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  1. Cancelled project... The first part of this post is for historical significance only. This topic is specifically to discuss development of Winternight-Classic (which is an upcoming fork of the Firefox 3.0 codebase, but with support for the deprecated "Windows" GFX toolkit, Visual C++ 6.0, and Windows NT4/9x support included). The purpose of Winternight-Classic is to have a fork of Firefox that is "lightweight", but still supports semi-modern web technologies, and also still supporting Windows NT4/9x and Visual C++ 6.0. Update: After making Firefox compile using Visual C++ 5.0 SP3, having trouble with making RetroZilla (fork of Firefox 2.0) work with Visual C++ 5.0 SP3, and me still not having a working build of Firefox 3.0 using Visual C++ 6.0 and the Windows GFX toolkit (3.0a7 works though, but I can only support Windows 9x, and picture scaling is broken, with 3.0a2 being the last working version for that on the Windows GFX toolkit), it is probably for the best that I stick to Gecko 1.8.x, whether that is 1.8.0 (preferred), or 1.8.1 (what RetroZilla is based on). I personally like the lightweight UI of Firefox 1.5 too. Update 2: I was able to compile a Mozilla/Gecko 1.9.0a1 codebase snapshot from November 2006 using Visual C++ 5.0 SP3. Also, after reverting bug 371434, pictures now display properly in my Windows GFX modded version of Firefox 3.0a7. When I make Firefox 3.0.19 compile using the Windows GFX toolkit, and add Windows 95 compatibility, this project will no longer be marked as cancelled.
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