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My Browser Builds (Part 2)

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yep. that was the first thing i did, as well as tried disabling hardware acceleration on the os level. same result.
just a while ago, i realized i can also force the window contents to update by moving another window in front of it, then clicking back to the palemoon window.
also, if it would help narrow things down, chrome-based browsers has a very similar problem.

i feel like if i could figure out the reason for the immediate crash of k-meleon, it might get me close to finding the problem with everything. is there any way to enable some kind of  logging mode apart from just the windows erorr reporting?


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I have noticed that the ability of the browser certificate manager to import *server certificates* in Palemoon 27 is missing from Palemoon 28 .

Can the ability to import *server Certificates* be re-enabled in Palemoon 28 ?

For general reference other browsers which are still enabled include :

Arctic Fox


Browsers that currently also lack the ability to import *server certificates* include :


I'm tending to think that choice and flexibility to import server certificates is better than not being able to., even if not 'critical' at this point, it may be required at some point..

What do you (and any others) think?

Thank You for your time.



Edited by Eclectic
spelling & additional thoughts
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59 minutes ago, roytam1 said:

then maybe cloudflare doesn't like your IP.

... But he has already stated that: 

On 6/13/2020 at 12:58 AM, TheLastDevil said:

IP hasn't changed. Everything works on firefox....

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On 6/18/2020 at 2:40 PM, kartel said:

 (%OS_SLICE% rv:*)

Can anyone explain this useragent?

I'm seeing them everywhere and google captcha is flipping out


1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

... But he has already stated that: 



I'm trying to use textnow.com and it wont login.

It has cloudflare and google captcha  on the login page.

Ive spent 2 days working  with it and talked to support they said they dont support open source browser but thats a copout.

I played with the UA and got it to work a few times but it takes like 50 tries then it blocks the IP and nothing works.

I'm not sure if anything is related but of course chrome works but I hate chrome, I refuse to use it.


Can anyone please help me?







Edited by kartel
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New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win32-git-20200620-34cf555-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win64-git-20200620-34cf555-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win32-git-20200620-34cf555-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.1a1.win32-git-20200620-1e701c445-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.1a1.win64-git-20200620-1e701c445-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Bug 1613623 - For IMAP, no longer allow STARTTLS when server sends PREAUTH greeting. (93f74227b)
- Bug 1217436 - Make nsIdentifierMapEntry::mIdContentList an AutoTArray to save an allocation (a4c5e74b0)
- Bug 1355787 - nsIdentifierMapEntry should let one to use either strings or atoms as keys to avoid slow string assignments when possible. (35754dd1a)
- Bug 1426494 - Share more code between nsIDocument and ShadowRoot (43725c726)
- Bug 1429656 - Implement ShadowRoot.activeElement (5e7917e2c)
- Bug 1430299 - Add DocumentOrShadowRoot interface (bbd59105d)
- Merge pull request #1591 from MoonchildProductions/sr.activeElement-work (7cc007d9b)
- Merge pull request #1590 from g4jc/mail_patch (68c72c123)
- Bug 1316302 - Part 1: Helper methods for HTMLEditRules::WillDeleteSelection() should have an out argument to indicates if it actually handles the action (d8a29fcaf)
- Bug 1316302 - Part 2: WillDeleteSelection() should retry to handle it when selection is collapsed and JoinBlocks() doesn't handle nor cancel the action (9f2a6d370)
- Bug 1316302 - Part 3: Create EditActionResult class for making the methods which return nsresult, handled and canceled with out params (3dde51910)
- Bug 1316302 - Part 4: Refine HTMLEditRules::TryToJoinBlocks() and HTMLEditRules::MoveNodeSmart() with early return style for making scope of EditActionResult variable smaller (55c84e4ce)
- Issue #1594 - restore UAC elevation in the uninstaller. (ad966887a)
- Follow up to Issue #1578 - Remove unnecessary MOZ_ASSERT (4e688106c)
- Merge pull request #1595 from Lootyhoof/issue-1578-fixup (0fab85e38)
- Merge pull request #1596 from g4jc/1563 (c05d07a68)

No official Basilisk changes since my last build.

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1578 - Add global menubar support for GTK (dc54fe888)
- Issue #1802 - Remove conflicting migration code for SQL storage (2e697a991)
- Merge pull request #1799 from Lootyhoof/global-menu (cd8798d98)
- Issue #1802 - Enable SQL storage for NSS security by default (1e701c445)

My changes since my last build:
- Reverted "Issue #1802 - Remove conflicting migration code for SQL storage (2e697a991)"
- Reverted "Issue #1802 - Enable SQL storage for NSS security by default (1e701c445)"

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New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20200620-9a3d652a-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod.7z
Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20200620-9a3d652a-uxp-c05d07a68-xpmod.7z

source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20191123.7z

No official repo changes since my last build.


New build of IceApe-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

Official repos changes since my last build:
- UXP #1538 - Remove recognition interface from package manifest (40a31c945)
- UXP#1538 - remove speech recognition (f280e6359)
- UXP #1390 - Remove Presentation Service (13f9950ee)
- UXP #1457 - Unfold sqlite (6e7951d94)
- UXP#1470 - Remove update.locale (beff05596)
- UXP#756 - Remove identity from manifest (354dbbf98)
- Revise changelog (eed056673)

for UXP changes please see above.

