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6 hours ago, roytam1 said:

UXP has different blocklist than firefox.

OK, but I deleted the blocklist and the addons were not included it anyway. More disabled addons:


Cookie AutoDelete is incompatible with Serpent 52.9.0.
Export Cookies is incompatible with Serpent 52.9.0.


Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, XP2019 said:

I tried basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20191207 and noticed that unsigned add-ons like kill_sticky-1.4-an+fx.xpi become disabled.
The same add-ons work fine in FF52 and only show "not verified".

Hello and welcome to the MSFN forums :)

May I ask where did you retrieve an UNSIGNED version of the Kill Sticky firefox extension? This is of the Web Extension (WE) format and, as such, it can't be found inside the CAA addon, while ALL versions of it currently hosted on AMO are SIGNED ;)

BTW, the latest version there is 1.6, not 1.4; both claim to be Fx 52 compatible (but we've known from past examples that this is not written in stone, Mozilla may be - and have been - wrong, I'm convinced no-one of their staff manually tests released WEs with older - unsupported - Firefox versions :angry:). 

Now, although Serpent 52.9.0 has retained whatever limited WE support was originally present in the UXP platform (contrary to official Basilisk 52 which has ditched WE support altogether :realmad: ), Serpent 52 is NOT ON PAR with Firefox ESR 52.9.0 when it comes to WE support; several WE APIs were removed upstream (by MCP) from Serpent, so telling us that a certain WE addon works in Fx52 but doesn't in St52 isn't something conclusive...

I decided to investigate myself, and Kill Sticky v1.4 is an id-less extension, a type of WEs that is not supported in Serpent 52.9.0/UXP out-of-the-box; if you've made the common mistake of transplanting an existing dirty Firefox 52 profile onto Serpent 52/UXP, then it's no surprise the extension got disabled... When changing browsers, always start with a new, clean profile!

Trying to install Kill Sticky v1.4 in a Serpent 52 new profile, you'll be met by failure:


Installation aborted because the add-on appears to be corrupt.

As already mentioned, this is because it's an id-less WE; but you can patch the XPI file yourself to add the missing id, e.g. edit its manifest.json file like below:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Kill Sticky",
  "version": "1.4",
  "description": "Kill off the annoying floating things blocking the website you're trying to see",
  "icons": {
    "32": "icons/32t.png",
    "48": "icons/48t.png"
  "background": {
    "scripts": [
  "permissions": [
  "optional_permissions": ["tabs"],
  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "icons/32t.png",
    "default_title": "Kill Sticky"
  "applications": {
    "gecko": {
    "id": "kill_sticky@mozilla.org"

Of course, that way you'll invalidate the extension's signature, so you can also remove directory META-INF!

Have you reached so far yourself? Is this what you mean by an "unsigned" version of KS 1.4?

I have no trouble installing my patched version of kill_sticky-1.4-an+fx.xpi in a clean profile of latest Serpent 52.9.0 (2019-12-06); its button shows up in the address bar, the addon is listed as ENABLED in the AOM, and it doesn't get disabled after several browser restarts :yes: :


Slightly OT, but if you want an extension that can remove "web page overlays", then the legacy extension Behind The Overlay v0.1.6 (via CAA) works nicely in my St52 profile... ;)

11 hours ago, roytam1 said:

UXP has different blocklist than firefox.

4 hours ago, XP2019 said:

OK, but I deleted the blocklist and the addons were not included it anyway.

I personally believe this is not "extension blocklist" related, but deleting a blocklist would only offer a temporary remedy, as the browser will automatically re-download it and place it within its profile... :yes:

Best regards :)

EDIT: Apparently, boolean user pref extensions.blocklist.enabled (defaults to true) controls the blocklist implementation; there exist several other extensions.blocklist.* prefs, one of which is extensions.blocklist.url; I guess by modifying its current value (string) to an invalid URI, you can stop the browser from fetching it... But I stress I don't believe myself the OP's issue is blocklist related... :dubbio:(but I could be wrong, once more... :P:whistle:)

Edited by VistaLover
extensions.blocklist.* prefs
On 12/9/2019 at 9:02 PM, VistaLover said:

Could you be so kind as to confirm my tests, preferably on Win7 where Widevine CDM is visible (thanks in advance :)) ?

