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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP


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Would it be possible to implement using '*' or something else in the ignore lists?

I'm reffering to e.g. the lame MRT update(which changes versions each month):


No biggy, but just a thought...

And again, thanks for all your nice work! :)

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I think you should change the description for LegitCheckControl.cab to something more "understandable", like "Windows Genuine Validation" or similar.

The other name doesn't actually say anything. It doesn't mean anything also. the phrase has no logic in it.


BTW: I survived the Eartquake!

Edited by jvidal
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Would it be possible to implement using '*' or something else in the ignore lists?

I'm reffering to e.g. the lame MRT update(which changes versions each month):


Done! You can use regular expressions now in the sense in FINDSTR (see FINDSTR /? for details).

But regarding yours: You can place a dot (.) as the wildcard for a single character in the filename:


But because the backslash is the escape-character you have to replace it also by the dot:


But you can it make it now more simple: just write KB...



I think you should change the description for LegitCheckControl.cab to something more "understandable", like "Windows Genuine Validation" or similar.

The other name doesn't actually say anything. It's doesn't mean anything also. the phrase has no logic in it.

Yes, if it will be more clear I will do it. I don't know these file and I think the better info comes from users who are using it :) THX

mimo - can you add in a check for any RAR files in HFAAO and alert the user that rar files should be remade as CABs or 7z's? Rar files don't work well when placed there. Thanks!

It's included now! :)

- Changed: The description of LegitCheckControl.cab
- Added: Regular expressions allowed in IGNORE-list. How to use RegEx
will be described in the INI now.
- Added: Hint for RAR-packed AddOn(s) (*.rar) found in HFAAO
- Added: When using hints for multiple files (by using wildcards), all
matching files will now be listed (instead of only one like before)


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Hi is there any kind of intention on adding the updates that are shown in thehotifxshare(google for it), all of them are downloads originaly from microsoft, you most probably know it already, i have found at least 20 updates in there that are needed in the update process.

Tomorrow, i will a list of the updates a have used, and a list of the ones that could be directly slipstreamed, i'm at work right now, and no net until friday at home. :(

Thanks for this great job :)

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Suggestion to make your list a bit more intutitive to use, especially for new users...


HFSLIP 1.7.9 (final) / HFSLIP 1.7.10 (beta H)

suggestion, add links below (or use whatever links you think is best)...

HFSLIP 1.7.9 (final) / HFSLIP 1.7.10 (beta H)

Hi Lilla,

thx for this idea. I've thought about it and I come to the conclusion to leave it as it is, because I want to recommend the latest beta. If I add links on th top of the page, a user will probably use the final instead of the latest beta (betas often have the touch of 'unstable').

But I've modified the line with the download-links for HFSLIP in table 6. Until now the final was more in the foreground than the current beta (which is to prefer). I changed it now in that way, that the latest beta stands more in the foreground. What do you think?

Hi is there any kind of intention on adding the updates that are shown in thehotifxshare(google for it), all of them are downloads originaly from microsoft, you most probably know it already, i have found at least 20 updates in there that are needed in the update process.

Tomorrow, i will a list of the updates a have used, and a list of the ones that could be directly slipstreamed, i'm at work right now, and no net until friday at home. :(

Thanks for this great job :)

Interesting! Yes, I would like to see your list. :thumbup: I've just quick looked at this side. Many hotfixes!!! :huh:
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"i have found at least 20 updates in there that are needed in the update process."

Needed??? Hotfixes are fixes for non-widespread, non-critical issues, which is developed fast and hasen't gone through as much regression-testing as the normal updates...

Also, since HFSLIP allready is using the QFE branch of the updates, then the files in the updates allready include the fixes from the hotfixes(only for the included files in the updates that is...)

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Suggestion to make your list a bit more intutitive to use, especially for new users...


HFSLIP 1.7.9 (final) / HFSLIP 1.7.10 (beta H)

suggestion, add links below (or use whatever links you think is best)...

HFSLIP 1.7.9 (final) / HFSLIP 1.7.10 (beta H)

Hi Lilla,

thx for this idea. I've thought about it and I come to the conclusion to leave it as it is, because I want to recommend the latest beta. If I add links on th top of the page, a user will probably use the final instead of the latest beta (betas often have the touch of 'unstable').

But I've modified the line with the download-links for HFSLIP in table 6. Until now the final was more in the foreground than the current beta (which is to prefer). I changed it now in that way, that the latest beta stands more in the foreground. What do you think?

I like it! I like that you give a recommendation as this will help people!


Edited by Lilla
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First off, sorry for contaminating this thread with an off-topic post. :)

As far as I am concerned the beta is pretty stable. I still await others to chime in (on the right thread) to say it works for them too. If I don't hear anything, then I'll assume it works and release it. I'll give it until the end of the week and then I can call it a day.

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"i have found at least 20 updates in there that are needed in the update process."

Needed??? Hotfixes are fixes for non-widespread, non-critical issues, which is developed fast and hasen't gone through as much regression-testing as the normal updates...

Also, since HFSLIP allready is using the QFE branch of the updates, then the files in the updates allready include the fixes from the hotfixes(only for the included files in the updates that is...)

Sorry, i may have used a worng word for that, i'm brazilian, my english isn't that good, lol.

A good word would be as optional updates, and also, you that obviously knows more about updates Tommyp could take a better look on them.

In HF folder:


































In HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder:


All of this ones were taken from thehotfixshare, i know that may be not all of them are available in every language and so far will sometimes be hard to acquire them, but they still are hotfixes that could or not be added to the list.

They are optional, and still have to check if they are not replaced already.

What i can say for sure is that i have tried using them with nlite to see if any problems related to older updates beeing used and so far it showed me only five(or something like that) updates that were replaced that i already removed from my list.

Also i think you could remove this:

missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB960225-x86-PTB.EXE (MS09-007: SChannel (Secure Channel))

as this check in my opinion is not need 'cause it's replaced, only the new one sould be checked.



Edited by theruan
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