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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Thx for reporting this.

btw.. extracted DX9 was detected (and used correctly) but the output (at the beginning) was not correct.

New version today...


I have a seroius problem with HFSLIPFC:

) ELSE IF EXIST SOURCE\cdromsp*.tst (
SET os=2K

FOR /l %%i in (1,1,5) DO (
IF EXIST SOURCE\cdromsp%%i.tst (
SET sp=

First code is from HFSLIPFC, second - from my 2K extension. As you can see, both codes are looking for cdromsp*.tst. If that file doesn't exist, it should be only listed as SP0 in my 2K extension, but additionally (due to HFSLIPFC itself) default OS is set to XP!

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Thx for reporting this.

btw.. extracted DX9 was detected (and used correctly) but the output (at the beginning) was not correct.

New version today...


:) But this inside of the extension for XP, not in the general part of the file-checker!

I have a seroius problem with HFSLIPFC:

) ELSE IF EXIST SOURCE\cdromsp*.tst (
SET os=2K

FOR /l %%i in (1,1,5) DO (
IF EXIST SOURCE\cdromsp%%i.tst (
SET sp=

First code is from HFSLIPFC, second - from my 2K extension. As you can see, both codes are looking for cdromsp*.tst. If that file doesn't exist, it should be only listed as SP0 in my 2K extension, but additionally (due to HFSLIPFC itself) default OS is set to XP!

Can you tell me a file in the root of the W2K-CD which is unique for W2K but independend from the SP ?
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Can you tell me a file in the root of the W2K-CD which is unique for W2K but independend from the SP ?

CDROM_NT.5 or CDROM_I*.5, where * means properly edition.

EDIT: I replaced




- everything works fine :)

EDIT2: Link for template is not working. Can you fix it? :)

Edited by Parseus
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CDROM_NT.5 or CDROM_I*.5, where * means properly edition.

EDIT: I replaced




- everything works fine :)

THX!!! :)

EDIT2: Link for template is not working. Can you fix it? :)

oh, yes. Link to the old url. I'll fix it!!!
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- Fixed: Detection of W2K (when no SP included)

file-checker extension for XP

- Fixed: The information at the beginning regarding extracted DX9 was
not correct, It showed that DX9 was not extracted (in HFCABS)
even when it was ectracted. But it was only this. The reporting
missing/obsolete files were correct.

Links to template and W2K-extension also corrected. Thx to Parseus :)

Edited by Mim0
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- Fixed: Detection of W2K (when no SP included)

file-checker extension for XP

- Fixed: The information at the beginning regarding extracted DX9 was
not correct, It showed that DX9 was not extracted (in HFCABS)
even when it was ectracted. But it was only this. The reporting
missing/obsolete files were correct.

Links to template and W2K-extension also corrected. Thx to Parseus :)

Mimo and Parseus,

Thank you for the corrections to your file-checker. I can now run it for both 2K and XP without incident.

I appreciate all your efforts to make this a great little, but powerful, program.


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Ran 17-05-2010 version of hfslipfc.cmd. Much to my surprise it moved all updates in the \hf; \hfcabs; \HFGUIRUNONCE; \HFSVCPACK_SW1 to \HFSLIPFC.MOV. In the previous version this did not happen. Am I doing something wrong?


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Ran 17-05-2010 version of hfslipfc.cmd. Much to my surprise it moved all updates in the \hf; \hfcabs; \HFGUIRUNONCE; \HFSVCPACK_SW1 to \HFSLIPFC.MOV. In the previous version this did not happen. Am I doing something wrong?

What does the filechecker has reported at the beginning? Plz copy it from the Command-Window and paste it here... Edited by Mim0
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Ran 17-05-2010 version of hfslipfc.cmd. Much to my surprise it moved all updates in the \hf; \hfcabs; \HFGUIRUNONCE; \HFSVCPACK_SW1 to \HFSLIPFC.MOV. In the previous version this did not happen. Am I doing something wrong?

What does the filechecker has reported at the beginning? Plz copy it from the Command-Window and paste it here...

This is the response from the Command-window:


File-Checker (v.2010/05/17) for HFSLIP

See following site for further details:




No new version available.


No new version available.

HFSLIPFC will report missing, obsolete and

unknown updates for Windows.

Start this from your HFSLIP-folder.

configuration-file: hfslipfc.ini

extension-file: hfslipfc-XP.cmd (v.2010/05/17)

----- Operation-System specific settings -----

Operating-System included in SOURCE: Windows XP SP3

Language: ENU (EN-US)

Selected components:

Internet Explorer = 8

Windows Media Player = 9

Remote Desktop Client = 7

Integrate additional MSXML: yes (MSXML4)

DirectX 9 already extracted in HFCABS: no

Update-Sites: WU MU

---------- HFSLIPFC-specific settings ----------

Folders to check: HF\*.*;HFGUIRUNONCE\*.*;HFCABS\*.*;HFSVCPACK_SW1\*.*

Update-lists: hfslipfc.cmd;hfslipfc.ini

List missing security advisories: yes

List not found high-priority updates: yes

List not found optional updates: yes

List not found hotfixes: yes

Write hints for specific updates: yes

Create log-file: yes (hfslipfc.log)


(:-) 2010 Mimo


Press any key to continue . . .

It appears that some information is missing?

Thanks, Ronald.

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This is the problem:


Update-lists: hfslipfc.cmd;hfslipfc.ini


it must be:

Update-lists: hfslipfc-xp.cmd;hfslipfc.ini

I cannot reproduce it. While searching in the code I found a little bug (regarding the IGNORE-list in the INI in combination with splitting the fc into a main-script and an extension) but regarding your prob I connot find something.

Do you define the 'fileset' in the ini?

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- Fixed: Ignore-mechanism used still hfslipfc.cmd instead of the

fc-extension for XP:

- Added: KB982632 (IE8 Compatibility View List May 2010, replaces KB980302)
- Added: KB981793 (Cumulative Time Zone Update May 2010, replaces KB979306)
- Removed: KB980302 (IE8 Compatibility View List Mar 2010)
- Removed: KB979306 (Cumulative Time Zone Update Feb 2010)

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This is the problem:


Update-lists: hfslipfc.cmd;hfslipfc.ini


it must be:

Update-lists: hfslipfc-xp.cmd;hfslipfc.ini

I cannot reproduce it. While searching in the code I found a little bug (regarding the IGNORE-list in the INI in combination with splitting the fc into a main-script and an extension) but regarding your prob I connot find something.

Do you define the 'fileset' in the ini?

No I did not but will do now by changing the hflsipfc.cmd to hfslipfc-xp.cmd.

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- Fixed: Ignore-mechanism used still hfslipfc.cmd instead of the

fc-extension for XP:

- Added: KB982632 (IE8 Compatibility View List May 2010, replaces KB980302)
- Added: KB981793 (Cumulative Time Zone Update May 2010, replaces KB979306)
- Removed: KB980302 (IE8 Compatibility View List Mar 2010)
- Removed: KB979306 (Cumulative Time Zone Update Feb 2010)

Do I have to add these lines to hfslipfc-xp.cmd? Copy and paste? Or did you post an update?

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