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Editing WINNTBBU.DLL For Dummies

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If The Saint or anyone else hasn't figured out something yet, the way I found to see

how my setup screen will look is to save the XP CD as an iso and then mount the image on a virtual drive (created by CloneCD or Alcohol 120%).

From there you should just choose to install XP. (But don't go any further!..........

......Unless you want to)

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I've edited the WINNTBBU.DLL file, compressed it, and replaced it in my I386 directory.

Whenever I launch setup from within windows (which normally never happens), the custom graphics are shown, however when I boot from the CD the default XP screens are used.

Any one know where I've gone wrong?


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  • 3 weeks later...

hey I've started mine

but I don't know why but everything is aligned to right?

I've compared it with the windows's original winntbbu.dll

they look the same!

I've just changed the background picture and the strings after 23?

anyone know how why where when?

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  • 2 weeks later...
The first thing you need before you do anything, is a program that can open up, and examine the innards of the WINNTBBU.DLL. The program i use is

Nice article..but how about the text? I can change the text, but I want to change the color and font...how can that be done?

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Well, I've just about completed my first attempt at doing this (got bored w/ the ones I downloaded.) The problems I'm having are:

1. The text strings don't seem to go in order?????

2. After a while, the strings start to repeat (around 13 min mark.) Is this normal or am I missing some strings?

3. The existing Windows logos look bad on the background I've used. I'll just have to find some others or maybe someone w/ some graphics experience can help.

Here is my winnntbbu.dll so you can see what I have so far. BTW, do you guys just use CTRL+PrtScr to get a screen cap during the install????


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