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Windows 10 - Deeper Impressions


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I think programers working on 10 updates type with their toes not their fingers, it is always the same, they fix something but they break other thing(s), they all look as amateurs making their first programs.


Edited by alacran
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6 hours ago, alacran said:

I think programers working on 10 updates type with their toes not their fingers

With the newest voice-recognition technology, they don't type anymore: they fart in Morse-code, instead! Now you know why it smells so bad! :yes:

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4 hours ago, vinifera said:

how can you be sure they are "programmers" ? -_-

OK, let's say then they pretend to be "programmers"

4 hours ago, vinifera said:

maybe they only short-employ high-school kids for practice hours

Well, If that were the case, things would be done better. They look more as kindergarten kids.

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I just thought I'd pop in and try and write something positive.....but it is the same as reading about Trump everyday...nothing changes it just gets worse....

So, I guess I am a failure....

I am glad I stuck with Windows 7...



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5 hours ago, bookie32 said:

I just thought I'd pop in and try and write something positive.....but it is the same as reading about Trump everyday...nothing changes it just gets worse....

Agreed. Nothing positive to say...

As for Windows 10, it's pitiful that Micro$oft can't seem to fix this obvious file deletion bug *before* releasing the update!

I suppose Windows as a Service isn't necessarily a bad strategy (Apple has been doing essentially that with their OS X for the better part of a decade now, and it works surprisingly well (their software's quality has suffered a bit too, but not nearly as much)), but their approach to debugging and testing is totally flawed, it would seem.

I, too, am glad I stuck with Windows 7. I do have 8.1, which is more 10-like, but without some of the headaches (such as forced security and driver updates (which needlessly break things and make using the OS miserable for those who actually care to use it for serious stuff) and mandatory biannual feature upgrades (same deal).


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6 hours ago, bookie32 said:

I just thought I'd pop in and try and write something positive.....but it is the same as reading about Trump everyday...nothing changes it just gets worse....


1 hour ago, cc333 said:

Agreed. Nothing positive to say...

This again?

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