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Adobe Flash, Shockwave, and Oracle Java on XP (Part 2)


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Java has been updated today October 16, 2018 to Version 8 Update 191. First, download the last known working XP installer (http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/jre-8u152-windows-i586.exe),

then download the latest updated tar.gz file here https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html or my FTP http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/java/.

Installer packages after Version 8 Update 152 do NOT work correctly on XP, so to manually update to the current version follow the instructions here:

Or here:


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On 10/17/2018 at 3:19 AM, sdfox7 said:

Java has been updated today October 16, 2018 to Version 8 Update 191. First, download the last known working XP installer (http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/jre-8u152-windows-i586.exe),

then download the latest updated tar.gz file here https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html or my FTP http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/java/.

Installer packages after Version 8 Update 152 do NOT work correctly on XP, so to manually update to the current version follow the instructions here:

Or here:


h..hh..how you got the latest java to install? last time i tried to install java it didnt launch.The last that worked for me is java 8 update 152 .

UPDATE: never mind didnt read the whole post lol

Edited by someguy25
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  • 2 months later...

v191 has several security updates -> see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/8u191-relnotes-5032181.html

v192 has a extra new feature -> see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/8u192-relnotes-4479409.html

With v191 you are as safe as possible, v192 is not needed.

In the past there where alsways two versions, one with security updates ans one with new features.

Recommended was always the lower v number to avoid problems with the new features. Only if you need the new feature go to the higher v number.

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Does newer java still not install on XP, and u have to install that old one, then copy the files and what not?  Reason i am asking is becasue I did that before and it worked fine but I have been out of the loop for ahwile as I dont really use java.  I have 1 program that runs on java that i rarely use/

Edited by Destro
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That's right, the current installer doesn't work on XP, but if the updated files are installed manually over an existing installation of Java 8 Update 152, the last which does install properly, it still works fine.

Edited by Dave-H
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1 hour ago, Destro said:

Does newer java still not install on XP, and u have to install that old one, then copy the files and what not?

Yes. As described here in this older advice

At last copy one file to have the new control panel:

copy /y C:\Programme\Java\bin\javacpl.cpl C:\WINDOWS\system32

I do not have any problems with the latest v191.

If you wish to correct ALL STRINGS to get always displayed the right version info take a look in the registry. But this is NOT required, only cosmetic!

Excample entries:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.8.0_191]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.8.0_191\MSI]


"ProductName"="Java 8 Update 191-b12"



"DisplayName"="Java 8 Update 191"
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10 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

over an existing installation of Java 8 Update 152

@Dave-H I do not recommend v152 at last installation under XP, if you do not change the files to v191.

Latest recommended version to install in XP was v151.

v152 is a version with added new functions and may have more problems as the original version with only security updates (v151).

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Yes, sorry you're right of course!
I did go through a phase of installing the even-numbered versions, which is why I had Update 152 saved as the last fully working installation.
I'm using 191 now.
I should download a version of 151 to keep as the last working installer, thanks for reminding me!
Cheers, Dave.

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16 hours ago, dencorso said:

I'm using (hand-installed) 192 quite happily, ATM. Why shouldn't I?

Of course, you can use it. But makes no sense if you need not the new functions built in.

Oracle always republished two versions at the same time.
Oracle itself has repeatedly pointed out that the use of the higher version number can be associated with additional problems, as new features have been released again and again with the higher version. Therefore, as a matter of principle, only the security updates (lower version number) should be installed in order to avoid new problems, including new security vulnerabilities.

Possible that you close a door an have open two others...

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I recollect posting this before, but for people reading this latest discussion about JRE 8u191 (CPU release) vs JRE 8u192 (PSU release):

and from there: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/cpu-psu-explained-2331472.html


Which Java version should I choose: the CPU or the PSU?

Oracle strongly recommends that all Java SE users upgrade to the latest CPU release available for a release family. Most users should choose the CPU release.

You are then, of course, free to make your own individual choice... ;)

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