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How to avoid being "upgraded to Win 10" against your will:


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Cool, thanks!


I use this https://voat.co/v/technology/comments/459263


also MOST people are little lazy sheep and cannot defend their legal privacy rights cause their lazy worthless couch potatos.


About the last line: that's an example of what Steve Gibson calls "the tyranny of the default." The developer counts on the fact that most people will either not know, or not care, or not care enough to change the default settings. This is OK if the defaults are benign, but not if they are not.




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Hi all,


I'm new here and not too computer savvy, but also struggling with trying to prevent being upgraded. I am running Windows 7 64-bit. I have tried to followed the instructions listed in this post ( mainly taking note of all the KB's in the original post), 


I have set my update settings to :Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install", as well as unchecked "Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates", and have tried to go through the installed updates ( uninstalled those that have been listed to avoid), as well as hidden any which are pending. I managed to get rid of the nags to upgrade, but these updates keep appearing. I can always tell that Windows is downloading /checking for updates, because TrustedInstaller is always running ( what a great name for a process *rolls eyes*), and it completely slows my PC.


However, every time I hide/uninstall an update, Windows immediately checks and downloads it, and is once again showing as important and needing to be installed. Also, every time I restart my computer, Windows begins trying to install updates, but I haven't told it to do that. Needless to say, I haven't updated my computer in some time ( I know, this is NOT good), for fear that some update will sneak in that I don't want.


I don't understand why Windows is continuing to download updates which I have hidden, and why it's even downloading anything at all, when I've set my update settings as described above. 


I really don't want Windows 10, and I really want this "TrustedInstaller" to stop running and hogging my CPU.


hope someone can help me with some advice. 


Thank you so much.


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Hi Moon1,


I took the coward's way out, or, it could be said, the intelligent way out - did a fresh install of Win7 set all updates to 'off' and will never update the system (it runs fine anyway) until (should that be 'if') all this messing around by Microsoft is over.


It could be said that leaves my system open to attack. But I figure the chances of my machine being targeted by malcontents other than Microsoft are not much better than zero. Just keep my browser up-to-date, and take care over my downloading, at all times and that takes care of the main vectors of potential attack (should be fine).


Do anything other than this and you'll be turned into a "Microsoft Updates Anxiety Wh0r3". They have the advantage in this and they will have you trying to opt-out and failing to do so at every turn as they so please.


Good luck if you try to do otherwise - I guess you'll need it! In the end, life is too short for all this f***ing around.


(Just now I'm experimenting with Linux Mint - seems quite good but a bit of a struggle coming from Windows. I know exactly where I'm going when my install of Win7 finally claps-out. Really, really, really don't like the direction Microsoft is heading in.)

Edited by Radish
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... Do anything other than this and you'll be turned into a "Microsoft Updates Anxiety Wh0r3". They have the advantage in this and they will have you trying to opt-out and failing to do so at every turn as they so please ....


... life is too short for all this f***ing around ...


...  I know exactly where I'm going when my install of Win7 finally claps-out. Really, really, really don't like the direction Microsoft is heading in ...


^ Extremely wise words.

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Sounds good to me, thanks.


The guy admitted he got the numbers for the updates wrong, but then the thread was closed and readers never learned which updates he did (supposedly) have in mind.



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