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  1. Past hour
  2. I haven't change any moz.build in my tree so it is the same as yours i.e. deunified.
  3. Today
  4. As far as I know, Firefox 10 and later run very slowly on Windows 98SE/Me with KernelEx. Do you have a computer with a newer version of Windows to test it on? I think Windows XP SP2 will work with that Firefox 38.8.0esr custom build. @roytam1 Are you using unified C++ sources, or deunified C++ sources.
  5. 1) okay so which OP is smaller with less bloatware? - Home Premium Edition or the Professional Edition or which version is best for an ultra-small HD like 32 gb's on those Asus sticks? 2) and; I see many Dell Reinstall discs with Win 7 that came with a new Dell purchase and when I emailed some of these sellers on eBay some were telling me that the disc will only work with Dell computers, would that be true? 3) Also; since the product key code was already used with the machine during the time of purchase can I use another product key code from my buddy who owns a computer shop and says he has many to give me, will that work? 4) What if I install Tiny 7 and install an OSX into it like Mojave as I don't like the latest OSX's. And then run the Think or Swim platform on the OSX which is really the ultimate and only goal here. I'm reading to avoid OpenCore of Clover hard installs and set up a virtual machine with something called Hypervisors? What do you think of that approach?
  6. Yesterday
  7. First I tried this FF38/TLS1.,3 on my main machine Win ME - KernelEx 25/26 - Kext. Yes, indeed it starts and runs (compat. mode XP). Besides Icecat 38 I have one more FF38 fork working on ME, but of course basically with the same issues as with version 35 I documented. I am curious, because I had tried to start versions 36 - 41 myself for a long time without success. Other tests could follow on a bit different systems. The plugin container can run in the background after close. So I switched it off. It makes sense to disable Javascript (I installed QuickJava), due to its age-related infirmities. It will freeze on many sites, also on this msfn board. FF38 OT.
  8. Well, how about that? I guess it's a recent change on these sites that just started triggering the old bug. But at least now, we have someplace to start looking. So Mozilla must have fixed it somewhere between FFs 53 and 68, and (assuming MyPal 29.3 was based on PM 29.3) it appears MCP incorporated the fix long ago as well; yet somehow the fix still hasn't make it into any of @roytam1's browsers (well, to be fair, no one has tried NM 27 yet). Does that seem reasonable, and does it help us find the issue?
  9. @nicolaasjan consider setting `version.UPDATE_HINT` in your builds to disable `-U` with a custom message.
  10. I completed almost all the steps but I get a "verification file setup" error when trying to run setup.exe
  11. I completed almost all the steps but I get a "verification file setup" error when trying to run setup.exe
  12. XP SP3 on Alderlake N100 cpu, 6 Watt Dietmar Now, this board is full XP SP3 compatible: Sound, Lan, Graphik, COM1, PS/2 combi, Harddisks, USB3, USB2, all works. And it is fast.
  13. There is a build of KMGoanna from 2020 that runs HexGL smoothly on Windows XP when you set both WebGL and webpage compositing to use OpenGL. I've not seen another build like it since. Admittedly, I haven't checked any of 2024 builds yet. Maybe it's old Mozilla bug, but I haven't checked any old Firefox versions. The issue seems to crop up in recent SeaMonkey builds as well, but they've fallen quite behind the Moonchild's crew.
  14. Yesssaaa I succeed to enable CSM mode, even it is not shown in Bios^^ Dietmar PS: Just now I am installing XP SP3 on the ASRock N100DC-ITX. EDIT: After flash of Bios Modd, you always have to clear CMOS with jumper! Here is the Bios for working CSM of the ASRock N100DC-ITX and all the needed EFI tools. No EEPromer is needed! Intel lost this time https://ufile.io/l3w3s78e EDIT2: I install with Firadisk . When you want to see F8, you have to disconnect this USB stick for a second and reconnect. The same is needed for GUI Setup, when you see the running bar, crazy^^..
  15. Is there an explanation on how to install Office 2016 on Windows Vista with Extended Kernel?
  16. That‘s just crazyy. I mean a few years ago I thought 52.9 was our last way to go on Vista and now 125 (73 versions above) works
  17. AVSforum and Wrestlingforum looks OK with MP68, 360Redux and Mypal 29.3 Same problems as Mathwiz and kuja killer with Serpent 52/55, NM28 and Seamonkey 2.49.5 For some reason I've a minor font issue with Supermium/Thorium and MiniBrowser on both sites. BTW, both sites use the same forum software as a lot of other interesting forums. https://fora.com/communities/
  18. Official build of PM 33.0.0 from January 2023 renders this correctly, roytam1's builds from that time do not. So rather than new Googlism it looks more like an old roytam1's bug. One of those that go on for years! Same for wrestlingforum.com.
  19. This problem did not occur in earlier versions of MyPal68. When trying to open the website https://allegro.pl/ there is a request: Confirm you are a human. After accepting this request, a picture is displayed, where you need to move the puzzle to the right place (you can do it) - only after this operation the desired website opens. Can a change of settings in about: config can help here?
  20. Did you specifically try Driver signing bypass dseo13b.exe?
  21. Oh crazy, I still get Write Protected message during AmiSetupWriter 0xCB3 0x0 Hm, this looks, as if the UEFI nvram Write Protect BIT is not only located in Bios Dietmar EDIT: AmiSetupWriter 0xCB3 0x0 gives now answer: Current Setup[0xCB3] is 0x0 Ru.efi tells the same now for the very first time. That means, the variable has indeed changed from 01 ==> 00 via Bios modd. But still the crazy message after this: SetVariable call returned Write Protected. This means: I can change nvram Variables via Bios Modd, but I cant change this Write Protect until now.
  22. This branch is 1256 commits ahead of, 36159 commits behind chromium/chromium:main. What does an average Joe get out of those commits?
  23. Might be hidden beneath the plastic. I'll take a better look when it runs out. I didn't even bother replacing the one in desktop, only removed it when it ran out, every once in a while when I unplug PC during the bad weather, I just put the clock and rest of the BIOS settings back in order afterwards.
  24. I understand. I see that only the installable software is up to date,not the extensions whose development is stopped at 2023. I have a mindset geared toward IT security. I never add third-party softwares for functionality that can be done natively by browsers because the increase of especially third-party code in the system statistically implies an increase that is directly proportional to the vulnerabilities. I also follow the same reasoning for extensions. I use as few extensions as possible.
  25. @reboot12 Here is the original Bios 1.06 file and the modded 1.06 one without Write Protect for the UEFI NVRAM variables for ASRock N100DC-ITX board, Bios Version 1.06 Dietmar https://ufile.io/b28vzhl0 EDIT: Cool, I can flash this Bios without EEPromer. Instant flash tells: Secure fail, but FTP.efi for 128 Bios works from USB stick.
  26. @reboot12 Next search with UEFI Tool. I found those Hex Values in 3(!) different raw files. In each of those raw files exact 1 times: Needs to be checked VERY careful, I search for a sequence of about 300 Bytes each. CEF5B9A3-476D-497F-9FDC-E98143E0422C EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF 77D3DC50-D42B-4916-AC80-8F469035D150 Dietmar
  27. Win10 21H2 was not entirely EOL (only the home & pro editions went EOL in mid-2023 but the enterprise & education editions of 21H2 will go EOL in mid-2024) guess that's why I like using LTSB/C releases (I run ltsc 2019 & ltsc 2021 which have much longer support)
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