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Root Certificates and Revoked Certificates for Windows XP


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On 2/28/2019 at 5:03 AM, Thomas S. said:

No no. I have a - hm - paranoid relationship with the internet :D

I am not in any of this Asocial media like Facebook, don't share much personal data - but I can share many informations (eg here) and I don't use encryption of email very much, only sometimes. On online banking I am using only very strange encryption / software / security equipment like smartcard authentication + pin.

So it still depends on the data I give away...

And I am informed about the real security issues, trust not the blahblah about Win10 is a safe OS :no:

Strange, I never got an email notification for this one...but got two for the following two by @heinoganda....


Well you're kinda hypocritical if you don't do it yourself consistently........ That's like saying, I don't like using the internet at all to check my bank balance and always go into a branch in person. Then one day you check your balance on the internet.....and naturally shows $0 because they hacked your account and all your money is siphoned out.......because you decided to log into your banking system that one time.......


I've only heard the free version is not good for privacy stuff, but if you're just using it to play games and nothing else then I guess that's good enough......but if youre doing some personal work or company work or whatever that has sensitive data that you do NOT want leaked in any way shape or form, then yeah....I guess windows 7.....or maybe even windows xp! Oh wait, go older beccause malware writers suspect that no one will still be using a windows 95 computer so you should be safe on the web.......most sites would be broken though as they won't display correctly on IE 5.5.....and I think the last firefox version that supports windows 95 is 3.6........and even that still have sites broken with that browser............so ehh.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • 4 weeks later...

@heinoganda's root certificates updater just ran automatically for me (I have a scheduled task for it to automatically run every Patch Tuesday) and I'm now just getting "Network Error! Repeat download, please wait!" over and over.
Please don't say that this has now gone the same way as MSE!

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46 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

@heinoganda's root certificates updater just ran automatically for me (I have a scheduled task for it to automatically run every Patch Tuesday) and I'm now just getting "Network Error! Repeat download, please wait!" over and over.
Please don't say that this has now gone the same way as MSE!


Working here fine, i guess it has to do something with your internet:dubbio:

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5 hours ago, Dave-H said:

...I'm now just getting "Network Error! Repeat download, please wait!" over and over.

Same here just now; lasted about half-a-minute, before it successfully updated.

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  • 1 month later...

It is located on a country barrier at Zippyshare. Therefore, I have now added an alternative download link via web proxy.



Update for root certificates:


CN = Digidentity Services Root CA
O = Digidentity B.V.
C = NL

CN = HiPKI Root CA - G1
O = Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
C = TW


Those using heinoganda's Cert_Updater.exe should run it ASAP. Others needing a redistributable rootsupd.exe should follow his instructions for creating their own, or PM at 5eraph for an updated EXE file.


Edited by heinoganda
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  • 1 month later...


Disallowed certificates New:

CN = QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
O = QuoVadis Limited
C = BM

CN = QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
O = QuoVadis Limited
C = BM

CN = QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
O = QuoVadis Limited
C = BM

CN = QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
O = QuoVadis Limited
C = BM

CN = QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
O = QuoVadis Limited
C = BM

CN = QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
O = QuoVadis Limited
C = BM

Update for root certificates:


CN = ePKI Root Certification Authority - G2
O = Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
C = TW

CN = TrustFactory Client Root Certificate Authority
OU = TrustFactory PKI Operations
O = TrustFactory(Pty)Ltd
L = Johannesburg
S = Gauteng
C = ZA

CN = TrustFactory SSL Root Certificate Authority
OU = TrustFactory PKI Operations
O = TrustFactory(Pty)Ltd
L = Johannesburg
S = Gauteng
C = ZA


CN = ePKI Root Certification Authority - G2
O = Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
C = TW


Those using heinoganda's Cert_Updater.exe should run it ASAP. Others needing a redistributable rootsupd.exe should follow his instructions for creating their own, or PM at 5eraph for an updated EXE file.



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  • 1 month later...

No update in here, but I have some new entries showing 29 Oct  2019 as a date:

* authroots.sst         2019-10-29 19:31  Roots       *
* delroots.sst          2019-08-21 22:44  Roots       *
* roots.sst             2019-07-23 23:27  Roots       *
* updroots.sst          2019-10-29 19:31  Roots       *
* disallowedcert.sst    2019-08-13 17:18  Revoked     *
*                                                     *
*                 Roots  Certificates                 *
*                                                     *
*                successfully updated!                *
*                                                     *
*                                                     *
*                Revoked  Certificates                *
*                                                     *
*                successfully updated!                *
*                                                     *
Aby kontynuować, naciśnij dowolny klawisz . . .

Worth worrying?

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