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About Lezend

  • Birthday 04/18/1980

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  1. Excellent project so far iuli. One question, regarding packing SFX with progress and user define icon, is it possible to use the define icon for the progress bar also. Currently regardless of which icon specified, the progress bar will always use 7z SFX icon by default or am I missing something? Please advise.
  2. Here is one for your logo. Good luck.
  3. Must have for me: Internet Explorer Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Office XP Adobe Photoshop Not in any particular order. But these items must always be onto any computer I touch.
  4. Lezend


    I don't know it run with minimal setting fine on my gateway 1000xl with the same graphic card like your .. I have 512 meg of ram though
  5. XP PRO + SP1
  6. Like any of us able to do that... more like one time deal.
  7. 514 MB (540,000,256 bytes) Yes and Yes.
  8. NO...!! No cliffhanger! I hate cliffhanger. Last time I heard it suppose to be on its own.
  9. Trust me I bought it. Its semi full game. There only 7 missions instead of 25 like the full version. There some other limited. All OEM bundle are like that. They called SE (special edition). Love the Audigy. I have its for a while now. Haven't use all its function yet. The best thing i like is control my computer with the remote control. Thats about it.
  10. No Windows NET sorry but they aren't full retail. They semi full demo type. Get your full games from your trusty...
  11. Well, you can do an unattend file and with all your preset and even .reg modify that is activate by .bat
  12. I make a quick registry edit if you don't want to mess with your registry yourself. The file is 100% safe and it does exactly what said above. If you unsure, right click on the file and choose edit to see what in the file. disable_paging_exec.reg
  13. Ok I just found this out, if you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance by having the core system kept in memory. