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Aero Glass ThemeAtlas

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I'm having a problem when trying to load an atlas theme image which i got from here. sy2BVss.png

This is how it look when i load it


My Windows version is 1511 build 10586.589.

What should I do?

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Unless the graphics are the same sizes and in the same positions as the native Windows theme resources, it needs a .layout file in order to adapt the graphics in your .png file to the current Windows system.

The .layout file, when the first part of the name is the same as the .png filename, is automatically used by Aero Glass to map the theme resources.

If the graphics in your .png file are in the same places as another well-known theme atlas you could just copy and rename the .layout file from the other.  Some research and graphics file comparison might be a way to work that out.


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Noel/bm, I am seeing this when using the roundednocolors theme atlas.

Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 11.34.41 PM.png

Edit, I set the glass geometry radius to 20 and it took that corner and made it much rounder but it's not as clean still as in Noel's screenshots in the release thread.

Edit 2, I am seeing this on the modern windows:

Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 11.41.30 PM.png

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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Cris_ said:

Really nice! Thanks bykaracivi45TR

But it seems there is something wrong with the shadow:

ScreenShot - Aero Glass_ 211.png

Thx mate, this shadow bug is not my fault. I'm Crystalight patcher, not Crystalight's real producer.

But, I will work on this problem. Thanks for feedback :rolleyes:

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The side shadow resources just don't match up with the bottom shadow resource.

It's actually harder to get right than you'd think.  Add rounded corners and it gets even more challenging.

And don't forget, there are two sets of resources, for active windows and inactive windows.  That gives rise to the possibility of deeper shadows for the active window as a subtle eye-catching cue, and also (since we have Aero Glass) for making the shadow slightly tinted - as though light is showing through the glass and coloring the background...



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I'm having an issue with the Atlas theme in Windows 10 AU, where application windows edges are a different colour than the title bar, and changing settings in Aero Glass GUI doesn't seem to fix it.

Also, a lot of settings in Aero Glass GUI don't seem to do anything, and I'm wondering whether it fully works with the latest version of Aero Glass for Windows 10 AU.

Aero Glass.jpg

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Only the Accent tab will affect the translucency and color for current Win 10 installations.  Big Muscle has said he'll hide the one that's not functional in a future release.


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I set up close to yours. Details are close to the same . I think your using win8rp.png because of lack of shadow. I'm showing NoelC square corners here but I tried both atlases and don't see the color difference your seeing. While there is a slight tone change the colors are close to the same. I believe color variation on your edges may be in system or graphic card settings or even perhaps your monitor settings...review carefully. Just a guess. Colors should be more gradient to the closest color to itself if personal settings don't conflict ie: if you set black background white text will appear and vise versa. Also to the above about bugs concerning shadow...I don't see it here.

Color Boundies.jpg

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On 2/11/2016 at 5:33 AM, bykaracivi45TR said:

>> All theme atlases and layout files in the attachment <<

- bykaracivi45TR

Crystalight TextGlow bykaracivi45TR.7z

Thanks, Crystalight TextGlow-Dark  looks really nice on build 14393.351 and also works on build 14955  :)



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