs (EXE) and not just system processes if I remember correctly is an easy thing to do.
  21. Isn't this enabled by default unless you go out of the way to turn it off? Every program these days is compiled with NX Compat flag. This particular feature of the CPUs is ANCIENT at this point. The only people that turn it off have issues in their head (IMHO).
  22. Maybe I'm the only one doing regular things (web, videos, music, occasional (re)programming, games). Seeing IT from different perspectives has taught me worrying about software bells and whistles too much is unhealthy and in the end you die anyway.
  23. Vista Aero needs DX9, and Vista's DX9 cannot work with the newer drivers of Intel HD Graphics (with the blue-white control panel) as it always crashes with BEX or BEX64 signature. However, at least you still can enjoy DX10/11, OpenGL, and Vulkan rendering APIs because they're completely unaffected. And if you want to load the control panel without crashing, you have to rename or move out igdumdim64.dll file from System32 folder and igdumdim32.dll file from SysWOW64 folder. NTOSKRNL Emu_Extender and always disabling the driver signature enforcement from the boot menu are required to install the newer driver on Windows Vista. And if the installer doesn't work, try installing manually by updating the display adapter through Device Manager. You will cannot play videos using Windows Media Player. Solution: Use 3rd-party media players like VLC or MPC-HC to play video files. You also will cannot run video games which use DX9 rendering API for the game engine. Solution: Try updating the game's version, change the renderer to DX10/11/OGL/Vulkan from the game's settings if available, or just mod the game to be rendered using non-DX9 API.
  24. Hi to all. In my opinion guys,you are giving too much importance to flags. Those who seek security should also look elsewhere. For example, has anyone using XP enabled DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for Thorium?
  25. And you want a medal for it? You think that makes you special?
  26. So do i, daily, which says nothing about "XP is insecure and not recommended." being factually incorrect. Apologies if feelings were hurt.
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