Sorry for the delay; it's been a busy week.

I can understand MCP removing Primetime support, since the Windows versions they support have WMF and thus don't need it the way XP users do.

I can confirm that under Win 7, Primetime works on Serpent 52.9.2019.11.15 (with media.ffvpx.enabled & media.wmf.enabled both set to false) just as it does under Win XP. And Widevine is visible, although I still have v1.4.8.903 for some reason. (See attached thumbnail.)

Unsure why it never updated to v1.4.9. Not sure it matters now, since one needs 1.4.10 now and AIUI 1.4.10 isn't yet compatible with Serpent/Basilisk.

I'll recheck with 52.9.2019.11.22 tonight, but I expect you're right: Primetime and Widevine will still be visible but Primetime won't work.

IIRC @dencorso originally installed Primetime because the built-in support (media.ffvpx.enabled) produced distorted audio on some sites. I asked about this issue not long ago, but Serpent users were getting around it by just setting the Firefox compatibility settings in about:config (apparently some web sites use an audio codec Serpent/Firefox can't handle if they don't see Gecko/Firefox in the UA).

BTW, thanks for the "FT-DeepDark" theme link! Only problem I see is that the "Tab Tally" drop-down menu has very low contrast with it. Know of a way to fix that annoyance?


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

Hello and welcome to the MSFN forums :)

May I ask where did you retrieve an UNSIGNED version of the Kill Sticky firefox extension? This is of the Web Extension (WE) format and, as such, it can't be found inside the CAA addon, while ALL versions of it currently hosted on AMO are SIGNED ;)


Now, although Serpent 52.9.0 has retained whatever limited WE support was originally present in the UXP platform (contrary to official Basilisk 52 which has ditched WE support altogether :realmad: ), Serpent 52 is NOT ON PAR with Firefox ESR 52.9.0 when it comes to WE support; several WE APIs were removed upstream (by MCP) from Serpent, so telling us that a certain WE addon works in Fx52 but doesn't in St52 isn't something conclusive...

I decided to investigate myself, and Kill Sticky v1.4 is an id-less extension, a type of WEs that is not supported in Serpent 52.9.0/UXP out-of-the-box; if you've made the common mistake of transplanting an existing dirty Firefox 52 profile onto Serpent 52/UXP, then it's no surprise the extension got disabled... When changing browsers, always start with a new, clean profile!

Trying to install Kill Sticky v1.4 in a Serpent 52 new profile, you'll be met by failure:

As already mentioned, this is because it's an id-less WE; but you can patch the XPI file yourself to add the missing id, e.g. edit its manifest.json file like below:

Of course, that way you'll invalidate the extension's signature, so you can also remove directory META-INF! Have you reached so far yourself? Is this what you mean by an "unsigned" version of KS 1.4? I have no trouble installing my patched version of kill_sticky-1.4-an+fx.xpi in a clean profile of latest Serpent 52.9.0 (2019-12-06); its button shows up in the address bar, the addon is listed as ENABLED in the AOM, and it doesn't get disabled after several browser restarts :yes: :

Hello, thank you for your comprehensive reply! The patch has fixed my kill_sticky version which I got over a year ago from an unknown source. Indeed I was transplanting a FF52 profile but then started a clean one and the extensions would not install either. The other problematic are: cookie_autodelete-2.2.0-an+fx.xpi and export_cookies-1.2.1.xpi. I think cookie_autodelete can be patched like kill_sticky but export_cookies is different, it declares <em:maxVersion>3.6.*</em:maxVersion> which should be ignored with
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility", false);
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility.52.9", false);
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility.52.9.0", false);
but it is not. Works in FF52. Should I look for an alternative addon?

