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WMP10 Slipstreamer Version 1.1

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To have the full functionality of the mp3 play and rip without installing another codec you can try..

Use the l3codecp.acm codec from wmp10 (not renamed or cabbed), and add it to $OEM$\$$\System32\ on your XPCD ... windows setup should take care of the copy over to your install.

Add this to the registry through your regtweaks:


This is the orig entry that WMP10 adds to the registry ...

This way it's not breaking the the way the original mp3 playback works and your only supplying the actual file and reg entry that would be there if you installed WMP10 for mp3 ripping/playback the way it was intended.

I've tried this more then once from a fresh install from my xpcd on VMWare and it works fine so far.

Back to the usb side for the player.. I checked that url out bucketbuster, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. All the files and entries to get the usb part of the WMP10 are there in WMP10installer, just need to find out what is required for reg to make it work correctly , almost got it licked , Will post when/if I get it worked out

I'm definately not going to worry about the Online Stores part of the player.

In the meantime I think I'll just stick with the nonslipstream method of installing WMP10.

I'll use nLite to rip WMP9 and select keep compatability then add WMP10 setup from RunOnceEx.cmd at first logon. At least it should give full functionality of the player for the trade off of time/space.

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Why aren't you just adding txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf entries for the new files. XP should "recognize" them at that point. Otherwise, you might have to register some of the DLLs as well. You can have wmp.inf do it (it's already going to be unsigned anyway).

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Why aren't you just adding txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf entries for the new files. XP should "recognize" them at that point. Otherwise, you might have to register some of the DLLs as well. You can have wmp.inf do it (it's already going to be unsigned anyway).

Because I really wouldn't know how or where to add those entries :blushing:

And this method is working fine for me.

XP install without any errors.

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If you would like MP3 ripping to be added to Bashrats method of slipstreaming then you could try doing this.

1) Edit bashrats WMP10_Slipstreamer_V11.cmd and add


2) Then edit the DOSNET.SIF file that's in your xpcd\I386 folder. Under the second [Files] section add


3) Then edit the TXTSETUP.SIF file that's in your xpcd\I386 folder. Under the [sourceDisksFiles] section add

l3codecp.acm   =100,,,,,,,2,0,0

4) Then edit the wmp.in_ file that's in your xpcd\I386 folder. Extract wmp.ini out of the cab , under the [installWMP7] append to the end of the line in AddReg secection

, Fraunhofer.Reg

Then add futher down in the wmp.ini add this new section

HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "LowRate", 0x00010001, 128000
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "MediumRate", 0x00010001, 192000
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "MediumHighRate", 0x00010001, 256000
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "HighRate", 0x00010001, 320000
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "PreferredCodecName", , "mp3"
HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\MP3Encoding", "PreferredCodecPath", , "%11%\l3codecp.acm"

Then cab the wmp.inf file and drop it back into the I386 directory on your xpcd.

5) follow the normal procedure and run your edited WMP10_Slipstreamer_V11.cmd

Tried and tested fine for me.

Thanks for pointing that out RyanVM.

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@ RyanVM

For me to have l3codecp.acm added to my windows\system32 installed directory I could just add


to DOSNET.INF under the [Files] section and then add

l3codecp.acm   =100,,,,,,,2,0,0

in the TEXTSETUP.SIF under [sourceDisksFiles] section , then just add the l3codecp.ac_ file in the I386 directory of my xpcd?

Sorry for dumba$$ q's , but I'm new to moddifying windows setups (as if it doesn't show)

I gather ppl that know/understand the windows setup will be rolling their eyes about now and saying "sheesh this n00b knows nothing"

Edit: disregaurd the question ...

Tested it this way and it works.

Future note for myself ... Try things first , then when fails ask dumba$$ questions  :blushing:

It would be nice if this could be done automatically. :D

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I'm frustrated. I've been trying to make a good CD/DVD for over 24 hours with NO luck. I'm following the directions to a TEE.....Doesn't work.......

OK...what is wrong with my procedure.

Copying SP2 contents to folder C:\UWXP.

Run Nlite and apply RVMUpdatePack1.2.1Full.cab.

Run all the driver slipstream using option 2. No errors.

Follow the WMP10 slipstream procedure.

Create image file...burn with Nero.

Disk works until first reboot of XP installation...DOS box opens and driver insertion passes for a handful of drivers and then they all start failing. I don't think they will work if they fail.....so I stop the process.

Throw CD in trash........

I can read......am following instructions to a TEE.

I think the mediaplayer SS is causing the problems. Gonna try without MP10.

Anybody got an answer?

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Disk works until first reboot...DOS box opens and driver insertion passes for a handful of drivers and then they all start failing.
What exactly goes wrong?

Error, BSOD, please provide us with some more details.

Throw CD in trash........

A piece of advise: use CD-RW next time

second advise: Chill-out :P


And of course: Welcome to MSFN!! :hello:

Edited by erik_demon
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Setup cannot set the required configuration...blah blah blah....

This is after slipstreaming Ryan's update (which works fine) and then adding the MP10 slipstream on a XP-Pro SP2 CD.

Everything is fine without the MP10 slipstream.........

So...back to the drawing board....your scripts don't work.

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