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I don't have any use for "nitter" but as far as testing, I have to disable NoScript and uMatrix, load the page, then re-enable and all works fine - even without setting any special non-default NoScript/uMatrix site-specific "nitter".

Seems to me to be very much related to extensions.

Chrome and Mozilla both have a flaw, from my experience, that a disabled extension does NOT BEHAVE THE SAME as the same extension enabled but with site-specific rules set to "trust/bypass".

Chrome and Mozilla both also have the flaw, from my experience, that an INCOGNITO WINDOW does NOT BEHAVE THE SAME when an extension is disabled versus enabled!

Too difficult to log specific cases, but I'd swear that I've seen this behavior over the years in both Chrome and Mozilla browsers - INCOGNITO mode will react DIFFERENTLY when an extension is ENABLED versus DISABLED.

Even though INCOGNITO mode "should" behave as if all extensions are DISABLED (unless, of course, you opt-in for allow in Incognito).

Do not assume that Incognito mode is the same thing as disabling all extensions!

Posted (edited)
On 12/17/2021 at 3:53 PM, msfntor said:

Random functioning of nitter.net links in 360Chrome browsers (v13.5 r 5, v13 r 6, v13 M, DcBrowser). After "Reload this page" click, rather "No items found", or page content OK (rarely). NO extensions problem.

Example: Laura Fonseca @LauraFo63430334 here: https://nitter.net/LauraFo63430334

In DcBrowser, with ALL extensions disabled, I've went into the Incognito window, and this nitter link, with click on "Reload this page..", displays: OR all times OK., then go to "No items found", OR all times "No items found"...OR 1 time OK, Then 1 time bad etc.

In 360Chrome v13.5 r 5 - this same random behavior...

Edited by msfntor
3 hours ago, msfntor said:

Can you swear, that nitter is OK on your XP machines?

Or you can not?

nitter is definitely not ok, the "No items found" is shown 19 times out of 20 refreshes, or thereabouts.

nothing changed, just refresh the page 20 times and it finally decides to work.

Posted (edited)

Nitter always with us...

In CENT browser: Laura wants to kiss me, BUT "No items found"...sometimes page is OK...

In Slimjet (Chrome 50): Clock error: "Your clock is ahead": ...date and time ..incorrect...NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID

SRWare Iron (Chrome 49): Privacy error: "Your connection is not private": "Attackers might be to steal..." ... NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID - but click on "Proceed to nitter" is successful!

SuperBird (Chromium 44): "Your connection is not private"...

- this same random behavior in Firefox forks: Basilisk/Serpent 55, IceApe, New Moon 28... - if click on tweet: "Tweet not found" nitter error, or sometimes OK...BUT "No items found" rather.

Edited by msfntor

Yes, same issues with SuperBird portable (Chromium 44): "Your connection is not private"...but also same with DC Browser "not private" so have to just continue and ignore. Iron and Slimjet I get the browser not supported nag, but they do work ok with YT. This doesn't not happen at all with 360 Chrome ArcticFoxie Versions. Thus far, I'm hoping @NotHereToPlayGames will continue development. I'm not sure the plans, to patch (so to speak) the current version (somehow) or advance, but I think it would be a monster and I'm looking for a light chrome browser, and I'm happy with V11 and  V13.5  - I use them both ;)

Posted (edited)

With nitter not working on basically ALL browsers (at least in XP), it's time to MOVE ON and ACCEPT that nitter is simply NOT GOING TO WORK (at least in XP).

Has anyone tried nitter in any browser on Win7 or Win10?

Has anyone tried changing the User Agent in any of the browsers they've tried in XP?

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Has anyone tried changing the User Agent in any of the browsers they've tried in XP?

YES, I use Random User-Agent extension...in my all browsers that I use now...Automatically change the User-Agent after specified period of time. Latest User-Agent  I see: for Mac Os X 10_7 with Firefox 92.0 ...

In the Chrome Web Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/random-user-agent/einpaelgookohagofgnnkcfjbkkgepnp?hl=en-US

But bad comportment of nitter links have too with NO extensions+Incognito window...

Edited by msfntor

MOVE ON!  Please.

When you stumble upon a web site like nitter and you can't get it to work in TEN different web browsers, then hello, nitter is the problem, not your web browser.

You've directly cited issues on nitter with v13.5 r 5, v13 r 6, v13 M, Cent, Slimjet 50, Iron 49, SuperBird 44, Serpent 55, IceApe, and NM28.

This is NOT a "browser bug".  Are you "reporting" this in forums of all TEN of those browsers?  If so, your OCD is worse then mine  :whistle:

You're kinda gonna have to ACCEPT that nitter is simply a JUNK web site that WILL NOT WORK (at least in XP, I'm still waiting for Win7 or Win10 users to chime in).

Posted (edited)

I've been trying to find a way to ask this:

I'm sort of thinking about the way Roytam does and patches up his browser from upstream. Is that the way it works with Chrome? Can old versions be patched and it there an "upstream" for us? Like, can we keep patching V11 and V13.5 to keep them running?

Agan, My chrome knowledge is very basic and sorry for all the questions. 

Edited by XPerceniol
2 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Has anyone tried changing the User Agent in any of the browsers they've tried in XP?

2 hours ago, msfntor said:

YES, I use Random User-Agent extension...in my all browsers that I use now...Automatically change the User-Agent after specified period of time. Latest User-Agent  I see: for Mac Os X 10_7 with Firefox 92.0 ...

There may be a bit of a language barrier here. I don't think NHTPG was asking about changing user agents randomly; but rather, has anyone tried specific user agents with the specific Web site (nitter.net AIUI) you're having problems with?

Some Web sites require very particular user agents; perhaps nitter.net is one. If it is, then a random user agent would just ensure that it usually won't work!

Posted (edited)


This link posted from @msfntor seems fine with 360 Crhome as you can see :)

PS: Prety picture - Haven't been to the beach in ages ... miss the water and sand. 

Edited by XPerceniol
8 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

I'm sort of thinking about the way Roytam does and patches up his browser from upstream. Is that the way it works with Chrome? Can old versions be patched and it there an "upstream" for us? Like, can we keep patching V11 and V13.5 to keep them running?

Theoretically, yes.

There is a Compiling Chromium thread that was started in 2017 and only hit 3 pages by 2019 and has been recently bumped --  https://msfn.org/board/topic/177191-compiling-chromium-browser-for-xp/?do=findComment&comment=1208782

But the thread has found little to no traction and I wouldn't be able to be the first person to perform such a task until my retirement years 20 years away as it would be a full-time job to learn it all.

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