On AMO site they show "This add-on requires a newer version of Firefox (at least version 59.0). You are using Firefox 52.9."
I have
user_pref("general.buildID.override", "");
user_pref("general.useragent.override", "........Firefox/68.0");

How do they detect it?

I got it, need to add these:
user_pref("general.useragent.override.accounts.firefox.com", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:68.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.9");
user_pref("general.useragent.override.addons.mozilla.org", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:68.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.9");

Edited by XP2019

HA! Figured out a little waybackmachine trick, when an addon xpi isn't archived.
of course it will not help if really not archived, but great if the culprit is just the query:
crop the end of the xpi URL at "?"
(and the /20/ means as usual, look for the closest date starting with 20xxx)

13 hours ago, XP2019 said:

I tried basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20191207 and noticed that unsigned add-ons like kill_sticky-1.4-an+fx.xpi become disabled.



Do you have either Custom Buttons or keyconfig installed? If you can't get the kill sticky addon working those are good options. I've got them both and the code will remove sticky and fixed objects.

What's especially good about keyconfig is that I assigned it to number 2 so it's real easy to remove all the objects and javascript doesn't even have to be on like they do with some of the addons.

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

And Widevine is visible, although I still have v1.4.8.903 for some reason. (See attached thumbnail.)

WVCDM v1.4.8.903 was the version installed and supported by FirefoxESR 52.9.x on Vista+ (so in Win7, too); that version of the CDM was deprecated by Google on Sep 6th 2018; was your St52 profile migrated "dirty" from FxESR52?
To update it further on St52 (for purely academic reasons now), with St52 exited delete all WV related directories inside its profile:


then launch St52, load about:config and reset all WV related prefs


...make sure


Exit St52 once more, relaunch, in about:preferences#content make sure DRM content is ticked; visit 


(or some other test site that requires the CDM) and St52 should prompt you to enable DRM (if not already) and inform you it's downloading "components"... Let it do so for 3 to 5 minutes, then restart St52; upon relaunch, WVCDM v1.4.9.1088 should be properly installed! Visit the test page again, only to find the content isn't being displayed :angry: ; Google have deprecated v1.4.9.1088 on Aug 14th 2019 :realmad: :


3 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

Not sure it matters now, since one needs 1.4.10 now and AIUI 1.4.10 isn't yet compatible with Serpent/Basilisk.

Being pedantic, with interface v10 of the CDM, Google have introduced some "re-versioning", omitting the first major version number, 1; latest WV CDMs are numbered as 4.10.xxxx.xx (e.g. 4.10.1440.19, 4.10.1582.1, 4.10.1582.2) - 4.10.1196.0 was the last Vista compatible CDM, all newer versions require at least Win7 :realmad: ...

3 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

I'll recheck with 52.9.2019.11.22 tonight, but I expect you're right: Primetime and Widevine will still be visible but Primetime won't work.

Actually, if your findings coincide with mine, I'll expect you to find WV CDM vanish from both about:addons->plugins and about:plugins :( ; and yes, APCDM should still be there, but in a non-working state...

* NB: Widevine CDM discussion doesn't apply on Serpent 52.9.0 used under Windows XP !

Edited by VistaLover
2 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

BTW, thanks for the "FTDeepDark" theme link! Only problem I see is that the "Tab Tally" drop-down menu has very low contrast with it. Know of a way to fix that annoyance?

I have a patched (unsigned) Tab Tally v1.2.0 installed (in St52) and AFAICS it doesn't come with a "drop-down menu"; it does come with a toolbar button which, admittedly, doesn't stand out well inside FTDD's dark tab-toolbar (where I put it myself), but the number of open tabs is clearly shown in white - plus, when you hover over its button, a tooltip with dark background but light blue characters is shown: 


Which version of TT do you have installed? First, there's a legacy version (tab_tally-0.1.1-fx-windows.xpi) to be found inside CAA, the versions currently hosted on AMO are, ofc, all of the WE format; versions 1.0.0 to 1.3.0 are id-less, so, as per recent discussion, won't normally install in St52; version 1.4.0 (latest) is not id-less and does install, but it doesn't display the number of tabs in real time unless clicked (so that's why I avoid it!) ... 

