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Aero Glass ThemeAtlas

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  • 3 weeks later...

On 1/21/2020 at 6:08 AM, XirbioW7 said:

Fixed Windows 7 atlas a little bit. List of changes:

  1. Added rounding corners
  2. Reflection texture (aero stripes) is removed, as it deforms when the window is resized and it's better to add these reflections using AeroGlassGUI. Nevertheless, I didn't remove the shine along the edges of the window.
  3. Partially redrawn the texture of the window buttons, as the original texture was of poor quality.
  4. Maybe something else, but I don’t remember.

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1luiRyy6Q6ZFhMvruCscpl88TgMxEep6y




Thank you, I absolutely love it!  But I'm having one issue with this one.

The size of the buttons on the title bar of every window changes fairly dramatically when I maximize the window, even though they look fine when the window isn't occupying the entire screen.  Definitely not the way it looked in Windows 7.  I learned how to adjust the height of these buttons by modifying the following via regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control panel/Desktop/Windows metrics/Captionheight

...however, that modifies the height for non-maximized windows, as well.  I only want to modify the height for maximized windows.

Can anybody lead me in the right direction?  Thanks!

Title Bar1.png
Non-maximized window

Title Bar2 (Maximized).png

Maximized window

Edited by psychonaut25
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Does anyone have a Windows 8 CP themeatlas that works on Windows 10 1909?

I'm using a Windows 8 RP theme right now, but the close/minimize/maximize buttons are too large. If anyone has a Win8 RP theme with narrower caption buttons, I'd love to have that too

Edited by SkunkStriped
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  • 3 weeks later...

XirbioW7's windows 7 atlas and layout seem to work fine, but the buttons look weird.


I think it's because my monitor is HiDPI, as it's 4K 120hz at 27 inches.

Guess I'll go back to using no custom atlas.

Edited by ThatsNiceGuy
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

sorry to bump the thread but i'm having a problem with that background whiteness behind the text not being bright enough vs the original windows 7,


i think it's an atlas problem

i'm trying to replicate the default  Windows 7 Landscapes theme (look) with the transparency on (default level) & that "Slate" color palette (pretty much everything untouched  & default) , I've been fiddling around with hex codes but i'm unable to pinpoint that exact "Slate" color 

Edited by bucketOfLUV
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