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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Mimo, new ver. required.

- New MRT 3.7 replaces 3.6

- KB978542 replaces KB973354 (OE6 update)

Yes, Sir, I know! :D

- Added: KB978542 (MS10-030: Outlook Express, replaces KB951066 and KB973354)
- Removed: KB951066 (MS08-048: Outlook Express)
- Removed: KB973354 (part of MS09-037: Active Template Library (ATL))
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.7
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.6

Long time no post in here.

Just entered in a loop today when updating the filechecker, it kept trying to update. After closing and reopening it went back to normal, just reporting, as it seems to work fine.

By the way, keep the good job!


I was trying to add an exclude inside the ini settings file for browser choice

how should it be done?

Didn't undestood about the columms, maybe that's my mistake.

Is this correct?




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but are you SURE it also replaces 951066????? nothing was said about 951066 on the KB article, only that it replaced 973354.

951066 contains inetcomm.dll which is included in 978542. MS missed that in their bulletin.

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but are you SURE it also replaces 951066????? nothing was said about 951066 on the KB article, only that it replaced 973354.

Yes, this is correct - at least for XP/SP3 which I maintain (W2K I don't know...). Things which appear not apparently are described always more detailed in the changelog of my update-list:

KB978542 (inetcomm.dll 6.0.2900.5931 and msoe.dll 6.0.2900.5931) replaces KB951066 (Inetcomm.dll 6.0.2900.5579) and KB973354 (Msoe.dll 6.0.2900.5843)

Just entered in a loop today when updating the filechecker, it kept trying to update. After closing and reopening it went back to normal, just reporting, as it seems to work fine.

By the way, keep the good job!

Hmm... can you tell me more about that? What was your previous file-chekcer-version?

I was trying to add an exclude inside the ini settings file for browser choice

how should it be done?

Didn't undestood about the columms, maybe that's my mistake.

Is this correct?




For the INGNORE-section you have to use the following format (probably I have to explain it more detailed):

The tables have three columns which are seperated by a pipe-character.

Column 1: Type of update

S = Security update

A = Security advisory

H = High-priority update

O = Optional update

F = Hotfix

R = Obsolete update (replaced)

Column 2: Path and Name of the file.

Column 3: Description (pipe-chars and backspaces are not allowed). Optional.

The easiest way is to copy the line from the update-list (hfslipfc-xp.cmd)

H|HFSVCPACK_SW1\windowsxp-kb976002-v5-x86-enu.exe|Browser-choice for EU-countries


Edited by Mim0
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Yes, this is correct - at least for XP/SP3 which I maintain (W2K I don't know...).

For Windows 2000 it's much simpler - KB951066 has already been replaced by KB973354, which is now replaced by KB978542.

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Don't know exactly, but just some hours before you updated i had downloaded the previous version.

that should work probs. When you used an older version (before splitting it into two files to support Parseus W2K-list) it could had such probs. I'll look for it.
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Mimo, your page is down!

Yes, sh*t happens :(

But it's online again! :) new URL: http://mimo.zxq.net/


- Fixed: URL for update-check (new web location)


- Fixed: URL for update-check (new web location)

I'm sorry but my old web-hoster killed my site. For all users who are using automatic update: you have to d/l the current version manually.

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HFSLIPFC doesn't detect extracted DX9. XP extension must be at fault, because my 2K extension correctly detects extracted DX9.

I have the same problem Parseus. Apart from the DX9 problem, everything else seems to be fine with XP extension.


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Thx for reporting this.

btw.. extracted DX9 was detected (and used correctly) but the output (at the beginning) was not correct.

New version today...

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