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Editing WINNTBBU.DLL For Dummies

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OK, coupla more questions for the tech savy guys....

- Has anyone figured out how to change the color of the text in the startup screen?

- Has anyone figured out a way to remove the progress bar and the text that goes with it (i.e. "Setup will take approximately 39 minutes")?

Heres what i've got so far. i would like to change the text to a green and remove the status bar crap.


I really wish I could use some sort of animated .gif or something to have the matrix text scroll. :)


i'm adding Neos converstion with the architect so i updated the picture.

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once you run makecab winntbbu.dll is there a way to open the cab file winntbbu.dl_

resouce tuner says it cant open it and i deleted the original edited winntbbu.dll

You will have to expand it again to edit the dll

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once you run makecab winntbbu.dll is there a way to open the cab file winntbbu.dl_

resouce tuner says it cant open it and i deleted the original edited winntbbu.dll

You will have to expand it again to edit the dll

how do you expand it?

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Hi Guys,

I have just completed modifying the winntbbu.dll following b0r3d's guide and when I run setup I get the old setup screen.

FYI This is what I did.

Using a new folder with an original copy of winntbbu.dll I followed the guide through using resourcetuner.

I then saved the winntbbu.dll to the new folder.

I then ran cmd and used makecab to compress the winntbbu.dll into winntbbu.dl_

I then copied the new winntbbu.dl_ file into the I386 folder and it asked to overwrite the old one and I said yes.

I then ran setup.exe and the setup screen was still the original one.

In the guide it says not to overwrite the winntbbu.dll.

I thought what the heck and overwrote it using the new winntbbu.dll file.

I then ran setup again and this time the setup screen was the new one.

This I don't get, the guide says not to overwrite the winntbbu.dll and I did and it worked

Can someone please explain if this is right or did I stuff something up.



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I think when you do a setup straight from the CD you will use the winntbu.dll file. But when you boot from the CD it will uncompress the winntbu.dl_ and use that. Thats why you did not see the tweaked screen at first.

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How do I change the resolution of the setup screen? I edited my setup screen and it worked but it is only displayed at 640x400 or 800x600 not sure which one but def not 1024x768.....

I set bitmap 103 with a 256 colors 1024x768.....

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How do I change the resolution of the setup screen? I edited my setup screen and it worked but it is only displayed at 640x400 or 800x600 not sure which one but def not 1024x768.....

I set bitmap 103 with a 256 colors 1024x768.....

you need to have a relatively good match for your graphics drivers on your CD. If you dont, windows will use its standard driver which may not work well with your card, forcing it into a lower resolution.

Try getting the latests ones for your card, unpack them, throw them on your CD, and add the location to your winnt.sif file.

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That would make sense but I always thought that the driver was installed during the "Installing Devices" phase so for 5 mins I would see a screen that was low resolution. Anyway I have a Geforce 3 ti200 and when it installed the driver 45.33 it still uses low resolution.

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