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19 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

but I believe "Gecko Compatibility" replaces "Goanna/4.1" with "Gecko/20100101" in the user agent string (for the benefit of sites that don't know what the "Goanna" rendering engine is).

"Firefox Compatibility" does that too, but it also replaces "Pale Moon/28.2" with "Firefox/52.9." Again for the benefit of sites that don't know about (or don't like) Pale Moon.

Hi :) ; I did some tests on my Vista SP2 laptop running yesterday's release of New Moon 28 (appVersion=28.2.0a1 (32-bit), buildID=20181027020958) and those tests showed conclusively that: 

Native UA:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:52.9) Goanna/4.1 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

Gecko compat UA:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

Firefox compat UA (this is my current setting):

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 Firefox/52.9 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

so, in reality, "Goanna/4.1" and "Pale Moon/28.2.0a1" are not replaced, but always remain in the advertised UA string; if you want to hide them completely from a certain site, you'd have to use a custom UA string (either via the native way, setting a SSUAO in about:config, or via an extension). ;)

19 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

but may report Firefox 52.9 as out of date.

There's a hidden (i.e. not exposed in a GUI setting) string pref inside about:config called


which defaults to 52.9 ; by modifying it to a more recent Fx major version, those sites might be tricked into thinking you're running an up-to-date Firefox version; e.g. with the "Firefox compat" UA mode and that pref set to "63.0", my advertised UA string is:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 Firefox/63.0 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

This approach, however, is not risk free, because you stand the chance of a site serving you code (Javascript, CSS, etc.) - intended for your "advertised" Firefox version - that NM28 is just not compatible with... So, as you said, you'd have to experiment a bit - as you put it, YMMV... :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
On 10/26/2018 at 6:25 PM, Mathwiz said:

Greasemonkey 4.1 installs on roytam1's Basilisk XP build, but doesn't seem to work for some reason.

On 10/27/2018 at 5:38 AM, Mathwiz said:

But curiously, GM 4.1 does work (at least well enough to download Youtube videos) on the "official" Basilisk browser (version 52.9.2018.09.27); just not on roytam1's XP builds (always say version 52.9.0). I'd think both versions would have the same WE APIs :unsure:

I was intrigued by what you have posted so I decided to create a new clean/minimal Serpent 52.9.0 profile; some basic GUI settings were changed, then I proceeded to only installing Greasemonkey 4.1 (WE, from AMO), followed by installing the SF.net userscript from their site (you have to cut-off the timestamp bit, ?ts=..., from the URI there, because GM will only install scripts from URIs ending in user.js). 

I restarted Serpent, headed off to a youtube clip and, apparently, everything was working fine:


Well yes, I do expect Moonchild's Basilisk and Roytam1's Serpent 52 (both on the UXP platform) to have the same WE APIs, so I am puzzled as to why you didn't manage to get GM 4.1 working in your Serpent install (on XP) :dubbio:; perhaps a conflict exists there between one of your other extensions and/or a modified browser setting??? FWIW, I can't test official Basilisk here, since it requires Win7+ :realmad:

My previous comment to you wrt GM 4.1 was half "educated guess" and half "from experience" :P ... When it comes to Serpent 52.9.0 and Webextensions, I have always found it to be a case of trial-and-error -_-; WE addons from AMO that would install fine in FirefoxESR 52.9.0 and then perform there as expected, would either not install at all in Serpent in the first place (yielding the infamous "appears corrupted" error message) or, after initial successful install, would underperform or not work at all... :angry:

That is why in Serpent, much like in NM, I'll opt for the XUL edition of an extension, provided there's still choice (so I use XUL GM but WE SF.net - there isn't anymore a legacy version of the latter available).



Edited by VistaLover
8 hours ago, VistaLover said:

Native UA:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:52.9) Goanna/4.1 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

Gecko compat UA:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

Firefox compat UA (this is my current setting):

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 Firefox/52.9 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

You know, that's what Basilisk does too; it just adds the "compatible" strings rather than replacing the incompatible ones.

I knew Basilisk did that but I wasn't where I could check PM or NM without downloading & installing again, and I assumed PM/NM worked differently. That's what I get for assuming.

Anyway, that's why on Basilisk I just use a global "general.useragent.override" and make the UA look exactly like FF 52.9 on Win 7. (Some sites complain about the OS as well as the browser.)

