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360 Extreme Explorer Modified Version

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Agreed.  But it also presents a serious realization.  Whenever we (MSFN as a whole) "complains" about the modern web or Google-isms or Mozilla-isms and how "bloated" modern web design is, we (MSFN as a whole) must remind ourself that "this" is what our view of the internet would LOOK LIKE if it were wholly and completely "bloat-free".  :crazy:

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On 8/29/2023 at 2:35 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Speaking of older laptops.

I have an old Asus X54C lying around that I decided to bring back to life.  i3-2350M at 2.3 GHz, 4 GB DDR3.  Win7 Home Premium x64.  Circa 2011 or 2013.

Unsure if this was a low-end model, a mid-level model, or a top-of-the-line model "back in the day".

Reinstalled Win7.

Turning out to be a complete waste of time!  ALL web browsers I have tried on this score 30 or below on Speedometer.  In the TEENS for several roytam builds.  TEENS!  I've never seen anything score that badly!

But it's not just the "score", this thing has got to be the SLOWEST computer I've ever ran!

Type a URL in the address bar of ANY web browser and it sits there for at least four seconds before doing anything, another three to nine seconds before the page starts to load.

Network or wi-fi both show and test just as fast as all of my XP and Win10 machines - but this Win7 is TERRIBLE.

EXTREME network lag.

Never could resolve this EXTREME LAG in Win7 on this old Asus X54C laptop.

Best example I can think of to demonstrate is that some 360Chrome users have reported that the Address Bar will not allow a URL entry for several seconds at startup on older hardware.

Imagine that Address Bar lag not just at startup, but EVERY time you use the Address Bar.

Not only that, but EVERY time you click a link to try to go somewhere.

ALL browsers were doing this!  Anywhere from four to twenty six seconds of a delay each and every time you type in the Address Bar or click a link before the browser, ALL browsers, would acknowledge the directive!

I did try an SSD - no effect!

I was able to find an Intel HD 3000 graphics driver from Win8 that also works on Win10 so I am able to run this Asus X54C now on Win10.

No more LAG.  Never could figure out just why Win7 and all web browsers were behaving that way.  File Manager "address bars" didn't have this EXTREME lag, only web browsers, all web browsers.

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On 9/1/2023 at 1:36 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Whenever we (MSFN as a whole) "complains" about the modern web

How do you define "MSFN as a whole"? Few folks there and there? For the number of accounts registered, MSFN is pretty deserted.

And FWIW, there are 70 year olds out there that don't have as much problem with modern web (or Windows 10, while at it).

I'm not sure if I was among those complainers if I still had that old computer with 2 GHz Celeron and 1 or 1,5 GB of RAM. I ran Vista on it at some point, I'd probably make it run Windows 7. Maybe I'd look into some lightweight Linux distro. Would be interesting to compare the browsers. Never really looked into lightweight Linux distros and always went with the bloated ones. I have the RAM and the horsepower, why settle for less? Non-bloated can mean feature-less.

Heh, my smartphone has 1 GB of RAM and I can't say I feel excluded with it on any website.

7 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Never could resolve this EXTREME LAG in Win7 on this old Asus X54C laptop.

Would be interesting to know what LatencyMon had to say on Win7. Specs look nice to me, I have a slower laptop from 2014, 1,35 GHz dual-core APU, 2 GB of RAM. It never ran anything below Windows 8.1 though, no extreme lag, but takes its time to crunch through stuff.

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3 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Few folks there and there? For the number of accounts registered, MSFN is pretty deserted.

What makes you think so? It's September - golden season! People are on vacation, nothing unusual.


3 hours ago, UCyborg said:

I have a slower laptop from 2014, 1,35 GHz dual-core APU, 2 GB of RAM.

How did it run 360Explorer? I guess it was a nightmare? 

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1 hour ago, UCyborg said:

Would be interesting to know what LatencyMon had to say on Win7.

Kind of a bit late to test it, I've already uninstalled Win7 and have my debloated Win10 on that old Asus now and everything is fine and dandy now.

But the EXTREME LAG that I was experiencing was not tied to audio or even video.  Audio and video played perfectly fine.  No, not 20 YouTube tabs or anything "unrealistic" like that, but YouTube worked perfectly fine.

IF you wanted to click a link and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait...  Walk to the kitchen and back each and every time you clicked a link, make a full round trip and the browser is just now reacting to your link click upon return.

XP didn't do this on this old Asus.  Win10 is working flawlessly on this old Asus.

But three different installs of Win7 and all three have EXTREME LAG in *every* browser that was tried.

I tried some DNS "optimizers", TCP "optimizers", tools like that which I've never had any experience with, was just trying random stuff KNOWING the laptop was about to get a full reformat/reinstall.

Nothing worked.  Never could find out just "why".

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I just plugged in my only remaining Win7 laptop - a Toshiba Satelite with a slightly faster i3 than the i3 in the Asus.

It too is doing this EXTREME LAG in every web browser Address Bar.

Just never noticed in the past because I don't generally use laptops and find them quite annoying and cumbersome in comparison to real desktop computers.

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360Chrome v11 is quick and snappy.  So I guess I just never realized just how SLOW "newer" web browsers are on these old i3 processors.

I've come to EXPECT THAT with various LEGACY Mozilla Forks, I guess this is my first witness of anything more capable of the "modern web" on older hardware.

I guess now I'm finally seeing what some of the older hardware users see every day.

I thought my i7 desktop was old.  I'm definitely seeing why these two i3 laptops were *FREE*, lol.

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Gotta love the unexplainable seemingly non-logical issues!

2 hours ago, Dixel said:

How did it run 360Explorer? I guess it was a nightmare?

Wasn't a nightmare, but, average member of society will be unable to relate to my experiences. Patience is not a virtue of most folks these day. I'm not bothered by things taking several more seconds to load.

Edited by UCyborg
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