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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Posted (edited)

I attached .ini file.

ok, thanks for info. I'll test it again on my virtual machine.

added. @Mim0, I tried and yes system32 have both of them.

Msxml4.dll 4.30.2107.0

Msxml4r.dll 4.30.2100.0

but hfslipc said it's wrong as I described.it may be a bug of hfslipc.


Edited by ZEUS__

Posted (edited)

I attached .ini file.

ok, thanks for info. I'll test it again on my virtual machine.

added. @Mim0, I tried and yes system32 have both of them.

Msxml4.dll 4.30.2107.0

Msxml4r.dll 4.30.2100.0

but hfslipc said it's wrong as I described.it may be a bug of hfslipc.

You have created that INI before HFSLIPFC was splitted. You have to create new INI - it looks like that old configuration file messes up with options for Windows 2000.

Edited by Parseus

You have created that INI before HFSLIPFC was splitted. You have to create new INI - it looks like that old configuration file messes up with options for Windows 2000.

****. Yes, I changed the MSXML4-setting to MSXML to have one MXSML-setting also for Parseus W2K.

- Fixed: Accepting previous MSXML4-setting again (now mapped to MSXML)


BTW, this link redirect to home page of freenet.. can you fix it?


Thx for reporting this. The link was correct but the filename was wrong. It was my deployment-script which packages the files, makes automatic-update-check-files, creates change-logs, uploads all files... This script ingored the letter "b" which I use if two updates on the same day. I fixed this script and now the upload appears on the right name.

...updates on the same day. I fixed this script and now the upload appears on the right name.

:hello: Hi Mim0,

:thumbup: Keep up the good work, I appreciate it very much,

and I am amazed that you and HFSLIP/FC team get the most

out of that CMD language that nowadays come closer to a

good shell scripting langage than it did 20 years ago! :lol:

I think there may be something to update, related to this last update, that is: content of version timestamp files, or the way they are used:

During update-check part,

there is a wrong update report:




hfslipfc.ver downloaded

DEBUG: used version: 2010/05/01b

DEBUG: new version: 2010/05/01b

No new version available.



hfslipfc.ver downloaded

DEBUG: used version: 2010/05/01b

DEBUG: new version: 2010/05/01

A newer version of file-checker is available: 2010/05/01


Starting new version of file-checker...


File-Checker (v.2010/05/01) for HFSLIP

See following site for further details:




But content of http://freenet-homepage.de/MisterMoster/hfslip/hfslipfc.ver is :


but not


So that file hfslipfc.cmd is erroneously downloaded and restarted.

Do you get my point?


-- Piko


What Piko is reported sounds like an error



hfslipfc.ver downloaded

DEBUG: used version: 2010/05/01b

DEBUG: new version: 2010/05/01

A newer version of file-checker is available: 2010/05/01


used version of the fc cannot be "b". I'll see tomorrow for that...
Posted (edited)

BTW, this link redirect to home page of freenet.. can you fix it?


Thx for reporting this. The link was correct but the filename was wrong. It was my deployment-script which packages the files, makes automatic-update-check-files, creates change-logs, uploads all files... This script ingored the letter "b" which I use if two updates on the same day. I fixed this script and now the upload appears on the right name.

not at all @Mim0.. thanks for your effort. now I downloaded it and I unzip it. I delete my .ini file and re-created but it said the samething as I said before.

wrong (O): HF\msxml4-KB973685-enu.exe (XML Core Services 4.0 (MSXML4) SP3 Build

2107, it's for MSXML)

hfslipfc-100501-100501 was good but hfslipfc-100501-100501b said it again :)

Edited by ZEUS__


- Fixed: Minor update-check/download-problem


- Fixed: Problem with old MSXML4-setting was not completely solved before.


I found something strange in the File Checker:

ECHO ------------------------------------------------->>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ! File with update-lists. When using more than one>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ! list, separate them by semicolon.>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO !>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ! Default (Windows 2000):>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ! %fileSet2k%>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO !>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ! Default (Windows XP):>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ! %fileSetXp%>>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO ------------------------------------------------->>hfslipfc.ini
ECHO FILESET=>>hfslipfc.ini

Variables %fileSet2k% and %fileSetXp% exist only here, I can't find them anywhere else in script.



- Fixed: Minor update-check/download-problem


- Fixed: Problem with old MSXML4-setting was not completely solved before.

thanks for fix..


Mimo, new ver. required.

- New MRT 3.7 replaces 3.6

- KB978542 replaces KB973354 (OE6 update)

Yes, Sir, I know! :D

- Added: KB978542 (MS10-030: Outlook Express, replaces KB951066 and KB973354)
- Removed: KB951066 (MS08-048: Outlook Express)
- Removed: KB973354 (part of MS09-037: Active Template Library (ATL))
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.7
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.6

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