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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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I found a bug.


It looks strange but it's no bug!!! :)

WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-!lang!.exe is the IE6-version of KB978207 and contains the fixed shdocvw.dll which is not included in the IE8-Version of KB978207 (IE8-WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-!lang!.exe). So, if using IE8 then IE8-WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-!lang!.exe is a security update for IE8 and WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-!lang!.exe is optional to fix a bug when trying open "organize favorites" from the Windows Explorer.

I use IE6. I get this error:

Found wrong, obsolete or unknown update(s)


wrong (O): HF\WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-ESN.exe (Empty dialog when opening 'Organize Favorites' from Windows Explorer, it's for IE8)

-- moved to HFSLIPFC.MOV

Oh, yes, this output shouldn't come...

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Yes, Sir! :)

- Added: MS10-018: Internet Explorer (KB980182)
- Removed: MS10-002: Internet Explorer (KB978207)
- Info: At the moment, using the PREFIX-setting is not recommended.
I experienced probs under specific circumstances, when
implemented fix for problems described in KB972582 for IE8.
I have to work on it...
- Fixed: Problem when an update is used in more than one configuration
(e.g. Sec-Upd for IE6 is also be used in combinatin with IE8)
The result before was that the Sec-Upd for IE6 was reported
as wrong when using IE6.

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- Added: MS10-018: Internet Explorer (KB980182)
- Removed: MS10-002: Internet Explorer (KB978207)

Mimo, minor changes below required to be consistent with above. Above is what you intended I'm sure.


Added Removed:

· KB978207 (MS10-002: Internet Explorer)

Removed: Added

· KB980182 (MS10-018: Internet Explorer)

Edited by Lilla
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Great utility and even better job of keeping the XP update log. Invaluable stuff. Question - just switched over to Windows 7 64bit for my "build/test" PC and moved all the entire \HFSLIP folder over as well as the HFSLIPFC CMD and ini. Went to do a check on the 3/31 changes and now getting strange errors. Tried the 3/25 (what I used below) and well as a prior version of HFSLIPFC and same errors. Ran the shell as Administrator and same errors. Here is what I see:


File-Checker (v.2010/03/25) for HFSLIP

See following site for further details:



HFSLIPFC will report missing, obsolete and

unknown updates for Windows XP SP3.

Start this from your HFSLIP-folder.

Service Pack included in SOURCE: SP0

Language: ENU (EN-US)

Selected components:

Internet Explorer = IE8

Windows Media Player = WMP11

Remote Desktop Client = RDC7

Installing MSXML4: yes

Update-Sites: WU MU

Folders to check: HF\*.*;HFGUIRUNONCE\*.*;HFCABS\*.*;HFSVCPACK_SW1\*.*

Update-lists: hfslipfc.cmd;hfslipfc.ini

List missing security advisories: yes

List not found high-priority updates: yes

List not found optional updates: yes

List not found hotfixes: yes

Write hints for specific updates: yes

DirectX 9 already extracted in HFCABS: no

Media Player 11 already extracted in HF\WMP11: no

Create log-file: yes (1)


(:-) 2010 Mimo


Press any key to continue . . .

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\D400\hfslip\hfslipfc.tmp\*, Are you sure (Y/N)?

I then get a string of Access Denied errors

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

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Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access is denied.

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

Found wrong, obsolete or unknown update(s)


unknown: HF\directx_feb2010_redist.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB976662-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\IE8-WindowsXP-KB980302-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\KB961742-v3.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\msxml4-KB973685-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\msxml6-KB973686-enu-x86.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\rootsupd.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windows-kb890830-v3.5.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\Windows-KB909520-v1.000-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\Windows-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb928788-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb929399-v2-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb929773-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb932390-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb933547-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb935551-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb935552-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb939209-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsMedia11-KB939683-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb944882-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb954069-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsMedia11-KB954154-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsmedia11-kb973442-x86-intl.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsMedia11-KB974905-x86-INTL.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB905474-ENU-x86.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB923561-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB932716-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB941569-x86-ENU.EXE

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB942288-v3-x86.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB944043-v3-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB950762-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB950974-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB951066-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB951376-v2-x86-ENU.EXE

