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Root Certificates and Revoked Certificates for Windows XP


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On 9/29/2018 at 1:34 AM, heinoganda said:


An error is still at the beginning and end to see again in the HTTPS proxy console, open the config.ini file in the HTTPS proxy directory, add the following entrie under [SSL pass-thru] and start HTTPS proxy again as usual.


The next coming update of HTTPS Proxy will apply these entries. If you have such yellow error messages on certain web pages you can communicate them via PM. Otherwise, only Windows system log remains to see if this error still occurs.


Sorry for the delay in responding, but yes, that additional entry fixed all the error messages!

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Update for root certificates:


CN = Fina Root CA
O = Financijska agencija
C = HR

CN = Hongkong Post Root CA 2
O = Hongkong Post
L = Hong Kong
S = Hong Kong
C = HK

CN = Hongkong Post Root CA 3
O = Hongkong Post
L = Hong Kong
S = Hong Kong
C = HK

URL update for Cert_Updater (insert the following code into a new text file, rename file extension txt to reg and execute it to update these entries in the registry or enter the changed URLs manually in the registry):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Those using heinoganda's Cert_Updater.exe should run it ASAP. Others needing a redistributable rootsupd.exe should follow his instructions for creating their own, or PM at 5eraph for an updated EXE file.


Edited by heinoganda
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Unfortunately, when I ran version 1.6, it was immediately blocked by my internet security program.
It didn't actually delete the file, but it stopped it running.
I've had to add it to the exceptions list.
This has not happened with any previous version.
Sadly the internet security program doesn't seem to have logged its action, so I can't see what it thought the problem was!

Edited by Dave-H
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That may be because I have implemented a Webspider function, where only on the sst file of comparison URLs accesses and if new is downloaded first. This function can also be disabled in the registry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cert_Updater" for the entry "webspider_to_compare" (Default 1, Off 0).
Here is a scan of Virustotal


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Heinoganda - thanks again, from me and all five of my doppelgangers.

Your Info Version 1.6.txt says

"For this the image (CertUpd.jpg) of the screen print must be loaded into the same directory of Cert_Updater, or in the same directory of Cert_Updater a text file with the name "Cert_Updater.txt" where the corresponding link to the image of the screen printout is inserted."

But I installed your .reg file and I have just run Cert_Updater_v1.6,  Do I also need to follow your instructions above about CertUpd.jpg?

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2 hours ago, heinoganda said:

No, you do not have to. Do you see the picture of this post?


Could not import values to registry. Basically it says that was due to system error or defected HD. However I run certupdater 1.6 and informed me that update was successful. 



Edited by Tangy
File system error/ error HD
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4 hours ago, heinoganda said:


That may be because I have implemented a Webspider function, where only on the sst file of comparison URLs accesses and if new is downloaded first. This function can also be disabled in the registry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cert_Updater" for the entry "webspider_to_compare" (Default 1, Off 0).
Here is a scan of Virustotal


Thanks @heinoganda, I'll probably just leave the program in the internet security program's exceptions list rather than switch off any of its functions.
It seems to be fine like that.
Cheers and thanks again, Dave.

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Use Regedit to delete the Cert_Updater entry (under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE delete Cert_Updater) and then execute Cert_updater 1.6 again. The default values are then re-entered in the registry including the change of the download URL's.


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