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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Looks like I fixed this error and it had nothing to do with the OS that it ran under. In the copy process from the old OS to Windows 7 somehow a folder was created named \HFSLIPFC.TMP under my main \HFSLIP structure. I have no idea now that got there but I do know that's suppose to be a file and not a folder so I deleted it and re-ran hfslipfc.cmd and it ran perfectly. Have a few updates to address. Attached the log file from that run. You can probably repeat the error I got by creating the \HFSLIPFC.TMP folder.

Thx for the info!!! smile.gif The next release is fixed!


Wow! Many tries regarding the printer-issue. I will put this info to the list/fc.

But I will test also something. I'm nearly sure that my currently runnging windows using all of these printer-updates. I also have installed NET 3 and I just looked for the inspalled printers: XPS is availiable! But I'm just nearly sure - not 100%. More after testing... biggrin.gif



Regarding your Screenshots which are showing the "hotfix": also others are showing the "hotfix"-text, even the installer for the Windows-Installer 4.5. I think, the "hotfix"-text in the setup-window of an update is not really relevant.

So far, I use this info for the definition of "hotfix":

KB824684: Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

At the moment I'm thinking about using hints (in the list and the fc).

Or removing these updates from the list.


Also thx for reporting typos in the list :)

Edited by Mim0
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Regarding your Screenshots which are showing the "hotfix": also others are showing the "hotfix"-text, even the installer for the Windows-Installer 4.5. I think, the "hotfix"-text in the setup-window of an update is not really relevant.

So far, I use this info for the definition of "hotfix":

KB824684: Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

I agree - the "hotfix"-text in the setup-window of an update is not really relevant. And I agree with your decision to not change these three printer updates from Optional to Hotfix.

At the moment I'm thinking about using hints (in the list and the fc).

Or removing these updates from the list.


If you decide to keep them in the list then I offer this idea for your consideration.

Change the hint for each of these three printer updates to something like this...

(when .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is also being integrated into HFSLIP)

Note. Your current hint says .NET Framework 3.51 SP1, but is it really 3.51?)

Note. Your current hint is different for KB971276 than it is for the other two, but I think it should be the same.

The above wording would advise most people to exclude these updates.

However, consider this: Two of these three printer updates are mentioned on the Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86 (compatible with HFSLIP) website. If they are being integrated there (I haven't yet taken the time to determine if they are or not), then they do not need to be integrated here. Right?

When one uses .NET Maker's result with HFSLIP how does it work? Does HFSLIP integrate .NET with windows, or does HFSLIP simply install .NET after it installs Windows? If, as I suspect, it does the later then I think that including these three printer updates in HFSLIP would likely result in blocking the installation of 'Micosoft XPS Document Writer' the same as I experience (FYI, I don't include .NET in my HFSLIP build). In other words, including .NET in your HFSLIP build does not necessarily mean you should include these three printer updates in your HFSLIP build.

Tommyp's comments here seem to support removing these updates. Removing them makes sense to me.


Edited by Lilla
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It seems to me that 1.7.10 beta H no longer extracts...

o wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe to HF\WMP11 and

o directx_feb2010_redist.exe to HFCABS

At least the extracted files are not present on my PC (as they used to be) when HFSLIP is done.

Thus, I'm wondering are the hints below still needed for 1.7.9 (final)?

Otherwise, perhaps they can be removed now...

WMP11: Windows Media Player 11

When getting “Can not copy…” during the install text-mode copy part

(possible on some OSs and some languages),

extract the WMP11 installer to HF\WMP11 before running HFSLIP.

DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtimes Feb 2010 (9.28.1886).

When you extract it manually to HFCABS, use all files

MonthYear_*_x86.cab, except for *mdx*

Just a thought,


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Change the hint for each of these three printer updates to something like this...

(when .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is also being integrated into HFSLIP)

Note. Your current hint says .NET Framework 3.51 SP1, but is it really 3.51?)

Note. Your current hint is different for KB971276 than it is for the other two, but I think it should be the same.

The above wording would advise most people to exclude these updates.

At least I should use these hint for all of them. Of course it should be 3.5 - not 3.51 blushing.gif

However, consider this: Two of these three printer updates are mentioned on the Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86 (compatible with HFSLIP) website. If they are being integrated there (I haven't yet taken the time to determine if they are or not), then they do not need to be integrated here. Right?

Tommyp's comments here seem to support removing these updates. Removing them makes sense to me.

Hmm... yes... I'll think about it smile.gif

It seems to me that 1.7.10 beta H no longer extracts...

o wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe to HF\WMP11 and

o directx_feb2010_redist.exe to HFCABS

At least the extracted files are not present on my PC (as they used to be) when HFSLIP is done.


I compared beta g with beta h and I found no differences regarding this bevahior. My understanding always was that HFSLIP removes the extracted files (from hfslip extracted) and leaves the manually extracted file as they are.

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It seems to me that 1.7.10 beta H no longer extracts...

o wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe to HF\WMP11 and

o directx_feb2010_redist.exe to HFCABS

At least the extracted files are not present on my PC (as they used to be) when HFSLIP is done.


I compared beta g with beta h and I found no differences regarding this bevahior. My understanding always was that HFSLIP removes the extracted files (from hfslip extracted) and leaves the manually extracted file as they are.

Hummm, apparently then I saw these leftover files when a process got interrupted and then when I didn't see them again I drew a wrong conclusion. Thanks for clarifying for me.


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- Added: KB978601 + KB979309 (MS10-019: Windows)
- Added: KB980232 (MS10-020: SMB Client, replaces MS10-006)
- Added: KB979683 (MS10-021: Windows Kernel, replaces MS10-015)
- Added: KB981350 + KB981332 (MS10-022: VBScript Scripting Engine)
- Added: KB976323 (MS10-024: SMTP Service)
- Added: KB977816 (MS10-026: MPEG Layer-3 Codecs)
- Added: KB979402 (MS10-027: Media Player 9)
- Added: KB978338 (MS10-029: ISATAP Component)
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.6
- Removed: KB978251 (MS10-006: SMB Client)
- Removed: KB977165 (MS10-015: Kernel)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.5
- Removed: KB971276, KB971314 and KB961118 (regarding XPS-printer)
- Fixed: Deleting the possible temp. folder from a previous interrupted run

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Is it correct?

Added: KB978207 (MS10-002: Internet Explorer)

Removed: KB980182 (MS10-018: Internet Explorer)

I think it should be like this.

Removed: KB978207 (MS10-002: Internet Explorer)

Added: KB980182 (MS10-018: Internet Explorer)

or KB978207 is replaced by KB980182.

If not, why?

Anyway, there are some differences between versions of different languages, and also some installed packages.

I don't have KB980232 (MS10-020: SMB Client) issue in Korean version, and KB976323 (MS10-024: SMTP Service) issue that it looks because I don't use that service or package.

I am glad to use your File-checker. Thank you so much! :)

Edited by SkyKiDS
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...I think it should be like this.

Removed: KB978207 (MS10-002: Internet Explorer)

Added: KB980182 (MS10-018: Internet Explorer)...

Of course, you're right. It's just an issue in the changelog of the update-list. The content of the list is OK, the file-checker is also OK.

Anyway, there are some differences between versions of different languages, and also some installed packages.

I don't have
KB980232 (MS10-020: SMB Client) issue in Korean version
, and KB976323 (MS10-024: SMTP Service) issue that it looks because I don't use that service or package.

I think I don't understand that...
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