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Everything posted by MSNwar

  1. Very nice. Thanks Lezend. FthrJack "How bout a Jingle?" "MSFN ... The Best Thing that Eever Happened to Windows."
  2. It is a matter of how artistic you are really. I mean, are you creative or are you a mindless coder? The really good, high paid, much sought after programmers have a natural ability to see the end before they begin a project. Mindless coders simply poke at a keyboard and debug other programmer's work. Are you the type that prefers short projects where you see the results in a short period of time. Are you the type that just wants to put in 8 hours and get-out-of-town as fast as you can. Your heart has to be in the right place. Can you remember your dreams and code it the next morning. Does your PC call to you in the middle of the night?
  3. Looking at the AaronXP posted about the Celeron and Duron CPUs. "Why buy a Celeron or Duron processor?" http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=5529 I have one last PII 450 that I should upgrade soon. The XP 1600 for about $ 48.00 sounds good. I have to add a new MOBO too (another $ 50.00), but the upgrade should be worth it I think. What do you guys think?
  4. Just watched an ABC Special, Nightline, How Hackers Get Movies. The show features four HS students with emphasis on one that use the internet to download movies, music, etc. Interesting 20 minutes.
  5. Both good laughs Q. Why did the chicken cross the road? A redneck pulled his car to the side of the road, got out, and commenced to take a leak by the side of the road. On the other side of the road was a chicken farm where a few chickens often run loose. The redneck noticed the chickens and called to them "Here Chicky Chicky. Here Chicky Chicky". A. Thats why. The rest is medical science. Thats why rednecks have red necks and thats why redneck chickens have red necks.
  6. I have also noticed that image editors such as Adobe and Paint appear one way on the PC and little differnt in the IE browser. The printed result is good enough for my printed stuff. In short "What he said"
  7. http://library.albany.edu/internet/choose.html There are tutorials about how to use search engines.
  8. I read in the forum that the source code was leaked and there are concerns that buggers will use it to backdoor the proggie. Is that really a concern? Didn't that happen to eDonk ? Is there a prob with overnet? The search finds very little compaired to edonk. Maybe overnet just isn't popular?
  9. In the browser's title bar add keywords such as car for an automobile site etc. Be sure to make the keyword the first word/entry for best results.
  10. aKaFrEE, Wendy's! Yepper, I wish there was a Wendy's here in Germany. When I visit the U.S. Wendy's is the first fast food place we go to Conan, I couldn't agree more, those pickles are blah.
  11. Rev just announced the good news. http://www.techzonez.com/forums/showthread...14149#post14149 Congrats to everyone at TECHZONEZ (Brothers-In-Arms)
  12. and I am sitting here looking out my window and poking at the keyboard. I wonder why tree leaves run around in circles when the wind blows? Kinda odd since they don't have legs to be running or brains to stay out of the street. Hmm, reminds me of my first wife. Next thing you know those leaves will want shoes for running around in circles in the street. Just like my first wife! This all because my car broke this morning on my way to work. As I was leaving my house to go to the car dealer for repairs I was thinking this is a pain in the arse and today is a sad beach. Then I noticed my neighbors in conversation with other neighbors. Turns out that my friend was on her way to work when another car hit her car. Lucky, no personal injury, but the driver's side window was smashed out as well as the mirror. She drove her car back to her house, but she does not have a garage, so I loaned her ours. The dealer fixed my car in an hour and only charged me half the normal cost. Now I am thinking that my problem was nothing compaired to my neighbors. Seems that she and the other driver are blaming each other. The old lady just isn't in the mood. Maybe my despondent neighbor is?
  13. MSNwar


    So what about the Babes dude? I graduated HS in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. Love Florida! No taxes on food when I was living there. They run a crappy election though I tell ya. So what about the Babes dude?
  14. WOW babos ... you go dude
  15. All of the above I think. After playing around with logos, covers, etc. Arial seems the most common. Think I'll ask around - something to do.
  16. Welcome to MSFN ... The best thing that ever happend to Windows
  17. Koala6, the beer, but the shrums are good, jager schnitzel is our favorite. A guest house (restaurant) we frequent serves a schnitzel the size of the plate and fries (pommes) are a side order that two people could eat. Hey "I am the FatMan" Tris, uh-huh, American but I live here in Germany because I work for an American company that has offices here. Seriously, give me a ring next time you visit, my home is always open to you. No need for a hotel, we have a big couch.
  18. Koala6, "We have a lot of other great meals too, so I tell you that you've missed a lot." Yea, I like the schnitzel with Pils FthrJack, "actually, when i went to germany i had a bratwurst in a bun with sauerkraut, it was beter than any hot dog!" Give us a ring next you drop in for a stay ... you are always welcome here.
  19. Koala6, Nice! I immediately bookmarked it and plan to explore it this weekend. Thanks. and welecome to the board
  20. Setup wise I prefer FRITZ internal. A six pack, large pizza, and locked away inside my study.
  21. Hey! My wallet is missing Welcome to the board srg.
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