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  2. I've mentioned before that this only happens on this box (980x/gtx770), no AV1 issues on 4770k/gtx980ti (different box). Get an x58 mobo with a 980x and gtx770. Kidding, but what else can i say? The issue is specific to this HW combination, and is consistently replicable on this machine, A different issue (nothing to do with AV1 decoding). Hasn't happened since i posted that screenshot, couldn't reproduce it myself. Feel free to disregard.
  3. I suggest, for the convenience of research, that for the time being we put out of brackets everything that concerns scaling (We will return to this if anything later). How do I resolve the issue with the refresh rate? Having decided at least for the beginning of this issue, you can move on. This is more important in the context of application compatibility. A simple example is that the game requires setting 72hz, instead of 60hz (by default), so that it works correctly under DOS. For another game, 75hz is good. What should I do if I connect DVI? What other options are there?
  4. Moreover, even the monitor scales native 1600x900 approximately exactly as it is drawn on this preview, if you select "Aspect" in the settings of the monitor itself. Thanks, but it doesn't help.
  5. Might only be Vista+, I just hex edited the driver replaced it and it works great !
  6. Of course, if you patch the Windows file, you need to fix the checksum.
  7. @66cats I have used GTX 670 to test on my side. Have installed latest Thorium_SSE2_122.0.6261.171_WINXP_x32.zip Also installed "enhanced-h264ify" extention. to enable/disable several formats. Runned browser without any switches. And with my progwrp.dll replacement build 5061 installed. With AV1 only enabled with this extention, browser dont allow video from youtube at all. :) So you should specify how to reproduce it. Take me a link to the broblematic video. UPD: ok, have found AV1-enabled video, which is played. No problems. No 100% CPU spikes... Used only software decoding/rendering. UPD2: also have checked this video in HW Accelerated Rendering enabled (D3D9) the codecs used (from "stats for nerds"): av01 (397) / opus (251) Also have no any problems and no CPU load.
  8. Today
  9. Also happens with Supermium on this box (980x/gtx770), just checked.
  10. No, D3DCompiler not used, when --use-angle=d3d9 not used. (Except out have anabled it contantly in chrome://flags)
  11. @66котов, can you give me a youtube link where the problem occurs ? as example. And another question -- does it happens also with Supermium with my DLL on your machine with XP ?
  12. Hi @Berno_sour, hello from Belgium and welcome to MSFN! I wish you to enjoy the forums! Have a nice day. hpwamr
  13. Same thing happens with your progwrp.dll, without the switches (in software mode. Original win32 (version 1.1.somethingorother) works. Will rename/verify & update this post in a couple of minutes. Edit: original version ( works. P.S. sorry if this makes no sense (without the switches, GTX770 should be out of the equation), but that's what I'm getting. Double-checked several times. P.P.S: Passes MotionMark, about 50% faster with HW acceleration enabled. Is D3DCompiler_XP.dll used when running without the switches? Does it play a part in SW decoding?
  14. I meant progwrp.dll might be like a Hardware-accelerated video decode flag -- all or nothing, without granular access, making it impossible to disable HW acceleration in special cases. Again, above my pay grade.
  15. Looks like for House Flipper 2 Build 14522811, too! Genres: Lifestyle, First-person, 3D
  16. This is a fully legit question, I already wrote before, when it's impossible to make a hardware decode, it need s to fallback to software-only automatically. It doesn't happen with AV1, so it's a pure bug.
  17. Not sure if i understand you correctly, are you saying it's difficult/impossible to make progwrp.dll disable HW acceleration in special cases, e.g. "if AV1, decode in software"? (not a coder, sorry if the question makes no sense)
  18. AV1 is a codec, mp4 is a container (you can stick anything in an mp4). When i download AV1 video, it's saved in mp4 container by default (as videoname.mp4). Dragging it into the browser does the expected -- the video freezes after a few seconds.
  19. We have no any Video decode acceleration handling in progwrp.dll. It just provides D3DCompiler for shaders, allowing D3D Rendering accelaration to work on XP. The DXVA was removed from browser code. (MPC-HC uses DXVA). And will be restored later (I hope). And not by me. :). But by main browser developer. Chrome was had implemented only DXVA 2.0, avilable for Vista+. XP Has only DXVA 1.0 And MPC-HC uses it. Its not so simple to attach it. But possible of course. Requeres time, more work/rework/refactoring, knowledge and experience in that area.
  20. I can be mistaken, but I think MPC-HC is open source, why not use its resources? MPC-HC accelerates videos on my system without troubles.
  21. if you are using a browser with D3D9 mode enabled (--use-angle=D3D9), then it can't be reproduced with original progwrp.dll, Because the latest available official progwrp dont have soupport for this. So you are using browser in 2 different rendering modes. And it will be appeared (may be) also when official progwrp.dll will support this. (If it will not be fixed in other parts of browser code -- video decoding and so on). I think it not depends on progwrp and my alternative for it. Because I just provide the possibility to use it on XP. For other code of browser. Try to reporduce it without D3D9 HW acceleration enabled. (without that switches)
  22. OK thanks anyway @Tihiy And it's not possible to add this "option" to SAB ?
  23. What if you download the problematic video, rename AV1 to .mp4 and drag-n-drop on the browser?
  24. Sorry, I don't have a github account. Voltage spikes, when starting the browser or trying to play a video, on my GPU happen with both of those dlls.
  25. Vista x86 WITHOUT SP1 or SP2, yes, using D3D9 HW acceleration-mode because in Vista WITHOUT SP1 or SP2, DX11 wasn't implemented yet, so the behaviour is rather similar to XP. Driver version 347.26 (iCafe). Nvidia Titan 6gb (Jan. 2013). Probably make use of the Vista's native DX10, then?
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