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Howto: Heavy slimmed down XP WITH functionality

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Posted (edited)

dirtwarrior, you've made a spelling mistake in cleanuo.cmd which it should be cleanup.cmd :yes:

As for cmdlines.txt

You typed:

"REGEDIT /S regsettings.reg"

It should be:

"REGEDIT /S RegTweaks.reg"

Where is the RunOnceEx.cmd file? :}

Edited by Cybertronic
Posted (edited)

Thanks I am a slow learner :blushing: but I make up for it by trying hard :whistle:

ok wrere should I put the runonce.ex?

question: what kind of stuff goes into runonce?

is inf right?

Edited by dirtwarrior
Posted (edited)
Fridge, I think you should just remove those "clint" referenses...it confuses ppl I think....only generates more questions.

"my regtweaks, to be used at T12 just like clints, with the $OEM folder way"  ...for example.

..there was a guy asked what clints is...hehe!

just keep my name out of it...only confusing for the poor newcomers with "clint this" and "clints that"...wasnt ment to be used like this anyway..

just wnna give u some credit here n there :P but allrighty, will make everything look like I did it :P will remake start post tommorow, it now looks like a testing cleanup post, it will be an how to make a nLite with cleanup :)

If you want to stop services, not just disabling them using the Registry method

create a new command file and use this :

net stop "Automatic Updates"

net stop "Computer Browser"


net stop "Remote Access Auto Connection Manager"

net stop "SSDP Discovery Service"


that way you can remove files related to those services without rebooting, I think

-not tested yet if it works during windows installation phase

then ofcourse u have to keep net.exe cause otherwise u cant do that :)

Edited by Fridge-RaideR


see my folder I posted? I made corrections to it already. Is something supposed to go in runonce? If so what and where. Sorry for dum questions but I am trying to teach myself


fridge, what are these files for?


Posted (edited)

any movers or deleters with this fridge or gdogg

oh Cybertronic the runonce commands what are they and where should they go

can someone look at this and see if it will work?


@ECHO off

cmdow @ /HID

@echo off

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Cleaning Up: Moving files" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\cleanup.bat.cmd" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "Cleaning Up: Deleteting Absolete Folders" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\delete.directory.cmd" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\003 /VE /D "Cleaning Up: Finishing" /f

Edited by dirtwarrior

see my folder I posted? I made corrections to it already. Is something supposed to go in runonce? If so what and where. Sorry for dum questions but I am trying to teach myself

I just use cmdlines.txt and in there I call regtweaks.reg. and my cleanupfile.. I just launch it manually :)

fridge, what are these files for?


dont know exactly...codepages for various fonts and stuff, anyway some websites get messed up if u delete them


yeh i must agree about those codepage files

3dgameman.com was the frist site to mess up when i removed some of those in the past

but, thanks fridge-raider, ive gotten pretty close to what im looking for, great work, i'd also like to thank nuhi, jeremy and clint


ive encountered i like bit of a problem,

i did the cleanup and the tweaks, and nlite just as you have, (except kept a bit more)

now when testing, i cannot get outpost pro firewall nor sygate firewall nor any other one i downloaded to work

im gonna try without the tweaks, and cleanup, to see if this helps at all

any ideas?

All of this was done a long time ago by others.  http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=80511

Sir Isaac Newton's Phrase, "Standing on the shoulders of giants", springs to mind.

So..? :wacko:

I do not think this is that well done but still offers a lot more than those "giants" did..., a guided setup that includes more than just "this you can delete and this not".

..phuii, this "sandbox" mentality is taking its toll... :}


The point being that that it is not as original as people, on this forum, would have you believe. I was once a devotee of this forum (nLite), but no longer. Everytime I used nLite it went wrong but, since using the methods of the master - http://www.bold-fortune.com/forums/index.php?showforum=13

I've had a perfectly functioning machine. You lot need to stop congratulating yourselves so much - the wheel was invented a long time ago...but not by you. :no:

The point being that that it is not as original as people, on this forum, would have you believe. I was once a devotee of this forum (nLite), but no longer. Everytime I used nLite it went wrong but, since using the methods of the master - http://www.bold-fortune.com/forums/index.php?showforum=13

I've had a perfectly functioning machine. You lot need to stop congratulating yourselves so much - the wheel was invented a long time ago...but not by you. :no:

"the master"..that is almost as scary as the sometimes fanatic Nlite fans here.. :lol:

Windows was actually invented by a bunch of much more clever engineers than we sorry a** bunch here..(and other forums).

We are merely just tearing it apart....the credit goes to BG himself.... :thumbup

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