... OK, I see now you have probably installed v1.4.0, which does spawn a pop-up menu when left-clicked:


It's probably possible via CSS to fix the fonts' colour so it would stand out behind the dark background, but am no CSS wizard :(; instead, it should be more straightforward to patch the extension itself, should you wish to stick with v1.4.0 that is:


Hint: Patch internal extension file popup.html as below:

Line 10: 
-      color: #444;
+      color: #00ADEE;

Regards :)

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, XP2019 said:

The patch has fixed my kill_sticky version which I got over a year ago from an unknown source.

Glad to know :) ; perhaps you could apply a similar patch to latest version Kill Sticky 1.6 and upgrade to that, while you're at it? ;) BTW, getting extensions from "unknown sources" is a major NO-NO in my world... :P

5 hours ago, XP2019 said:

Indeed I was transplanting a FF52 profile

... You're not alone, sadly, but having been a Firefox Nightly tester in the past, I have always advocated here in these forums that the correct way is to always start with a pristine profile and then selectively and gradually transfer over things from the older one, especially when that older profile was touched by a different browser version/fork...

5 hours ago, XP2019 said:

export_cookies-1.2.1.xpi. (snipped) but export_cookies is different, it declares


which should be ignored with

user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility", false);
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility.52.9", false);
user_pref("extensions.checkCompatibility.52.9.0", false);

but it is not. Works in FF52. Should I look for an alternative addon?

Again, foiled by transplanting a Fx52 profile; those prefs don't normally exist in Serpent 52, they are just carried over from Fx52; Serpent has only one such pref, extensions.strictCompatibility, which defaults to false.

I had no trouble installing that extension in Serpent 52.9.0 after having patched its install.rdf file to read: 


EDIT: The extension will install in St52 without patching its install.rdf file by modifying pref extensions.minCompatibleAppVersion;4.0 to extensions.minCompatibleAppVersion;2.0; but I'm not recommending this! Firefox 2.0 era addons are highly unlikely to function correctly with Australis era Serpent 52 (though this one does); you risk serious profile corruption by installing incompatible extensions, especially those targeting Fx 2.0; you won't know the outcome of such an experiment beforehand; you're on your own on this...

BTW, this is a really old legacy extension, dating from 2010, which is currently only available through CAA (caa:addon/export-cookies), Export Cookies 1.2.1-signed.1-signed; but I have verified it still works! :yes:

A similar extension from 2011 is also available in CAA, Cookies Export/import 1.0.1-signed.1-signed (caa:addon/cookies-exportimport), which does install as is on Serpent 52 :yes: ; might want to try that!


Edited by VistaLover
Posted (edited)

For Firefox 45 ESR SSE users, if you use the Vacuum Places Improved extension, please remove it. I found out that in the latest version, the extension causes the CPU to idle at around 52/68% in every single page, even at the Google home page! I will investigate if I get the same issue with the other browsers as well and if so, I'll uninstall the extension, searching for another one that cleans the places.sqlite file automatically when the browser is started.

Speaking of complete themes... Is there a complete theme for FF45 ESR SSE that makes it look like K-Meleon/Seamonkey? I hate Australis and CTR is a little bit too bloated.

Edited by looking4awayout
7 hours ago, VistaLover said:

A similar extension from 2011 is also available in CAA, Cookies Export/import 1.0.1-signed.1-signed (caa:addon/cookies-exportimport), which does install as is on Serpent 52 :yes: ; might want to try that!

Thank you again. This is the best option as the extension also imports cookies, very useful. :yes:

13 hours ago, VistaLover said:

To update it further on St52 (for purely academic reasons now), with St52 exited delete all WV related directories inside its profile:


then launch St52, load about:config and reset all WV related prefs


...make sure


Exit St52 once more, relaunch, in about:preferences#content make sure DRM content is ticked; visit 


(or some other test site that requires the CDM) and St52 should prompt you to enable DRM (if not already) and inform you it's downloading "components"... Let it do so for 3 to 5 minutes, then restart St52; upon relaunch, WVCDM v1.4.9.1088 should be properly installed!

