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On 05/02/2017 at 2:55 PM, NoelC said:

Are there advantages to any of the others over using BigMuscle's UxTSB.dll?


I prefer to use BigMuscle's UxTSB.dll as it doesn't modifier any window's system files.

Posted (edited)

Recent versions of DWMGlass.dll install UxTSB.dll automatically at startup when it is found in the AeroGlass folder.

The DWMGlass.dll included with the above is a Debug build.  You will probably want to overlay it with the later DWMGlass.dll Release build, dated January 7, which is available from Big Muscle's main download page:


For what it's worth, this is the set of files I have that all seem to work together:


C:\TEMP>dir \AeroGlass
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 20A1-EC28

 Directory of C:\AeroGlass

01/11/2017  02:11 PM    <DIR>          .
01/11/2017  02:11 PM    <DIR>          ..
10/02/2016  04:08 AM         7,176,192 AeroGlassGUI.exe
01/07/2017  09:51 AM           113,664 aerohost.exe
06/23/2015  03:13 PM         1,514,688 dbghelp.dll
02/07/2017  09:51 AM         2,154,405 debug.log
10/15/2014  01:19 AM                96 donation.key
01/07/2017  09:50 AM           991,232 DWMGlass.dll
08/24/2016  11:16 AM         1,788,416 ModernFrame-x64-Debug.dll
10/30/2016  03:18 PM           110,388 RoundedCorners.png
08/15/2016  08:34 AM             5,976 RoundedCorners.png.layout
08/15/2016  08:13 AM    <DIR>          symbols
06/23/2015  03:13 PM           156,864 symsrv.dll
07/22/2012  11:12 AM                 1 symsrv.yes
10/16/2016  07:21 PM             9,631 unins000.dat
10/16/2016  07:21 PM         1,202,831 unins000.exe
10/21/2016  03:19 PM           191,488 UxTSB.dll
08/01/2015  10:18 AM            92,519 win8rp.png
08/14/2016  02:02 AM             5,920 win8rp.png.layout
              16 File(s)     15,514,311 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  32,124,833,792 bytes free


Edited by NoelC


These work as well. Pick the correct DLL depending on system bitness, extract it to AeroGlass folder and rename it to UxTSB.dll.

I haven't noticed anything different about 64-bit UxTSB.dll bundled with the old debug build of Aero Glass. Even the hack for adjusting ribbon title caption text color is still present, even though Big Muscle said he'll remove it.

On 2/5/2017 at 1:36 PM, xemnes said:

this is what i used to try perfect the caption buttons, your version sadly blurs them which looks awful and the window corners arent rounded like my modified version.

startisback is the only application i know of that skins the taskbar to look like windows 7. iirc, it uses msstyles to do it directly. ive been using it ever since i got windows 10 when it was released and its not broken anything. its a solid piece of software and i think its the best start menu replacement out there.

Thanks for the reply. A couple of follow-up things:

1) I wonder why there hasn't been anything other than Startisback that skins the taskbar. Is it due to some change from MS's side to the formats or just no interest from the community? Could you point me in the right direction where I could learn how to modify msstyles myself?

2) The possible MS changes to the taskbar reminds me of another issue for which it seems nobody has been able to find out what's happening at all. In earlier versions, one could adjust the taskbar button width using the registry key "MinWidth", which I believe is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\ ... I wonder where Windows 10's taskbar properties are stored instead? The tiny, label-less solution is driving me nuts, especially after having set an optimal size in previous Windows versions.

3) When I tried Startisback myself, it only seemed to skin the taskbar on either sides. As in, the start button + quicklaunch area and the taskbar notification area were the only ones skinned, while the middle area of the taskbar where all programs minimise, remained the default Windows 10 skin. I had restarted explorer.exe but it remained the same. What could be the cause?

Posted (edited)

Nonsense, you just used ClasicShell to make your taskliste transparent.
You can even have a Taskleist image according to your choice.


Here are Tasklbar Image "User Painkiller"



Edited by Painkilleraxel
8 hours ago, sierra117 said:

Thanks for the reply. A couple of follow-up things:

1) I wonder why there hasn't been anything other than Startisback that skins the taskbar. Is it due to some change from MS's side to the formats or just no interest from the community? Could you point me in the right direction where I could learn how to modify msstyles myself?

2) The possible MS changes to the taskbar reminds me of another issue for which it seems nobody has been able to find out what's happening at all. In earlier versions, one could adjust the taskbar button width using the registry key "MinWidth", which I believe is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\ ... I wonder where Windows 10's taskbar properties are stored instead? The tiny, label-less solution is driving me nuts, especially after having set an optimal size in previous Windows versions.

3) When I tried Startisback myself, it only seemed to skin the taskbar on either sides. As in, the start button + quicklaunch area and the taskbar notification area were the only ones skinned, while the middle area of the taskbar where all programs minimise, remained the default Windows 10 skin. I had restarted explorer.exe but it remained the same. What could be the cause?

unfortunately i dont know how to make my own custom taskbar using msstyles.

ive seen some people create a windows xp start button before, i just dont know what application allows you to apply it.

the taskbar and start button itself are skinnable, im not sure if the buttons and open applications are skinnable.

3 hours ago, Painkilleraxel said:

Nonsense, you just used ClasicShell to make your taskliste transparent.
You can even have a Taskleist image according to your choice.


Here are Tasklbar Image "User Painkiller"



no, i didnt use classicshell to pull this off. i used startisback


they both do the same or similar things except i prefer startisbacks functionality and its start menu is much prettier

Posted (edited)

If you are concerned about this, I have some SKINS for Clasic Shell.

I would be surprised if you did not like it.



Download SKINS for Classic Shell: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8rwn1qc2k4xxt94/Skins.rar

The skins are dependent on the selected Start menu Themes


And with further design questions and mystyl you can see the forum.


Edited by Painkilleraxel

@Painkilleraxel Please post in English or at least provide a translation for our other members. Thank you!


Ah, danke, danke @Painkilleraxel! Managed to make the taskbar look much better :)

BTW, I have noticed a strange issue with the titlebar buttons (see attached).

It happens only for Windows Explorer windows when maximised, others like Firefox are okay. Is it because of me messing with the titlebar height value in the registry? If so, shouldn't Firefox be affected as well?


Posted (edited)


Did you only try Firefox to come with that conclusion regarding title bar buttons? Firefox has custom title bar. On my end, title bar gets shrinked on every application with regular title bar and it is indeed the most noticeable when you look at title bar buttons. This is with default settings, messing with those registry settings will just have a more obvious effect. Note that Windows 7 eg. has the title bar height set the same as Windows 10, and yet the title bar buttons don't appear as big.

Edit: Title bar shrinks on both Windows 7 and 8, title bar buttons are only affected as they are on Windows 10. Might be because they're so much larger compared to those on 7 and 8. So when the title bar shrinks, no space is left for the buttons so they must be shrinked. And registry settings affect everything in a relative way. At least that's what I see.

Edited by UCyborg
Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, sierra117 said:

Ah, danke, danke @Painkilleraxel! Managed to make the taskbar look much better :)

BTW, I have noticed a strange issue with the titlebar buttons (see attached).

It happens only for Windows Explorer windows when maximised, others like Firefox are okay. Is it because of me messing with the titlebar height value in the registry? If so, shouldn't Firefox be affected as well?


windows 10 is weird and uses different title bar heights for different applications, its quite annoying. it will happen with most applications that use the base title bar. some other applications like an installer breaks it too, it seems to be a limitation.

Edited by xemnes

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