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB951618-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB951830-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB951978-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB952004-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB952013-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB952287-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB952954-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB953155-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB954708-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB954920-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB955417-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB955704-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsxp-kb955759-x86-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB956572-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB956802-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB956844-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB957579-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB958644-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB958655-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB958869-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB959426-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB960680-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB960859-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB961118-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB961451-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB961501-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB967715-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB968389-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB969059-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsxp-kb969395-x86-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB969947-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsxp-kb970430-x86-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB970483-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB971029-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB971276-v3-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB971314-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB971468-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB971513-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB971657-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\windowsxp-kb971737-x86-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB972270-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973039-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973354-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973507-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973687-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973815-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973869-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB973904-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB974112-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB974318-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB974392-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB974571-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB974841-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB975025-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB975254-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB975467-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB975560-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB975561-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB975713-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB977165-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB977377-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB977914-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB978037-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB978207-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB978251-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB978262-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB978706-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-KB979306-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB952069-v2-x86-ENU.e

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB954155-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB968816-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB973540-x86-ENU.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HF\wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFGUIRUNONCE\messenger.msi

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFGUIRUNONCE\UPHClean-Setup.msi

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP


Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\MUAuth.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\MuCatalogWebControl.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\muweb_site.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\OGAControl.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\opuc4.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP


Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\wbemoc.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFCABS\wuweb_site.cab

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFSVCPACK_SW1\IMAPI_XP_SRV2003_x86.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFSVCPACK_SW1\WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-enu.exe

Access denied - HFSLIPFC.TMP

unknown: HFSVCPACK_SW1\windowsxp-kb976002-v5-x86-enu.exe

So not sure what is causing that. Never had an issue running this on XP x64. Any assistance appreciated.


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I'm can't say positive for mimo, but hfslip is supposed to be run on 2000, xp or 2003 (32bit). Good luck!

Thanks. That was my guess as well but somehow I was able to run both apps on XP x64 without any issues and I assumed it would be OK to try on Windows 7/64. Looks like I need to carve out a partition for XP or look into the virtual XP that MS has released to run under Win 7.

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Thanks. That was my guess as well but somehow I was able to run both apps on XP x64 without any issues and I assumed it would be OK to try on Windows 7/64. Looks like I need to carve out a partition for XP or look into the virtual XP that MS has released to run under Win 7.

I sometimes have the same problem with HFSLIP and HFSLIPFC. Unfortunately, you have to use one of the earlier OS.

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Looks like I fixed this error and it had nothing to do with the OS that it ran under. In the copy process from the old OS to Windows 7 somehow a folder was created named \HFSLIPFC.TMP under my main \HFSLIP structure. I have no idea now that got there but I do know that's suppose to be a file and not a folder so I deleted it and re-ran hfslipfc.cmd and it ran perfectly. Have a few updates to address. Attached the log file from that run. You can probably repeat the error I got by creating the \HFSLIPFC.TMP folder.

Edited by U149113
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Please consider the four changes shown below. Notice the date change on the third item. I understand that it's not always clear whether an update should be classified as "Optional" or "Hotfix". But I wonder if it might be good to mark these three as "Hotfix" (and link to this post) so people will give more thought before including them.

When I included these three printer update files in my HFSLIP build I experienced the problem I explain (here). It's a subtle problem. I spent my entire weekend finding the source of the problem and the solution to it. At least now, no one else will need to do the same.

mimo's update list (Last list update: 2010, March 31)

2009-08 Printer Update (when XPSEPSC will be installed) Optional? Hotfix? KB971276

WindowsXP-KB971276-v3-x86-ENU.exe (only in English) HF

2009-08 Printer Update (when NET 3.51 SP1 will be installed) Optional? Hotfix? KB971314

WindowsXP-KB971314-x86-ENU.exe HF

2009-08 02 Printer Update (when NET 3.51 SP1 will be installed) Optional? Hotfix? KB961118

WindowsXP-KB961118-x86-ENU.exe HF

I have attached screenshots showing the "Hotfix" wording that appeared when I installed these updates manually as part of HFSLIP experiment -c- discussed (here).





Edited by Lilla
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Noticed minor issue on update list. KB954708 shown below links to KB969395.

mimo's update list (Last list update: 2010, March 31)

2008-09 Serialization of complex (XMP) data types Optional KB954708

WindowsXP-KB954708-x86-ENU.exe HF


Edited by Lilla
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