You're not going to believe this - it downloaded and installed again! This was with Serpent 52.9.2019.11.15 (last one before Primetime stopped working) on Win 7, with Firefox & Gecko compatibility enabled.

I tried again, but this time, before I went to the Axinom site, I checked about:addons#plugins. It said "Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc. will be installed shortly." It remained in that state until I visited the Axinom site, at which point I got a notice at the top of the screen: "Serpent is installing components needed to play the audio or video on this page. Please try again later." Then it installed yet again.

I suppose official Basilisk might fare better (although "better" in this context would be v1.4.9.1088, which still wouldn't play squat). It's probably something we'll need to figure out if/when official Basilisk catches up with Google's ever-changing DRM requirements.

13 hours ago, VistaLover said:

I see now you have probably installed v1.4.0, which does spawn a pop-up menu when left-clicked:


It's probably possible via CSS to fix the fonts' colour so it would stand out behind the dark background, but am no CSS wizard :(; instead, it should be more straightforward to patch the extension itself, should you wish to stick with v1.4.0 that is:


Hint: Patch internal extension file popup.html as below:

Line 10: 
-      color: #444;
+      color: #00ADEE;

Regards :)

Yes, that color is much more readable; thanks!

Actually I have v.1.3.0; at one time I tried v1.4.0 but IIRC it didn't work correctly, so I rolled back to v1.3.0 and it worked fine.

3 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

You're not going to believe this - it downloaded and installed again! This was with Serpent 52.9.2019.11.15 (last one before Primetime stopped working) on Win 7, with Firefox & Gecko compatibility enabled
Then it installed yet again.

... Of course I believe you :P ; but I insist that shouldn't happen !

To humour you, I just created a new/clean/pristine (call it what you want...) Serpent 52.9.0 2019.11.15 (32-bit) profile, and by simply going to about:preferences#content and ticking "Play DRM content", apparently a WVCDM v1.4.9.1088 download started in the background! By restarting the browser after ca. 5min, about:addons => Plugins shows the CDM correctly installed and activated:


So, most probably, something is amiss in your current Serpent 52 profile (NB: Serpent 55 will still download and install WVCDM v1.4.8.903 !); make sure the pref media.gmp-manager.url is at its default value:


Under Win7 (x86), that above template should produce:


... where the direct link to the CDM (32-bit) is


You can always find the exact URI gmp-manager uses on your OS+Serpent 52 flavour by opening Browser Console before the CDM fetch begins (i.e. before checking "Play DRM content")  ;) ...


New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20191214-dacb3da00-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.4.win64-git-20191214-dacb3da00-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20191214-dacb3da00-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.0a1.win32-git-20191214-dacb3da00-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.9.0a1.win64-git-20191214-dacb3da00-xpmod.7z

Official repo changes since my last build:
- Bug 1509685 - Add more bounds checking in nsMsgDBView::UpdateDisplayMessage() to avoid crashes (717be395f)
- Bug 1482248 - don't crash on empty file name in nsMsgLocalStoreUtils::nsShouldIgnoreFile. (b797607a8)
- Bug 1571481 - Improve multipart/alternative. (282cdd6ba)
- Merge branch 'master' into release (642032029)
- Merge pull request #1314 from g4jc/mailnews_patches (ca46bc1f6)
- Merge branch 'release' (5ba7f92d5)
- No Issue - Execute the precomplete command on *nix AltPackaging (647d14de8)
- New cycle version bump (7758b9a26)
- Update default bookmarks toolbar FAQ entry to redirect to forum. (d2a1d638b)
- Issue #1317 - Increase the XML nested depth limit to 2048. (dacb3da00)

My changes since my last build:
- Revert "Issue #1259 - Adjust Widewine strings after removing Adobe Primetime support" (37e153f59)

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