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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Posted (edited)

 Fixed: KB979099 was expected always in English instead of the correct 

not found (O): HF\WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-PLK.exe (Rights Management Services Client with SP2)

but I put this file:



typo :-)

Not a typo. KB979099 is using a new (very strange) language schema which I have implemented now (next release). smile.gif

THX for reporting it!!!



DirectX 9 already extracted (\HFCABS): yes

Media Player 11 already extracted (\HF\WMP11): yes

Suggestion: add the text shown in bold above (or your own way) to convey folder names.

Yes, nice. Next rel. smile.gif



Found wrong, obsolete or unknown update(s)


wrong obsolete (O): HF\directx_feb2010_redist.exe (DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtimes Feb 201

0 (9.28.1886), it's for DX9. Already extracted in \HFCABS)

obsolete (O): HF\wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe (Windows Media Player 11, already extra

cted in HF/WMP11)

Suggestion: Make changes shown above in bold (or your own way) to provide consistency.

Youre right, it's not consistent. It' comes from the internal handling of them (DX is a seperate component internally, WMP11 not). I'll see to change it.

But the "(O)" is not possible in combination with "obsolete" now. For that I have to change to much I think it's not worth. Or?

update-list 20100218.

2010-02 DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtimes Feb 2010 (9.28.1886) Optional n/a directx_feb2010_redist.exe HF

Suggestion. Add tip to update above, perhaps something like this...

HFSLIP extracts to \HFCABS, read this thread for details.

I check also the unneccesary manually extracted DX9-files in HFCABS. Regarding this thread I report unneeded DX9-files as "wrong". But for people who are not using the file-checker it's worth to add this link in the list. smile.gif

Hi, first thanks, this is a great tool!

I came to report that the file WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-PTB.exe when downloaded comes whith the name WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-BR.exe, so the diference is in the end of it, it comes with BR in place of PTB.

Odd, but to solve this you could put another verifier just for this file or even leave a message together with the download link, so people will know they must rename it.

THX for reporting this. Fixed in next rel. smile.gif

Other strange thing i got is that WindowsXP-KB969084-x86-ptb.exe , WindowsXP-KB968389-x86-PTB.exe and WindowsXP-KB967715-x86-PTB.exe are not even near of being slipstream, is this supposed to happen? Or they should be slipped also?

EDIT: I have realized right now that legit cabinet was updated just some days ago, shouldn't the file check include this verification, because i did introduce the new version in cabs folder and got no errors, and with the old version no errors too.

the lastest version is on the same link on mimmo's page. Version

Hmmm. I don't use MU/WU-files. I have no knowledge about that and also no interest for that. smile.gif What I can do is to make a hint for the legit-cab to be sure to get the newest one!!! Would this be helpful?

THX @ all,


Edited by Mim0

Posted (edited)


file naming of KB979099 is also different in German:


THX! :)

 Fixed: KB979099 was expected always in English instead of the correct 

not found (O): HF\WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-PLK.exe (Rights Management Services Client with SP2)

but I put this file:



typo :-)

Not a typo. KB979099 is using a new (very strange) language schema which I have implemented now (next release). smile.gif

THX for reporting it!!!

Edited by Mim0
- Changed: DX9-Redist will now be reported as "obsolete" instead of
"wrong" when also the manual extracted CABs are found (this
is conform to WMP11).
- Added: Hint to LegitCheckControl.cab
- Fixed: KB979099 doesn't have the standard language-schema but a
really new individual schema what is now implemented.


Found Avoid '0x80080201 Cannot detect product ID (PID)' (HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab): Be sure that you have the latest CAB

Downloaded again this file (MD5:AA0A3D5ABF167C780D1A5D4A73F86764) with your list - the same problem

Posted (edited)

Found Avoid '0x80080201 Cannot detect product ID (PID)' (HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab): Be sure that you have the latest CAB

Downloaded again this file (MD5:AA0A3D5ABF167C780D1A5D4A73F86764) with your list - the same problem

Same here. Using hfslip-100223.


Edited by Lilla
Posted (edited)

Found two new updates KB976662 and KB979306, also realized that 905474 isn't getting slipstreamed on here, damm!

IE8-WindowsXP-KB976662-x86-ENU, a non security update, replaces IE8-WindowsXP-KB971961-x86-ENU - a security update covered by MS09-045.

jscript.dll v5.8.6001.22960

Edited by -X-
Posted (edited)

Found two new updates KB976662 and KB979306, also realized that 905474 isn't getting slipstreamed on here, damm!

IE8-WindowsXP-KB976662-x86-ENU, a non security update, replaces IE8-WindowsXP-KB971961-x86-ENU - a security update covered by MS09-045.

jscript.dll v5.8.6001.22960

And WindowsXP-KB979306-x86-ENU.exe replaces WindowsXP-KB976098-v2-x86-ENU.exe

Timezone updates

Also KB905474 from mimo's list and in hfslip site are quite old, the new version is 1.9.40 and the ones in the website are if i'm not wrong.

Edited by theruan

Why does the KB article say that IE8-KB976662 doesn't replace any previous HF, when it actually does?

we need a new version, mimo.



Found Avoid '0x80080201 Cannot detect product ID (PID)' (HFCABS\LegitCheckControl.cab): Be sure that you have the latest CAB

Downloaded again this file (MD5:AA0A3D5ABF167C780D1A5D4A73F86764) with your list - the same problem

Found two new updates KB976662 and KB979306, also realized that 905474 isn't getting slipstreamed on here, damm!

Also KB905474 from mimo's list and in hfslip site are quite old, the new version is 1.9.40 and the ones in the website are if i'm not wrong.

Regarding problems with WU/MU updates please ask in the forum. I don't use it. If something has to be changed I will do it.

Why does the KB article say that IE8-KB976662 doesn't replace any previous HF, when it actually does?

When you look at the security-bulletins for WIN-XP3 you will see that this is also not perfect.
we need a new version, mimo.
Yes Sir! biggrin.gif

- Added: IE8 JSON interoperability (KB976662) (can replace KB971961/MS09-045)
- Added: Cumulative Time Zone Update (KB979306) (replaces KB976098 v2)
- Removed: Cumulative Time Zone Update (KB976098 v2)


hi Mimo ,

i found a typo error for WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-RA.exe

the real name is WindowsRightsManagementServicesSP2-KB979099-Client-x86-FR.exe

the language is FRA , and compressed to only 2 character it give FR , not RA

original :

REM French

SET lang2=FR-FR

SET ln979099=RA

correct :

REM French

SET lang2=FR-FR

SET ln979099=FR

Posted (edited)

Thx again, Mimo!

Oh, and BTW, what the hell does "Found Avoid '0x80080201 Cannot detect product ID (PID)"


Edited by jvidal

the language is FRA , and compressed to only 2 character it give FR , not RA

THX for giving the info. smile.gif

- Fixed: Language-id for French for KB979099


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