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Posted (edited)

I don't pretend to know how Microsoft implements telemetry (and I'm not sure what @aviv00 meant by saying he "added only dns dhcp and firefox". I just know Microsoft has publicly stated that Windows has a keylogger and other telemetry tools. My suspicion is that this is not a constant network exchange between a user's PC and MS but, rather, takes place, periodically, during OS updates or other network communications such as the Cortana, Edge browser, WMP and other Microsoft software that require network access. I have uninstalled those culprits but still, even before, I log on, I can sometimes see activity over my NIC that I am not initiating and that my LAN is not triggering. Like I said, when I see a connection I don't want, I try to shut it down. I've got my PC much quieter than right after my clean install but there's still work to be done. As I said in my earlier post the files svchost.exe, winint.exe, dashost.exe and ntoskrnl.exe maintain near constant network connections, although for the most part, now, it's mostly with other LAN deivices such as printer's etc.  @NotHereToPlayGames, attached are my 49 deactivated services, your mileage may vary.


Edited by BYTE-ME

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, BYTE-ME said:

added only dns dhcp and firefox

added rules to allow them to go outside to network \ internet

as u can see everything is block if there no explicit rule that allow them


Edited by aviv00
Posted (edited)

@aviv00. I don't doubt your screen shot. But I would suggest you check your router's logs as well and/or install Wireshark to track actual bytes going in and out of your network. This 2016 article suggests Windows 10 sends data every 15 minutes to transmit the contents of %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Diagnosis folder but that may have changed since the article was published.

. . .PS, apparently the %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Diagnosis folder can be deleted:cheerleader:! So I've written an Autoit script to do that and crearted a scheduled task that executes every 15 minutes! No harmful effects, so far. Wow, I'm sure MS is going to close that hole. But victory for now...


Edited by BYTE-ME
On 11/21/2021 at 12:30 PM, aviv00 said:

"that thing allows SYSTEM processes and KERNEL to access net without giving you option to block"

u sure about that ? any link for more info about


yes, i use older ver, and it doesn't allow me to block system files like kernel, svchost and such...

tho i use win7 so i'm not worried, but we talk about 11 now so ... ...
and win firewall control depends on win firewal ...

AFAIK only "tiny wall" is independant/stand alone


Well, there goes any chance of me trying to upgrade to Windows 11....

I also have still resisted the upgrade to Windows 10, and still use a combination of XP, 7 and 8.1 for anything I can't do with macOS, which isn't much nowadays, to be honest).

XP and 7 may be out of support and "unsecure" by modern standards, but I like how they work (especially XP), and locking them down so that they're relatively safe isn't that hard to do.  The only notable obstacle, I've found, is finding hardware they'll actually boot on (VMs are okay for light stuff, like testing software and such, but there is no substitute for real hardware if I want to do anything more resource intensive).

That being said, any Windows before 10 will someday no longer be viable for any modern purpose, so I'll have to just give up on Windows altogether when that happens.  At this point, I'm already mostly using macOS anyway, so fortunately, it won't hurt much, though I have similar qualms about Apple too (while they're not nearly as bad as MS (indeed, of all the major Tech companies (MS, Google, Facebook, etc) Apple is actually among the least offensive and most privacy sensitive ones), I nevertheless don't trust them 100%, if only because they're so big).

I'll keep watching from the sidelines, but I don't think I'll be doing anything but experimentation on an unimportant backup machine or VM, if I do decide to try Windows 11.



My first Impressions was that it was just Windows 10 with a new ui, but I couldn't really stay with it for very long because the performance on my Ryzen 5 2600x was crippled 

36 minutes ago, TylerTT said:

because the performance on my Ryzen 5 2600x was crippled 

I had same issue on my lab setup also running ryzen. Microsoft did release patch but when I installed it same issue still. I experienced high cpu usage and slowdowns that did not exist win10. It was known issue according MS and maybe there is patch but for me going to buggy beta software is not worth it. At the end what super impressive to end user MS has brought after win7? For me only recisting more freedom and control over my OS (That actually started on windows 98)


All I can say is that here we go again.

Lot of people around me keep saying they will never ever go to Windows 11 from Windows 10 and will boycott Microsoft for bad decisions. Same people said that they wont go to Windows 10 from Windows 8 or 7 and guess what OS they use now? Windows 10. I bet in few months most of them are running Windows 11 only.

Why do everyone say things they wont stand behind? I am not saying that just give up and go all to Windows 11 and all other M$ products and give them thousands of euros, rather stick on your words or make more realistic plan like I will only use Windows 11 where I really have to and will prefer have main system with older version of Windows or go to linux like me. Currently got two Windows 8+ system I use. One is workplace laptop with Windows 10 and second is my LAB system running Windows 11 for testing purposes and it is located on isolated network that is behind separate IP and wont have access to my personal network. Currently that lab system is running Linux though.

And if someone want use Windows 11 that is fine too but my point is don't say things you wont mean. I just wonder how much more consumers are able to stand? I guess they would even be fine mandatory for retina scan every time they want use their PC (facial scan exist already called Windows Hello but that is not forced for now) and even if machine would lock them out after they were looking wrong information like what is wrong with this system.

