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Share your Microsoft Windows Vista Experience!


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On 2/1/2021 at 10:09 PM, Win10-Hater said:

@VistaEX Why are you switching OSes every now and then? If you like Vista, stay with Vista.


Yes, there is this free utility named USB Disk Eject that does the job very well. Notifications are displayed as balloon tooltips.

This Tool Sounds Interesting i will have to try it and see if it works for me also im still on vista

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On 11/17/2020 at 10:44 PM, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I got Vista Ultimate x64 running on old dell M6400 mobile workstation.


Core2duo X9100,2x4gb ddr3, 

For hard drives got 160gb wd scorpio black for OS and 320gb wd scorpio blue for games/software.


I think you could do a little better than this. You can put 16 gigs of DDR2 RAM, a Core 2 Quad Extreme qx9300 or at least a C2Q q9000. Also, an SSD would really help.

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On 2/15/2021 at 9:05 AM, yoltboy01 said:

Further examples for messed up Vista- support are:

-> Office 2013/365

-> Movie Maker 2012

-> Skype

-> OneDrive

-> .. go on

Okay, I understand fully that you need Office 2013+, but not me. When my Office 2010 becomes completely obsolete (which is certainly not going to happen in the next 5 years), I will embrace LibreOffice and will never touch newer versions of MS Office.

Who needs Movie Maker when there is Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, etc.etc.? It's too basic.

OneDrive can be used in a web browser. 

Other than that, I agree, MS messed up Vista support for apps and made sure to frighten many legacy Windows users, but we at MSFN have not fallen prey to their intimidation techniques.

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my laptop: e6430 dell laptop from 2012

my specs: intel(r) hd graphics 4000 intel(r) core(tm) i5-3320m cpu @ 2.60ghz  intel(r) centrino(r) advanced-n 6205

my experience with vista has been awesome! it does every thing so fast and smooth and does what i want it to do and not what microsoft wants it to do so i give it a 10/10 experience!

(Edit: oh and i also like that it has 0 telemetry!)

Edited by VistaEX
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On 2/18/2021 at 6:04 PM, PugLover13 said:

I'm using Vista because it was the first OS I ever used and I really like it. I have to dualboot with 7 though, because I need modern software compatibility.

When did you use it first time ever? Just curious.

On 2/21/2021 at 2:21 PM, smr15 said:

After I learned about how vista had gotten quite the bad reputation for it's apparent "instabilities", I did a bit more research into vista, then I tried vista, and loved it. Shortly after that I stopped caring about vista because I was really big into trying to obtain copies of Windows 7 and such. Fast forward to about late last year and I discover a few videos about some people trying vista in 2020. Didn't really care until I discovered WinClient5270 and his guide about how to make vista safe to use in the modern era. Then I forgot about vista for a bit again until I started downgrading my laptop a bit, then I asked myself this question; "Can I use vista on this thing?" I started doing a bit more research into all my drivers and seeing if they would work with vista. Then after doing that I installed vista.

So far my experience has been quite nice! Despite the fact that some drivers were a pain in the a** to install i'm quite enjoying vista. I'm not planning to move operating systems for a while because vista is my new home. :D

Nice to know, I was also not very much into computers until last year, when I first used Vista.

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On 3/24/2021 at 7:36 AM, Win10-Hater said:

I think you could do a little better than this. You can put 16 gigs of DDR2 RAM, a Core 2 Quad Extreme qx9300 or at least a C2Q q9000. Also, an SSD would really help.

Been on plan. Just have not had lot time upgrade it

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/24/2021 at 12:01 PM, VistaEX said:

my laptop: e6430 dell laptop from 2012

my specs: intel(r) hd graphics 4000 intel(r) core(tm) i5-3320m cpu @ 2.60ghz  intel(r) centrino(r) advanced-n 6205

my experience with vista has been awesome! it does every thing so fast and smooth and does what i want it to do and not what microsoft wants it to do so i give it a 10/10 experience!

(Edit: oh and i also like that it has 0 telemetry!)

And a few weeks later, you switch to Windoze 10 (HOME EDITION!) after saying that Vista always goes corrupt on your PC. I think your HDD may be bad. upgrade it to an SSD and put Vista on it and see the difference. Vista hates bad HDDs, whichever the brand.

SSDs are becoming increasingly cheap nowadays, so why not upgrade?

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43 minutes ago, Win10-Hater said:

SSDs are becoming increasingly cheap nowadays, so why not upgrade?

Well they were till the last month in the czech republic. Now you can't even find wd green for under 100 bucks. Don't really know what is happening

Edit: they are few other brands that sill offers good prices though :D I just found out. so if you are able to find ssd for good price, definitely get rid of that hdd

Edited by Jaguarek62
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5 hours ago, Win10-Hater said:

And a few weeks later, you switch to Windoze 10 (HOME EDITION!) after saying that Vista always goes corrupt on your PC. I think your HDD may be bad. upgrade it to an SSD and put Vista on it and see the difference. Vista hates bad HDDs, whichever the brand.