8 hours ago, VistaLover said:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.1 Firefox/63.0 PaleMoon/28.2.0a1

This approach, however, is not risk free, because you stand the chance of a site serving you code (Javascript, CSS, etc.) - intended for your "advertised" Firefox version - that NM28 is just not compatible with... So, as you said, you'd have to experiment a bit - as you put it, YMMV... :rolleyes:

Surprisingly, Chase doesn't (yet) seem to have a problem with FF 52.9, even though it's been out of date for almost two months; if/when they do at some point in the future (all too likely), I will of course update "general.useragent.override.chase.com" (probably to /60.something) and see if a newer version will avoid the dreaded "your browser is out of date" without pushing incompatible Javascript onto the page.

I assume (there's that word again) the PM team will keep both PM and Basilisk compatible with future Web technologies to the extent that's feasible, and that @roytam1's builds will incorporate all the same enhancements to the extent it remains feasible to do so on XP. I'm sure at some point, there will be something that just can't be made to work anymore (reCAPTCHA seems to be falling into that category already); but for now I seem to be doing OK with a little help from my friends at MSFN.

BTW, it's interesting you were able to get Greasemonkey 4.1 working with @roytam1's Basilisk version. The problem with my setup may just have to remain a mystery, since it looks like the WE version of the downloader will work if I just exclude chase.com, and that seems like the simplest solution for me at this point.

Posted (edited)

Hello can someone upload this basilisk versions:


becouse in server files missing :(


Found old versions (2017) in:


Edited by Varis

Basilisk and PaleMoon for XP are marvellous!
High praise and thanks to the maker(s) of these browsers.

Just one question (hope it has not already been addressed on the 72-pages):

Video works flawless, but on some (and only some) websites the sound is VERY distortet (on Twitter video for example).

Does anyone know how to solve this?


On 9/1/2018 at 8:05 PM, dencorso said:

I'm reporting that the Adobe Primetime CDM is able to perform h264/aac decoding on Serpent 52 / UPX (by roytam1) just like the patched third party library ffvpx included in it (which then has to be disabled, because both cannot work together), only better, because there are sites, like GloboNews, for which the modded ffvpx renders sound shifted towards the bass region (like a voice masker/distorter), while Adobe Primetime CDM works as intended. Of course, all that ritual dance needed to activate the Adobe Primetime CDM on FF esr 52 is also needed here. I had reported this once before somewhere, but since it seems I'm the only one who visits sites in which ffvpx does not work as intended, I didn't insist on it, but due to your very detailed post above I decided to correct this particular info.

@roytam1's Serpent 52/UPX is not a fork from Mozilla 53, but instead from FF esr 52, AFAIK. Fact is it behaves exactly like FF esr 52 in what regards the Adobe Primetime CDM, and all other old-style add-ons, including Silverlight and Shockwave.

On 9/1/2018 at 4:26 AM, dencorso said:

No. On XP the Adobe Primetime CDM, provided one gets it and installs it by hand, still works OK on FF esr 52.9.0 and on Serpent 52/UXP.

You need to set "media.ffvpx.enabled" to "false", too...

1 hour ago, Tom95 said:

Basilisk and PaleMoon for XP are marvellous!
High praise and thanks to the maker(s) of these browsers.

Just one question (hope it has not already been addressed on the 72-pages):

Video works flawless, but on some (and only some) websites the sound is VERY distortet (on Twitter video for example).

Does anyone know how to solve this?


please turn on Firefox compatibility.


New build of basilisk/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win32-git-20181103-1d55939c7-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.1.win64-git-20181103-1d55939c7-xpmod.7z

diff: https://o.rths.cf/basilisk/UXP-xp-gitdiff-20181027.7z

PM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.2.0a1.win32-git-20181103-1d55939c7-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-28.2.0a1.win64-git-20181103-1d55939c7-xpmod.7z

