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  1. Past hour
  2. Nothing will change. MV2 extensions that will not transition by choice of their developers to MV3,such as uBlock Origin will be abandoned after June 2025. Indeed, it is likely that in this transition year the development of uBlock Origin for Chromium-based browsers will slow down compared to the same version for Firefox-based browsers. On the other hand more and more users will install in their Chromium-based browsers uBlock Origin Lite,AdGuard extension MV3........etc.....and thus this state of abandonment will be accelerated by several parties Although I have the company policy already installed,personally if there is a slowdown in the development of uBlock Origin for Chromium based browsers,such that the functionality of the extension is reduced compared to the same version for Firefox I will switch to another MV3 adblocker without delay. Probably adGuard extension whose development I have been following for at least 6 months. I am just waiting for the problems that I have also opened to be solved. And of course that the current stable version be merged with the experimental MV3 version. If the future events hypothesized above come true.
  3. Today
  4. Technically, I think this is you flattering yourself. As I've pointed out before, I read ALL NEW posts at MSFN (with two exceptions - I don't use nor care for "Start Is Back" and "Vista Extended Kernel" and my custom style sheet prevents them from even appearing). I suppose I could customize my style sheet to prevent "various members" posts from appearing also, but why bother, lol.
  5. Thanks for replying! The last official Chrome which supported Windows XP was the version 49.0.2623.112. I think I have a copy of it in my archive. In any case, I will check if the hardware acceleration worked at all in this version om my hardware and report here.
  6. The new windows 10 update broke startisback, it crashes explorer.exe with an error on StartIsBack64.dll in the event viewer.
  7. @Dixel, @Karla Sleutel, are you not using my DLL at all ? I will know at least. I'm working for people, who need this.
  8. Is shuch HW acceleration works on you Gfx card w/o such side effects, with any of old versions of Chrome, which was officially supported by XP ? (I dont remember version), say some versions released beetween 2008-2013 years. It's need to check the code of libLGESv2, how it handlend on such old Gfx card while translating OpenGL calls to D3D9 calls.
  9. Hi @Steve Strikes Back, hello from Belgium and welcome to MSFN! I wish you to enjoy the forums! Have a nice day. hpwamr
  10. It was software only decoding and rendering. If you will enable GPU acceletation, the CPU load will be less, depending on what parts of acceleration used on you GPU by Chromium code.
  11. I would like my username changed to Nicholas McAnespy to reflect my real name.
  12. @roytam1 In the process of editing my duplicate posts, I accidentally quoted myself instead of editing, so I may as well just use this post to congratulate you on apparently making the rendering engine of your Firefox 38.8.0esr mod compatible with the rendering engine in Pale Moon 27.0.0. Does it still compile using Visual C++ 2010?
  13. That's a fair thing to say. I should also ask: What was so funny in your previous post on this thread?
  14. That request needs made at the appropriate thread -- https://msfn.org/board/topic/71610-you-want-to-change-your-username/
  15. I have found a site that refuses to load properly in firefox. Right now searching for a Toyota Avalon. The same thing happens with Toyota Camry. The vehicles are not loading properly. I thought this was an Extensions issue so I disabled all my Extensions. Same thing happened. Then I tried a completely new profile. Same thing happened. Is this happening to anyone else? https://www.autonationtoyotafortmyers.com/used-inventory/index.htm?make=Toyota&model=Camry&start=54
  16. @roytam1 I think I'll need to stick to Gecko 1.8.x to ensure Windows NT4 support. I still want to see how far I can push Visual C++ 5.0 SP3 though, so I just compiled a snapshot of Mozilla/Gecko 1.9.0a1 source code from April 3rd 2006, which was the final day Firefox 3.0a1 was able to be compiled to run on Windows 9x without modifying the source code.
  17. Edit: It worked that time, so it must be that when I typed the comment on the previous page, it didn't take me directly to my comment on the new page automatically, so I assumed it didn't get my reply when I clicked it.
  18. Sorry everyone, but when I typed my comment, the reply button wasn't working the way it typically does for me, so the last 4 posts need to be deleted.
  19. I believe you should be allowed to have your original account reinstated, even if you really are Tobin. Also, I'm not sure who the moderators on this forum are, but I would like to have my username changed to Nicholas McAnespy to reflect my real name.
  20. Solved! Update to Chromium 126.0.6478.55 "extensions-manifestv2: This patch will be used to deal with the manifestv2 phaseout changes" https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium/pull/2902
  21. No way to get rid of it, I see. A Fight With ETW and NT Kernel Logger https://famellee.wordpress.com/2012/08/17/a-fight-with-etw-and-nt-kernel-logger/
  22. Is it soft or hard decoding? If my GPU supports it fully, will it be used?
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