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4 hours ago, bigmuscle said:

I'm not sure if I correctly understand you. But moral obligation for what? Doesn't the software presented on my website work correctly on the stated version of operating system? Or do you think that the software developer is responsible for the situation when an user installs an operating system version that has never been claimed to be supported?

I had written no word about responsibility of developer for the OS changes. I just wrote, the developer should take care about his work. And your words "..... user installs an operating system version that has never been claimed to be supported" is only alibism. Are you doing SW for only a few months to use? Cause Windows will be developed till the end of time, and your work definitely will never be done until you officially will declare your work is done. People trust you, they are developing extensions for AG on their own, so this responsibity I have meant.


Given the choice of running debug version of Aero Glass or no Aero Glass at all, I personally prefer the latter option. It's just not the same as the release build, which is the real deal. What bugs me more than debug window and watermark are choppier window animations, which isn't really surprising outcome for debug build compiled with all the logging enabled and lack of compiler optimizations.


Watermark for beta info ok, debug window ..mmpf. Better optional!
But i respect the choice from the dev and i wait nervous on my chair with hitting F5 every hour.

just my 2cent.

Posted (edited)

My topic on what Im about to say was deleted but AG is going to be obsolete if Fluent Design keeps going in the direction its going in. Its good and bad news for Bigmuscle.

Good news that he wont have to continue making late releases for officially released operating systems and wont have to deal with the nagging

Bad news that he will start to get a lot less income as this becomes less and less of a useful tool

Edited by raiden89

If he doesn't like the nagging, but enjoys the income he gets from it, then it would be beneficial to listen to us.  We're paying for the donation key which we rarely get to take advantage of anymore.  That with the added annoyance of the dwm windows, the program can be quite annoying at time when they pop up multiple windows when you try to launch several apps.  If people find the watermark & dwm windows annoying, then it's less likely they're going to want to donate.  Esp since an official build seems to only be around for a short while & the beta versions are the primary ones we have to use.  I'm just asking that the beta versions also allow us to remove the watermark & to use something other than the dwm windows.  Maybe I'm asking for to much 


Exactly.  We are 4 months into the latest Windows 10 build, and no official release for Aeroglass as of yet.  Right now there may only be two more months before MS releases their next big update.  So we get to use the official release for 17134 for a few weeks, then it won't work any more.  :(

5 hours ago, dhjohns said:

Exactly.  We are 4 months into the latest Windows 10 build, and no official release for Aeroglass as of yet.  Right now there may only be two more months before MS releases their next big update.  So we get to use the official release for 17134 for a few weeks, then it won't work any more.  :(

Personally I always wait for Aero Glass before updating Windows but I understand this isn't an option for everyone.


@bigmuscle, if you don't have enough time for developing AeroGlass every new version, maybe will be better to open your code for everyone. In my opinion in internet lots of developers who could help you to do developing process much faster. 

2 hours ago, RaphaelGreen said:

@bigmuscle, if you don't have enough time for developing AeroGlass every new version, maybe will be better to open your code for everyone. In my opinion in internet lots of developers who could help you to do developing process much faster. 

Nah, then there is no more incentive to force people to voluntarily donate, lmao.


Just my 2 cents, part of a developer's interest is the fun and reward of their work. I have noticed for other useful projects in the past, too much negativity (nagging, repeating the same complaints, etc) rather than taking the time to thank the developer for their work often leads to the developer (understandably) losing interest.

For the development and updates of AeroGlass, I doubt Bigmuscle has any help and he probably has other commitments too, so we should be grateful that he is still working on it despite MS's updates constantly breaking it. Also, I very much doubt the donations come close to paying for his work, so it is still to a large extent voluntary work on his part.

The April update was released on the very last day of April, only 2 1/2 months ago (not 4 which seems to be quoted regularly here). Bigmuscle has taken longer than this in the past, at a time when more people were posting on the forum and yet fewer of them complaining.

So perhaps we can return to the OP topic and thank Bigmuscle for his continued work and for his latest release, no matter when it does come out.


I completely agree about people complaining, or nagging.  That is unacceptable.  Constantly nagging for an official release doesn't help anyone.  What I've been asking for is to remove the watermark & do something different with the DWM windows on the beta releases.  Features already available on the official releases.  I'd donate more money if I could get that included in the beta releases, because I think it'd be worth it.  If that's a lot of work to implement into the beta, then maybe I shouldn't ask.  But I don't think it's an unreasonable request.  It's very distracting & frustrating.  Esp when the DWM windows keep popping up multiple times when I try to run several of my apps.  Again, I'm not trying to nag.  If that's a lot of work to implement into the beta version, then I'll stay quiet.  But if it's a simple process to just carry into the beta version, then I don't see why that can't be done.  I think it'd make people enjoy the project a lot more, and most likely get more people to donate.  Again, I'll donate more money without batting an eye if that gets implemented

Posted (edited)
On 7/11/2018 at 6:34 PM, carlitosoo555 said:

Can I ask why different threads are created with regard to this? IMHO all these questions and requests should be put together in a single thread, one that has already been created for some time:

aero glass for version 1803

The thread aero glass for version 1803 is technically orientated and it turns out to be worthless, just because nobody of users is able to solve problems with AG v.. 1.5.8 and Windows 10 1803. This thread wants to encourage the author to work on new build of AG and remind him to keep up his work alive.

Edited by 666_peter_666
40 minutes ago, 666_peter_666 said:

The thread aero glass for version 1803 is technically orientated and it turns out to be worthless, just because nobody of users is able to solve problems with AG v.. 1.5.8 and Windows 10 1803.

To summarize, prevalent thing across both threads are complaints about debug windows and watermark. There is very little about supposed technical issues with current experimental version. Someone mentioned memory leak, but didn't specify if the version of AG used was current at the time. And then the Windows updates and things shuffle around in DWM, requiring new debug symbols, which aren't downloaded automatically by AG unless the user has donation key and require manual intervention.

So either the current experimental version already works well or if there are crashing or similar critical bugs still lurking in there, they're edge cases and nobody ran into them.

There's also a fact that Big Muscle doesn't share his thoughts on release-ready status of the experimental version, so one can only speculate. It already happened that a lot of time passed between when experimental version was released and when it was followed by release version and changes between the experimental and release version were minimal at best, not worth mentioning in the changelog.

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