Official repo changes since my last build:
- Update HSTS preload list (76825544f)
- Use a separate process to generate thumbnails only when multi-process mode is enabled (6bdbb9cdf)
- Merge pull request #857 from JustOff/PR_BackgroundPageThumbs_remote (5069a3759)
- Set CSS error console reporting default to false for performance. (333214421)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP (2c045d9c5)
- Don't mark MGetFirstDollarIndex as movable. (1cfcf17a1)
- Origin for about: URL should not contain query or ref parts. (752311fd4)
- Ensure that the scroll frame deregisters its refresh driver observers (mAsyncScroll & mAsyncSmoothMSDScroll) before it's destroyed. (fdbac0959)
- Make HTTP/2 compressor more resilient to bad data. (a2a8c71d7)
- Simplify SIMD conversion from Uint64 to Double. (24a83a813)
- Protect main thread in-process access to WinCompositorWidget transparent surface. (e0de8181d)
- Reorder boolean expression to take advantage of short-circuiting. (e8f913da9)
- Bug 1460538 (f62eee7c5)
- Remove Query/Ref from the directory listing URI. (059397bdd)
- Make sure nsNSSCertList handling checks for valid certs. (52b989d53)
- WebRTC: Drop DataChannelListener on Destroy(). (9dc6bf850)
- Don't allocate PendingAction twice. (09fec033e)
- Fix a longstanding IndexedDB correctness issue. (deba73b3b)
- Make sure we remove our RefreshDriver observers in CompleteAsyncScroll. (3b2c342f3)
- Apply CheckedInt to infoLength for preventing it from overflowing in the future. (617eb6483)
- Remove ancient workaround in client certificate code (f42d6c39f)
- Backport some upstream Skia patches. (030053f1a)
- Ensure user input suppression works correctly even after document.open. (90a73cfe2)
- Add overflow checks for extending nsTArrays. (cc234ff43)
- Backport some upstream Skia patches. (1d55939c7)


New Palemoon 27 Build!
* This build is beyond official 27.9.4 build.

32bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win32-git-20181103-e1975531d-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win32-git-20181103-e1975531d-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win32-git-20181103-e1975531d-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.1a1.win64-git-20181103-e1975531d-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from tenfourfox#517 for solving cloudflare rocket loader issue:
 - #517: fake out current Rocket Loader (0bbf06e)
 - #517: a couple tune-ups (5f47da2)
 - #517: more complete workaround for Rocket Loader (3926185) (68339dcfa)
- ported changes from tenfourfox: bug1470260-p1, bug1480092, bug1466577, bug1469348, bug1461706
 - #334: get around a Telemetry stub crash by disabling MOAR TELEMETRY (e3663e02b) (e1975531d)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 84be542d0...e1975531d:
- import changes from tenfourfox#517 for solving cloudflare rocket loader issue:
 - #517: fake out current Rocket Loader (0bbf06e)
 - #517: a couple tune-ups (5f47da2)
 - #517: more complete workaround for Rocket Loader (3926185) (68339dcfa)
- ported changes from tenfourfox: bug1470260-p1, bug1480092, bug1466577, bug1469348, bug1461706
 - #334: get around a Telemetry stub crash by disabling MOAR TELEMETRY (e3663e02b) (e1975531d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.


New build of Firefox 45ESR SSE:

test binary: https://o.rths.cf/gpc/files1.rt/firefox-45.9.12-20181103-88d6f807c-win32-sse.7z

repo: https://github.com/roytam1/mozilla45esr

Changes since my last build:
- update NSS to rev 3b79af0fa294 with nss339-vc2013.diff applied (8afe39fd4)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #527: M1054906 M1278599 M1252228 (+ESR45 changes, see M1263778 for info) (09256df98)
 - #517: more complete workaround for Rocket Loader (392618510)
 - fix an assert M1416774 (c9ed275af)
 - #529: jsop_in folding M1244098 M1041586 (partial) (a8fa64068)
 - #530: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors M1245024 M1279303 (052586b55)
 - #531: pref CSS error reporting to false except for DEBUG builds (f059d57c0)
 - #525: workaround for old addons, uBlock origin (f898ad643)
 - intel specific fixes + gstate cleanup (#532) (e4c087349)
 - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:classilla/tenfourfox (9f9119069) (88d6f807c)

Posted (edited)

So GitHub updated javascript that breaks PM27.

For users using Pentium4 or above, please update to PM28XP.

For non-SSE2 capable processors, please switch to my Firefox 45.9.x ESR builds.

For KM76G users, I have to say sorry that I still not able to port KM to either Goanna-4.1.x or Gecko45TFF engine yet, and I have no ETA for that right now.


EDIT: spoofing to ESR 60 seems working at the moment:

general.useragent.override.github.com = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 (Pale Moon)

Edited by roytam1
1 hour ago, roytam1 said:

So GitHub updated javascript that breaks PM27.

For users using Pentium4 or above, please update to PM28XP.

For non-SSE2 capable processors, please switch to my Firefox 45.9.x ESR builds.

For KM76G users, I have to say sorry that I still not able to port KM to either Goanna-4.1.x or Gecko45TFF engine yet, and I have no ETA for that right now.


EDIT: spoofing to ESR 60 seems working at the moment:

general.useragent.override.github.com = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 (Pale Moon)

maybe its better spoffing to Firefox 63?:P

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