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New build of Firefox 45ESR:

Test binary:
SSE https://o.rths.ml/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.25-20200620-b5b03bdce-win32-sse.7z
IA32 https://o.rths.ml/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.25-20200620-b5b03bdce-win32-ia32.7z

repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr

Changes since my last build:
- bump version to 45.9.25 (2e902be27)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - Issue #607: new, separate blocklist in caps/ for scripts that can crash the browser, but have no obvious workaround (#609) (5748c7513)
 - incorporate #608, #609 (256479e9f)
 - closes #610: M1317422 + tests (f187b2dfe)
 - #612: M969874 M1525628 (689819e12)
 - #612: M1019551 (7850b17a7)
 - #604: M1236639 M1257931 M1256590 M1291543 M1363647 + backbugs (80ece6a15)
 - #611: M1277475 (0c828a96e)
 - #611: M1644477 (6ad5c12da)
 - #611: update TLDs, HSTS (67c056259) (b5b03bdce)

Edited by roytam1
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flyod said:
>i feel like if i could figure out the reason for the immediate crash of k-meleon,
> it might get me close to finding the problem with everything. is there any way
> to enable some kind of logging mode apart from just the windows erorr reporting?

When does it crash - at startup, or when loading pages?
If at startup, did you customize anything or never even get that far?
If not already done, try if helps to delete the StartupCache folder in profile.
Or try a new profile, e.g. by toggling from portable to non-portable mode (renaming empty file KM/profile.ini to profiles_renamed.ini or delete it completely, or if it doesn't exist, create it)
Occasionally it happens that KM tries to restore a session with some buggy page and crashes. Can be all sorts of things, or in the past was also caused e.g. by russian URLs (cyrillic?), and someone else got crashes due to a corrupt bookmarks file, or e.g. 2018 (Firefox) kept crashing on someone who then figured out he needs to set pref "browser.display.use_document_fonts"=0 (disabled) to overcome a buggy page in session.
Or hardware related prefs.... or some prefs for plugin-container, for gfx or opengl
At any rate KM/kplugins/update.dll can be removed. It had an old bug that could crash, hope meanwhile fixed, but for RT builds it's completely useless anyway.
And IIRC KMG76 needs SSE2 (or was it only SSE?)
Or a KM-user once mentioned he needed to install VisualBasic 2005 (or is that 2010 for current?) to stop startup crashes.
KM had an ancient crashreporter plugin, but no idea if still working:
It needs that pref created and set true, also possible by manual edit of prefs.js:

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9 hours ago, siria said:

flyod said:
>i feel like if i could figure out the reason for the immediate crash of k-meleon,
> it might get me close to finding the problem with everything. is there any way
> to enable some kind of logging mode apart from just the windows erorr reporting?

When does it crash - at startup, or when loading pages?
If at startup, did you customize anything or never even get that far?
If not already done, try if helps to delete the StartupCache folder in profile.
Or try a new profile, e.g. by toggling from portable to non-portable mode (renaming empty file KM/profile.ini to profiles_renamed.ini or delete it completely, or if it doesn't exist, create it)
Occasionally it happens that KM tries to restore a session with some buggy page and crashes. Can be all sorts of things, or in the past was also caused e.g. by russian URLs (cyrillic?), and someone else got crashes due to a corrupt bookmarks file, or e.g. 2018 (Firefox) kept crashing on someone who then figured out he needs to set pref "browser.display.use_document_fonts"=0 (disabled) to overcome a buggy page in session.
Or hardware related prefs.... or some prefs for plugin-container, for gfx or opengl
At any rate KM/kplugins/update.dll can be removed. It had an old bug that could crash, hope meanwhile fixed, but for RT builds it's completely useless anyway.
And IIRC KMG76 needs SSE2 (or was it only SSE?)
Or a KM-user once mentioned he needed to install VisualBasic 2005 (or is that 2010 for current?) to stop startup crashes.
KM had an ancient crashreporter plugin, but no idea if still working:
It needs that pref created and set true, also possible by manual edit of prefs.js:

with the profiles folder deleted, forcing it to create a new one, and no addons installed, it pops up "a new plugin has been found, k-meleon adblock, would you like to load this plugin now?" yes or no, same result: immediately crash, standard windows xp "this program encountered a problem and needs to close" message. on the second time opening it it says it wasn't closed properly, would i like to restore a previous session, yes or no, same result as the first time

i tried deleting update.dll (and adblock.dll), no change, except the crash is immediate.  then i deleted the entire plugins folder, same thing. i added the crashreporter plugin, which seems to work, but i dont really know what to do with it's information.
i tried it on my windows 10 installation on the same machine, and had the same results, maybe it's the vb runtimes, but i thought i had them up-to-date everywhere, but i'll check again, i'll also redownload on the off chance maybe the download just didn't come thru correctly. im starting to think there might just be some major hardware level incompatibility on this machine in windows xp for mozilla-based browsers, but i'll try browser.display.use_document_fonts"=0 (disabled) in newmoon to see if that changes anything too.


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flyod said:
> i'll also redownload on the off chance maybe the download just didn't come thru correctly

Ah right, thanks for reminder! I assumed you'd been trying KM since awhile, but if build 20200613 was your first attempt, that's the culprit. It was first crashing on everyone, until roytam1 fixed it just half a day later:
(as usual keeping the old date still in filename)

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