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WMP10 Slipstreamer Version 1.1

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Testing in a few minutes...

--> But, I have another question here, It seems that BTS Script does integrate the WMP10 files but they are not protected by WFP like when you install them from MP10Setup.exe..

---> How can I get the WMP10 files (that are slipstreamed into Windows XP installation source), to be recognized by Windows File Protection and protected like the rest of the system files...??

-----> I would like to see that in 1.2..

--> Would the process be as simple as copying all the .CAT files from MP10Setup.exe to the SVCPACK folder (which, if you are using RyanVM's pack is specified as an [OptionalSrcDir] in DOSNET.INF) in the distribution source...

--> But since not all files are copied from MP10Setup.exe, could someone tell me which .CAT files...?? or is the entire theory impossible...

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Thank You Vid0 for that useful info , worked great for me :D

Onto something else....

I find it whack that WMP10 rips mp3 with l3codecp.acm (newer codec) and plays those same ripped tracks with l3codeca.acm (older codec) :blink:

I thought the reason it would have done this is because the same codec wouldn't be able to play mp3 music that's already ripped and rip music into mp3 at the same time , but this is not the case.

Does this even when installed from the original ms wmp10install on my unedited , unupdated XP pc.

Yet you can rename the newer codec (l3codecp.acm from WMP10 install) to l3codeca.acm, cab it up and drop it in I386 folder overwriting the old and add to the registry:


It makes WMP10 play mp3's with the newer codec and it adds the mp3 ripping back after slipstreaming. Im not sure if the playback with the newer codec offers any advantage/disadvantage. The only reason the mp3 ripping functionality doesn't show is because of the missing Settings\MP3Encoding section in the registry. Even if you put the correct reg entries in , then there's the prob of no l3codecp.acm when slipstreamed with bashrats slipstreamer , hence the rename of the l3codecp.acm ,cab and overwrite .

The part I haven't worked out is, what's the best way to add this to the registry of my XPCD?

Sorry if some1 has mentioned this before or no1 cares but I did have a fair look arround before posting.

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Windows Media Player 10 updated to

Includes hotfix:


-http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=893240 (thanks to Getchu)


Includes all the files that are left after using Bashrat's slipstreamer + above mentioned hotfixes and l3codecp.acm (from WMP10).

Also I included the necessary registry-entry to activate l3codecp.acm in WMP10 (thanks to smashly).


-Put the files inside I386 into "XPCD"\I386 overwriting the existing ones.

-You must manually editI386\HIVEDEF.INF file (taken from Bashrat's batch):

Add the following line under the section [AddReg]:



Use the l3codecp.acm codec from wmp10 (not renamed or cabbed), and add it to $OEM$\$$\System32\ on your XPCD ... windows setup should take care of the copy over to your install.

-Put the info from wmp10mp3encoding.reg into your regtweaks.reg




Mp3-ripping support in WMP10 and mp3-playback now should work.

Thanks to smashly.


I also included the playlist files; maybe someone needs them or can figure out how to make XP recognize them.

Edited by bucketbuster
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just fyi, there are extra files in this pack, like the play lists and such that are NOT even recognized by windows when it installs so adding them will do nothing (the files just take up cd space since windows doesnt even know they are there) unless you edit the setup file entries, this is also why you must NOT remove wmp with nlite. so... you can delete them.

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just fyi, there are extra files in this pack, like the play lists and such that are NOT even recognized by windows when it installs so adding them will do nothing (the files just take up cd space since windows doesnt even know they are there) unless you edit the setup file entries, this is also why you must NOT remove wmp with nlite. so... you can delete them.

I don't remove WMP9 with nLite, so the files should be recognized.

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Now all I want is the USB functionality .....

Back to monitoring installs


Nice job bucketbuster , but did you try it out first , the mp3's can be ripped , but not played back ... my error :blushing: , I didn't think anyone would go ahead and pack up a file without trying it out or others reporting how they went.

I've only just finished installing a xpcd I made and discovered it's one or the other rip or play.

Strange , when I tried the l3codec rename and adding the reg entry in the registry in VMWare it all worked great , but trying a clean install with it done it doesn't do the same thing. Back to the drawing board.

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Now all I want is the USB functionality .....

Back to monitoring installs


Nice job bucketbuster , but did you try it out first , the mp3's can be ripped , but not played back ... my error  :blushing: 

I haven't tested it myself, but that is exactly what I wanted.

I only use WMP10 to rip cd's to mp3 for my portable mp3-player.

Because WMP10's mp3-ripper is one of the fastest and best around.

Only recently had first place in a test done by the German Computermagazine "Computerbild"

I use winamp to play mp3's.

Maybe the mp3 playback/rip error can be fixed by using another codec?

Maybe Lame?

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I don't remove WMP9 with nLite, so the files should be recognized.

still the play list files are not recognized by windows setup.

I just did a test using the latest nLite.

I removed EVERYTHING except WMP9 and 6.4

And it seems that those playlist files are removed with another component.

They are the only files from my updated WMP10-pack that aren't in I386 anymore.

ALL the other files from the pack ARE there.

They only take about 8KB space on the CD.

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