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RetroZilla: An updated version of Mozilla for Windows 95 and NT4 [2.2 RELEASED]

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33 minutes ago, dencorso said:

Link please.

I tried looking for the last half hour on my other pc for any remnants of my history and couldn't find anything. I can tell you I might have done a bit of digging into their background so it was not an easy task or the original page(s) to what I am citing is no longer up for whatever reason. I'm sure it's out there somewhere and I'll link if I ever find it again. Feel free to disregard my claim until then then..

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I am sorry I have been gone for so long everybody, but I'm back now, hopefully for good. I had a death in the family, and it tolled on me extremely, along with some complicated projects outside of computing, as well as being locked out of my main building machine. I now have some more free time on my hands, and I recently picked up an old laptop that I could dedicate to building and testing on. I can't promise when I could get a build out, but work will be done slowly but surely. I have to get re-oriented with the code and build process, and where I left off. I haven't read the thread since I left, but I will tonight and answer any of your questions and concerns. Again, I am sorry that it took so long for me to work on this project, I really wish that I didn't fall off the radar like I did, but I'm back.

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All is right in the world once again! Yay!!!

I'm sorry about what you've been through, but the most important thing is that you survived it, and now you can get back to life.

And, of course, welcome back! :)


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Thank you all for the kind words. Some days are harder than others, but for the most part, I'm better than I was.


OK, now for a little status update.

Mozillla-build (the MINGW32 environment used to actually build the browser) has been acting up lately, so while I have had a few good builds with the existing (what's currently on GitHub) code, I have not been able to add to it as any changes I made would not be able to be committed to the GitHub. The issue being that I can't get make to actually respect the OBJDIR setting (the directory that the build files and binaries go in to) so right now, it's just building and dropping everything into the source tree (AKA making it impossible to use source control). I remember having a similar issue on my old build machine, but I can't remember how I fixed it. (I would love to go back into that machine and see, but I'm locked out) Once I get that sorted out, I will be able to actually start working. (And I will also put better build documentation in the root folder of the tree so this issue doesn't happen to anybody in the future)

On 1/8/2017 at 11:35 PM, JodyT said:

I loaded up Opera 12.10 for fun a few days go.  Besides some glitches, it works for the most part on this forum.  And most sites were quite usable.  So would that not work well enough for Win9x?

The main issue with that is that to get Opera to work, you need KernelEx (which AFAIK only works on 98SE/ME),  I created RetroZilla for Windows 95 and NT4 and 98/ME users that don't wish to install KernelEx.

Edited by rn10950
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Still trying to get the build process to respect the objdir flag. I think I may just mount the HDD from the old build machine in another PC and see what I did to get it working in the first place.



Once I get the thing to build, I am considering releasing another 2.x release before I get to the good stuff. There have been a few issues I've had that could be fixed quickly before I get to the long-term development of the rendering engine. (default prefs [security alerts get annoying], search issues [prevent that g*dda*n sidebar from opening everytime one searches from the addressbar], possibly some tabbed browsing fixes, etc)

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1 hour ago, roytam1 said:

I wonder if you can upgrade NSS for supporting TLS 1.2 first.

I'll have to look into it. It depends on how long after Gecko 1.1.19 was released that TLS 1.2 support was added. The further out something was added, the more difficult it would be to add to rzGecko. If it is possible, it would most likely be added in rz3 instead of the 2.x release.

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9 hours ago, Ironman69 said:

rn10950, can you possibly get youtube to play videos with RZ 2.0 ?  For me, the page loads with text, but the video screen is black with no activity.

I don't know about this. I just tried it on Win95 w/ latest RetroZIlla build and Flash 7 (w/ patch) and I get the same problem. YouTube is always a problem with projects like this. They always try to play games with compatibility projects because "innovation". There is no reason they can't keep a compatible Flash player around. (I know there still is a flash player around, and I can get to it on my main XP machine, but it requires a lot of spoofing and I have to experiment with it on Win9x, I may be able to get it working on 98/Me, but AFAIK 95/NT are done). Even on my main XP machine, I have noticed that the new website changes and new HTML5 player locks the whole browser up if you have 10+ YouTube tabs open, never had this problem before about 2 months ago. (This machine is also no lightweight, Quad Core CPU with 5GB of RAM, 64-bit Windows)


Regarding the new website changes however, that may be the one that breaks YouTube for everybody on anything below XP/2003. Right now on RetroZIlla and other older browsers, it drops you in the older view of the site that you could still access on newer browsers by going into the 3-vertical-dots menu in the top right hand corner of the site. (Surprisingly, this view doesn't lock up my newer machine) Knowing Google and YouTube, this will probably be gone in a few months, and when that happens, we may be SOL.

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