Posted (edited)
On 11/29/2021 at 9:15 PM, cc333 said:

That being said, any Windows before 10 will someday no longer be viable for any modern purpose, so I'll have to just give up on Windows altogether when that happens.  At this point, I'm already mostly using macOS anyway, so fortunately, it won't hurt much, though I have similar qualms about Apple too (while they're not nearly as bad as MS (indeed, of all the major Tech companies (MS, Google, Facebook, etc) Apple is actually among the least offensive and most privacy sensitive ones), I nevertheless don't trust them 100%, if only because they're so big).

for me google vs apple vs Microsoft is same s*** with different as*****. Apple privacy thing is straight out lie to attract consumers. Apple made their tracking blocking thing to have ad monopoly that would force every ad company pay them for data. Also apple super privacy respecting setup requires you to activate device on apple servers. Also Apple uses privacy as excuse to make side loading of apps in Macos hard/Make it impossible on iOS and in name of security they try block you from maintaining your own devices.

So they are no different than other violators and it is totally foolish to believe that publicly traded company would care from your privacy and would not sell your data to get more earnings for shareholders. Thing is that these days privacy is best marketing term for anything.

Last time I saw honest company was Google around 2010 when their CEO said that if you do not want them to see your files do not upload files to their service and that is redpill many are not ready to swallow even today because they are not comfortable with fact that no company cares from your rights or privacy and only want to lure you believe so.


I assume I will get plenty of "look this research or whitepaper that proves your FUD wrong" like always when I question their precious companies (not talking from you rather that diehard part)

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
On 12/9/2021 at 5:51 PM, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

All I can say is that here we go again.

Lot of people around me keep saying they will never ever go to Windows 11 from Windows 10 and will boycott Microsoft for bad decisions. Same people said that they wont go to Windows 10 from Windows 8 or 7 and guess what OS they use now? Windows 10. I bet in few months most of them are running Windows 11 only.

Why do everyone say things they wont stand behind?


And if someone want use Windows 11 that is fine too but my point is don't say things you wont mean.

well thats problem with people around you then :P

On 12/4/2021 at 10:29 PM, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

It was known issue according MS and maybe there is patch but for me going to buggy beta software is not worth it.


On 12/4/2021 at 10:29 PM, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

At the end what super impressive to end user MS has brought after win7?

For me, the most important change with Win10 kernel was paging algorithm. Vista - 8.1 are just way too aggressive when it comes to swapping junk to disk. I've noticed it in smaller degree on XP, but I haven't really abused XP and predecessors as much. Nothing's more infuriating than having free RAM and OS insisting on using disk.

15 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Maybe I should have had stated it as without huge bugs. At point I was testing it there there was performance bug on Ryzen cpu and Windows 11 and that made me mad since lab system had ryzen. I know there is nothing bug free but if bug causes me major headache it is unacceptable.

15 hours ago, UCyborg said:

For me, the most important change with Win10 kernel was paging algorithm. Vista - 8.1 are just way too aggressive when it comes to swapping junk to disk. I've noticed it in smaller degree on XP, but I haven't really abused XP and predecessors as much. Nothing's more infuriating than having free RAM and OS insisting on using disk.

Yeah there is small things under the hood but I cant see any huge deal-breaker reasons to upgrade on my personal system. If it fixes someone bug good, but for me it is another 200-300 euros waste so no thanks.

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I know there is nothing bug free but if bug causes me major headache it is unacceptable.

Don't get me started on the program I deal with for the living. :D

On topic, these bugs with newer hardware are intriguing. You'd think we're long past hardware specific quirks in 2021.

12 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

If it fixes someone bug good, but for me it is another 200-300 euros waste so no thanks.

Understandable. It'd be a whole lot better deal if they weren't dead set on ruining the shell (and other questionable things, but I think enough was already said on these forum).

BTW, there's a hack to get legitimate licenses for some of their software for free...being an IT student.

Edited by UCyborg
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, UCyborg said:

On topic, these bugs with newer hardware are intriguing. You'd think we're long past hardware specific quirks in 2021

worst there have been were in lenovo that caused grub to ruin uefi firmware rendering laptops unbootable.

11 hours ago, UCyborg said:

BTW, there's a hack to get legitimate licenses for some of their software for free...being an IT student.

Back when I was in college I had MSDN access where could download LAB keys and ISO files for certain amount per year. It was how I was able learn use Windows editions and many of their programs. Actually some of my licenced operating systems uses those keys and iso files still

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
  • 3 weeks later...

I have to admit my first impressions of Windows 11 are a result of a customer recently buying a new computer and coming to me after having problems after upgrading to Windows 11...

I have no test version of this OS because the only computer I have that can upgrade to Windows 11 is my customer work computer and I point blank refuse to upgrade this computer with another pile of crap from Windows until I have to....

Yes...it makes it hard for me to test Windows 11 which does worry me a bit...

Anyway....customer came with Windows 11 and I have to say it is more illogical than ever!! I had a hard time finding things and many of the normal functions "right click" were not available in certain areas.....

I just got frustrated with searching for stuff and she asked me to reset it to Windows 10.....YES...probably the only time I will ever be elated about Windows 10....lol

Microsoft couldn't even fix the return to Windows 10 without messing up a lot of settings etc....

I fixed the problems and advise her not to upgrade for at least a year....pointed out that Windows 10 has support until 2025 and that was good enough for her.....

After doing a search online - I find that more often than not people are returning to Windows 10 because they just couldn't get on with Windows 11....




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