SSDs are becoming increasingly cheap nowadays, so why not upgrade?

im also thinking of replacing the main board with the mainboard that has the nvidia graphics card on it

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/15/2021 at 12:35 AM, yoltboy01 said:

Me gustó mucho Vista, ya que es día de lanzamiento, sin embargo creo que desde el lanzamiento de Windows 7, Microsoft se metió totalmente con Vista y lo trató como una mierda. Lo mismo ocurre con Server 2008 R1. Es una pena que IE9 (2011) sea la última versión de IE disponible en ambos, especialmente desde que decidieron extender el soporte hasta 2023. IE9 es totalmente inútil para el trabajo privado y empresarial desde hace al menos 5 años: no hay YouTube, no hay Office en línea, ni siquiera la página de inicio de Google se muestra en su diseño moderno. ¿Cómo creen que las empresas se beneficiarán de su oferta de soporte extendido, cuando IE9 es el último "gran navegador" que todavía se parchea. Firefox 52.9/Chrome 49 no son soluciones en 2020/2021. Están parcheando a un dinosaurio, que no se hará más joven a través de los parches. Lo arruinaron totalmente. Lo que podrían haber hecho (ya que Vista podría soportarlo) fue lanzar AL MENOS IE10 a Vista /Server 2008, ya que su rendimiento html5 es mucho mejor que el de IE9. Hoy en día, cada navegador que obtiene una puntuación inferior a 250 puntos HTML5 ya no se puede usar para navegar por la web con fluidez. Tampoco deberían haberse detenido con el desarrollo de IE en general. Debería haber habido un IE12 junto con Windows 10, pero esa es otra historia. Volviendo a vista, Microsoft podría haber implementado actualizaciones de características para IE9, como IE9 SP1 ir IE9.1, IE9.2.. lo que podría haber mejorado el soporte de CSS y HTML5. Personalmente, sería tan emberessed, si hubiera sido líder de negocio y mis PCs cant incluso comprobar Correos porque su navegador cant realy hacer cualquier cosa.


Otros ejemplos para estropeado Vista- la ayuda es:

-> Office 2013/365

-> Movie Maker 2012

-> Skype

-> OneDrive

-> .. Sigue

The same goes for other older versions and it's a hassle

For example Windows 2000 left it in IE6 of 2001, when Windows 2000 ended the support in 2010, it should have received an IE7 or even an IE8 and thus they met the support dates; This is why many companies stayed in IE6 in the late 2000s.

In Windows NT 4.0, they have left DirectX3, when they could upgrade to DirectX 8.0, 8.1 or 9.

In Windows 98 SE as ME, not having released Office 2003, as well as IE6SP2 (since in an alternative universe Windows 2000 has support up to IE8).

In Windows XP, leave it in an IE8 without even HTML5, when they could have updated it to IE11 and still met the support term; taking into account that Posready ended support 10 years after IE8 was released (i.e. 2019). Like not launching DirectX 10, when many were staying in XP. How not to support Elliptic curve when many programs depend on IE (a huge headache)

In Vista, also up to IE11, but also release Powershell 3.0 for Vista (even 5.1), Office 2013 and Visual Studio 2013.

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  • 1 month later...

