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I've abandoned this already for here at work.  It is extremely advantageous for all users to have alternatives (especially the "pre-10" folks).

But for Win10, I cannot bring myself to using anything Mozilla-based.  Everyone is going to have their own pros and cons, of course.

The Turbo Launcher seems to work (missing some menu on/off buttons but did not track down root cause) even for Chromium-based, but still "not for me" and I prefer the *regular ol' YouTube* with my regular ol' YouTube fixes.

We can definitely ALL AGREE that YouTube without any fixes or extensions or user scripts or user styles is garbage, lol.

  On 9/30/2024 at 6:22 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I'm a bit confused (until I have more time to dig deeper).  It appears that this very simple Turbo Launcher does the same EXACT thing as the MILE LONG VORAPIS SCRIPT.

Why would ANYONE use the MILE LONG version if this does the same exact thing?


Surely it simply leads to the same MILE LONG script?

 turbo_launcher.gcc.url = "https://vorapis.pages.dev/product/v3/game_service/patcher/get_latest_client";




Thanks, good catch.  I posted that during my morning breakfast-time just before leaving for work.

That's actually another reason for me to *NOT* want to use this as a default config.  I want my tweaks and edits "locally owned and operated".


I hear ya.  YouTube has been on a TERROR for the last six months or so in regards to not allowing ad-blockers.

I've changed combinations of extensions three or four times this year all on account of YouTube ads.

I can only laugh at myself because until I became an MSFN member, I was never a YouTube user.

I used to burn my own cd's, upload to Dropbox or Google Drive, and play those at work.

Nowadays, I do use YouTube - and yeah, it's like a "second job" just to keep up with tweaking it, lol.

My config plays YouTube AD-FREE !!!  And yeah, "Hello YouTube, if you are listening", IT WILL STAY THAT WAY !!!  :ph34r:    "Challenge Accepted!"

Posted (edited)
  On 9/30/2024 at 6:22 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I'm a bit confused (until I have more time to dig deeper).  It appears that this very simple Turbo Launcher does the same EXACT thing as the MILE LONG VORAPIS SCRIPT.

Why would ANYONE use the MILE LONG version if this does the same exact thing?


When using the TURBOLAUNCHER script, you are automatically using the "long", full version of the VORAPIS V3 userscript. The TURBOLAUNCHER script is a launcher which processes and launches the actual VORAPIS V3 userscript. The advantage is for example the processing which is first done before finally loading the complete script for execution in the browser. That's why @UCyborg could execute the replaceALL command before then using this modified version of the userscript locally. So in the end, you are always using the script Vorapis.user.js, only in different variants depending on the code inside the launcher script. Another advantage is that you are always using the most recent version of the VORAPIS V3 userscript without the need to manually modify it. As long as the browser or the userscript have not been fixed, the modified TURBOLAUNCHER userscript is currently the best option for using the VORAPIS V3 frontend in UXP browsers in terms of the already reported issues.

Edited by AstroSkipper
Update of content

<OT but since YT is hot topic at moment>

Does anyone know of a script that REPEATS the same play list over and over?

If there are 10 songs in the list, go back to "track 1" after "track 10" is played INSTEAD OF YouTube going to the "next" playlist?


Another bug with mailnews is there's no way to add or delete anything from the outgoing server because the interface won't open. Even tried with a new profile so it's something inside the program.

  On 9/30/2024 at 1:35 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

<OT but since YT is hot topic at moment>

Does anyone know of a script that REPEATS the same play list over and over?

If there are 10 songs in the list, go back to "track 1" after "track 10" is played INSTEAD OF YouTube going to the "next" playlist?


Not tested by me: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/454587-youtube-always-loop-playlists

  On 9/30/2024 at 5:27 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I discovered that this feature ALREADY EXISTS and it is already toggleable via this button


Yep! But this toggle button does not work on playlists in New Moon 28 when using the VORAPIS V3 frontend. At least not for me. Whether it works in the original YT interface, I can't say as this modern interface is totally unusable on my Windows XP computer.

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