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What is your HardDisk's Brand?  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your HardDisk's Brand?

    • Western Digital
    • Maxtor
    • Seagate
    • Hitachi
    • IBM
    • Samsung
    • Quantum
    • Other - Please specification in your post

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I love both Seagate and Western Digital, so it comes down to what's available for what price at the moment of purchase. I've tended towards Seagate lately. However, I really, really want a WD Raptor

  • 4 weeks later...

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Sorry if this is considered necro posting I have 5 of those brands actually (in different computers, I have 6 older computers. NOTE these are all IDE drives....

I'll list were each brand of drive is...

I have one Western Digital 80GB in my main computer

One Seagate Barracuda 120GB in my main computer

One Maxtor 20GB in my Pentium 3

One Seagate Barracuda 20GB in my Pentium 4

I also have a Hitachi Deskstar 1TB external drive

Oh, and there was a brand I have that wasn't listed in the poll... Fujitsu it's in my Pentium 1 MMX (it's a 16GB drive split in half since that computer's BIOS can't read a disk over the size of 13GB)

Edited by Scofield

Also not in the poll: Toshiba.

(Don't get the 1TB Toshiba 2.5inch SATA for your laptop -- it won't fit because it's 12.5mm high not 9.5mm high.)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The poll was somewhat misleading, since IBM and Quantum are no longer making hard drives.

As a computer builder, the worse drives I ever used were WD's. If you do have an RMA with one, you'll get a rebuilt drive back, not a new one.

The last one I got back from WD was so scratched up, it looked like someone had kicked it across a cement floor. It only lasted one month, in service, before it shot craps. NO MORE WD's for this old tech.

I use mostly Seagate/Maxtor drives, but recently I got a great deal on a Samsung 1 terrabyte drive (SATA II) and I'm lovin' it. It's fast, quiet and does not heat up like the WD's used to.


  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 8 years later...

Mechanical dries? then definately western digital.  either the black series or velociraptor series depending on the system.

for SSD then crucial as micron chips seem to hae the best reliability/durabillity.  a bit slower than the really high end samsungs, but with the bus limitations of AM3+ the difference is marginal at best, so the longer lasting crucial ssd's are the better choice.

  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)

Toshiba 3.5 7200RPM AF format drive. Very fast, silent, works 10 years, more then 50000 hours. Great thing.

Edited by Rod Steel

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