Since I was born in the early second half of the 20th century, I have been fortunate to know the qualities of DOS, Windows 98 SE and Windows XP. Then came Vista in 2006. Yes, until the release of SP2 it was mainly a hassle with HW, but the intention and appearance was really a top OS.
I don't buy new machines, I like to revive old PCs with multi-year, but reliably tested HW. That's why I had to use the classic GUI from Windows 2000 with Vista ... So I went back to Win XP.
During my era, I tried several dozen installations of Win XP OS, including Win XP Pro 64bit edition (a pity of this canceled project, performance in some parameters even better than Vista ...), Windows 7 AiO, Windows 8.1 (the last fully functional OS from Microsoft) , all versions of Windows 10 Home.
Last year I received a Fujitsu Esprimo Mobile V6545 notebook from 2008, on which the OEM OS Windows Vista Business 64bit SP1 was originally pre-installed according to the COA label.
HW parameters: CPU Intel Core Duo 2x2,26 GHz, 4GB RAM, 160 GB HDD Hitachi, GPU Ati Mobility Radeon HD3450 - integrated.
Because the HW for Vista was good, I installed the original OEM OS. It could be properly activated / legalized. I installed SP2, all updates to r. 2017, using Vista_SHA2_WUC also update for Server 2008 until July 2021. This is system version / build 6.0.6003.
I manually update Defender using the Security intelligence updates for Microsoft Defender page. I have IE9 updated to June 2020 (I can't do more), I have the .Net Framework in version 4.7.2. (You can install .Net Framework 4.8, but there will be similar problems as after installing extended Kernell ...) As browsers I use MyPal 29.2.1 64bit, regularly weekly updated Serpent 59.2.0 64bit, NewMoon 28.10.4a1 64bit. The default is 360 Chrome Browser 13.5.1052.0 (... just got an update yesterday ...) on the Chrome kernel 86.0.4240.198.
I manually check the security of the system monthly with the applications RKill, mbam-setup-, JRT, Kaspersky TDSSKiller, HitmanPro_x64, adwcleaner-7-2-7 vista and Windows Defender - the system is always clean!
Java 8-301 64bit was updated yesterday - successfully updated. I always use the current PrivaZer to clean SW residues. I play multimedia using WMP 11 with the K-Lite Codec Pack - no problems. I use Microsoft Office 2007 to work with documents, including Outlook e-mail and Adobe Reader XI (11.0.23) - Slovak - 11.0.23.
My experience:
I have been using it since November 2020. The boot system is - as it is ... Once every 30 seconds, sometimes a black monitor and a minute. But after the logo is displayed for a second, the desktop is displayed. If someone has worse, I recommend using the command "sfc / scannow" via the command line as admin - to repair the system registry.
The Windows Experience Index for components is as follows: RAM 5.9 CPU 5.2 HDD 4.9 GPU / Aero 3.8. I have the same WEI values even after installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit - interesting. This just confirms that Win 7 is actually Win Vista SP2 with artificially disabled features.
At standstill, the CPU load is 0%, the RAM load is 27%. Now, with two tabs of the 360 Chrome browser open and writing a document in Word, I have a CPU load of 2% and RAM of 39% - I achieved this by modifying the services according to blackviper.com, plus turning off Superfetch and Windows Search, Windows update to Manual. When playing video in HD, the CPU stays at about 40%, RAM up to 50%, which no newer OS can do!
Redmont goes to Windows 10 21H2 to "return" round windows, a kind of aero is already inserted there, even Windows 11 gets a quasi "aeroglass". The 11th will have about half less running services than the voracious 10th. What good was Win 8 breaking a good and stable Win Vista / 7 to pay for Windows 8.1?
On an older PC FSC Scaleo Pa2553 I have Win 8.1 Pro 64bit installed on the main HDD. I have Win XP Pro SP3, Win Vista Home SP2 x64 and Win 7 Ultimate 64bit installed on the other three HDDs. Out of nostalgia, I switch them in BiOS. However, if I install Win 10 Home 64bit on the main HDD, I will not run these other OS on the secondary HDDs! This is followed by a repeated check of all HDDs with the result "damaged bootmanager". The famous Win 10 !!!
After stopping expanded support for Windows 10 in October 2025, will we be throwing newer tablets with a 32GB SSD / HDD into the trash? Because Win 11 needs min. 64GB! This is ecological behavior! And I'm not talking about PC ...
In my opinion, Windows Vista is the most beautiful OS from Microsoft, no other can match it. With a good browser, it can be used safely even today. That's why I always liked to come back to it to please my eyes - the wonderful glass effect on window frames that I miss on Win 7, a transparency that Win 10 is far from.
This also leads me to use Vista, I hope that the silent support of Server 2008 will last until 2023 with your active help with good advice, suggestions and knowledge. Once again - thank you.

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Nicolaasjan, thank you. I have already read this post, I also tried it, but I forgot the command "cd / d C: \ updates". Thanks to your notification, I have already successfully installed the IE9 update from March 2021 and I'm moving on :-) :-) :-)

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/21/2020 at 5:14 AM, Win10-Hater said:

Yeah, Windows 10 is so bad that I cannot describe my experience in sufficient number of words. I actually wonder what Vista haters think of Windows 10.

People called Vista bloated when Windows 10 is 1000x more bloated than any Windows version

Honestly have to agree,

but anyway, I am hoping I can find a Dell Inspiron 531s, with a AMD Sempron processor that is fast, and I will be planning on removing Vista Home Basic and install Vista Ultimate on it and use it as my daily driver on it...

Wish me luck finding it ;)


EDIT: I found a Dell Latitude E5420 for sale, since I am not going to get a Inspiron 531s (since they only have x86 support) + here are the specs:

CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-2520M clocked at 2.5GHz

OS: Windows 10™ Pro (I know that @Win10-Hater hates Windows 10, so I will be trying to downgrade it to Windows Vista Ultimate)

GPU: Intel® GMA HD Graphics 2000 or Intel® GMA HD Graphics 3000

HDD: 250GB


ANOTHER EDIT: Since I couldn't afford a Dell Latitude E5420, I decided to upgrade my old PC (Toshiba Satellite L505-S5964)

Here is the processor I will be upgrading to

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T8100 at 2.1GHz (from  Intel® Pentium™ T4200 at 2GHz)




Edited by KetaMnight
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  • 2 months later...

My specs:

PC - HP Compaq Elite 8300 SFF

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU
500 GB Western Digital Blue HDD
Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 x64 build 6003

My experience with Vista: I started using Vista only about 14 Years ago and before that, I knew nothing about Vista, but I immediately fell in love with it. Now I use Vista on 2 of my computers, one being the Latitude and another desktop with:


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