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RetroZilla: An updated version of Mozilla for Windows 95 and NT4 [2.2 RELEASED]

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20 hours ago, Yushatak said:

Ability to remove the "Print" button like you can with the "Search" button on the navigation bar (I never print anything, and if I wanted to I'd use the menu or Ctrl+P).

I will consider this.

20 hours ago, Yushatak said:

Is the throbber theme-able, by the way? I can't remember if it was possible in Seamonkey 1.x without resource hacking it. If it isn't, then could you add that capability? I'd like to use a retro throbber from Netscape for nostalgic purposes. :3

Yes. It's not resource hacking, but it still requires some code. Open up your RZ profile folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\RetroZilla\Profiles\Default\<Something>.slt\ on Windows 9x, C:\WINNT\Profiles\<Your Username>\Application Data\RetroZilla\Profiles\Default\<Something>.slt\ on Windows NT 4 and %appdata%\RetroZilla\Profiles\Default\<Something>.slt\ on Windows 2000/XP and later) then go into the Chrome folder. Create a new file called userChrome.css. In this file put:

#navigator-throbber {
	list-style-image : url("file:///C:/NSThrobbers/throbber-single.gif") !important;

#navigator-throbber[busy="true"] {
	list-style-image : url("file:///C:/NSThrobbers/throbber-anim.gif") !important;

where C:/NSThrobbers is the path to where you have the NS throbbers. (I recommend sticking them there)

If you want to hide the print button, you can do so by adding this to the end of the file:

#print-button { 
  display:none !important;
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Not a matter of life and death but if it is possible it would be nice to change the sequence when right-clicking on a link to:
- open in a new tab
- open in a new window

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49 minutes ago, MiKl said:

Not a matter of life and death but if it is possible it would be nice to change the sequence when right-clicking on a link to:
- open in a new tab
- open in a new window

OK, I'll do that. It's easy and brings it closer to modern Firefox/SeaMonkey.

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18 hours ago, MiKl said:

Not a matter of life and death but if it is possible it would be nice to change the sequence when right-clicking on a link to:
- open in a new tab
- open in a new window

17 hours ago, rn10950 said:

OK, I'll do that. It's easy and brings it closer to modern Firefox/SeaMonkey.

I'd like to register a vote against this, or at least to make the order switchable somehow. I had to track down a method of reversing it back to the old way on PaleMoon.

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I was thinking, maybe there should be a catalog with old browser addons like adblock, menu editor etc like Chrome Web Store or Firefox Addons site?

I could build, host and oversee such website. It would be of course lightweight and minimalistic.

Two things: There would have to be a link in browser that would open this catalog, otherwise there would be no sense in making it, and how installing addons is handled in old Mozilla builds? Is it just download with certain file extension?

What do you think?

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4 hours ago, pionner said:

I was thinking, maybe there should be a catalog with old browser addons like adblock, menu editor etc like Chrome Web Store or Firefox Addons site?

I could build, host and oversee such website. It would be of course lightweight and minimalistic.

Two things: There would have to be a link in browser that would open this catalog, otherwise there would be no sense in making it, and how installing addons is handled in old Mozilla builds? Is it just download with certain file extension?

What do you think?

Great minds think alike, I already included the framework for such a feature in 2.0. You can go to Tools => Get Extensions to redirect to a website that I already have hosted. All I would need is the .XPI of the older extensions (the default Mozilla extension format, still used today) and I will verify them and post them. The old version of AdBlock that I have is too old to work, so I would have to mess around with that a little, but if you have any other .XPIs that you tested and they work, send them to me and I'll post them.

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After more regular use of the browser I've come across what I presume to be a JS bug. On onlinebanking.tdbank.com (yeah I know I'm insane to do that on 98SE, whatever..) the page rewrites the username to censor the center of it with password-field-dots after you switch form fields. This ends up clearing the box entirely on RetroZilla rather than the intended effect, making it impossible to log in. I disabled JS and tried again, and then you can't log in because the site is too JS-driven and the "Log In" button does nothing.

Also, I'm sure you noticed this, but MSFN loads very slowly and then doesn't render properly. Dunno if you can do anything about the speed, as the machine I'm using is pretty old, but the rendering probably just requires some newer JS functions or changes to the way existing ones work due to the age of the JS engine.

Since this is intended for such a specific audience it'd be nice if there were a built-in way to enable/disable JS per-page in a browser-managed remembered fashion, kinda like AdBlock works with per-site enable/disable. This way we could keep JS disabled when we don't need it to increase performance, and enable it when we do need it selectively for certain sites. For bonus points make it configurable what parts of JS are able to run on each site for fine-tuning. After it's toggled on/off it should refresh the page in question. This could potentially be done with an extension, I suppose, maybe NoScript can already do this if it's available for Seamonkey 1.19 (I don't recall whether it is). Since you're targeting old OSes (and by extension usually old machines) this would be a good integrated feature to have since old machines chug along with JS so badly.

Edited by Yushatak
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1 hour ago, Yushatak said:

After more regular use of the browser I've come across what I presume to be a JS bug. On onlinebanking.tdbank.com (yeah I know I'm insane to do that on 98SE, whatever..) the page rewrites the username to censor the center of it with password-field-dots after you switch form fields. This ends up clearing the box entirely on RetroZilla rather than the intended effect, making it impossible to log in. I disabled JS and tried again, and then you can't log in because the site is too JS-driven and the "Log In" button does nothing.

Also, I'm sure you noticed this, but MSFN loads very slowly and then doesn't render properly. Dunno if you can do anything about the speed, as the machine I'm using is pretty old, but the rendering probably just requires some newer JS functions or changes to the way existing ones work due to the age of the JS engine.

Since this is intended for such a specific audience it'd be nice if there were a built-in way to enable/disable JS per-page in a browser-managed remembered fashion, kinda like AdBlock works with per-site enable/disable. This way we could keep JS disabled when we don't need it to increase performance, and enable it when we do need it selectively for certain sites. For bonus points make it configurable what parts of JS are able to run on each site for fine-tuning. After it's toggled on/off it should refresh the page in question. This could potentially be done with an extension, I suppose, maybe NoScript can already do this if it's available for Seamonkey 1.19 (I don't recall whether it is). Since you're targeting old OSes (and by extension usually old machines) this would be a good integrated feature to have since old machines chug along with JS so badly.

I will look into the JS engine bugs, but those are low on my list, I want to get websites rendering properly first.

MSFN isn't working properly because of the new software they're using. I need to take a look at the source to see what I need to add to get that working. Obviously, this site is high up on sites that I need to get working. I'm curious to see if it needs an ACID2 or ACID3 compatible browser to run properly.

There is a version of NoScript for Mozilla 1.8.1, I will find it and post it on the add-ons website I was talking about a few posts up sometime tonight.

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I actually just scoured the NoScript version history and found the last to support Seamonkey 1.1 was NoScript 1.10. They list by Firefox version and by Seamonkey version, not Mozilla version, so I'm not sure how to tell if something is compatible with a specific codebase. I assume Seamonkey 1.1.x is Mozilla 1.8.1?


About to try to install/use this one with RetroZilla.

Edited by Yushatak
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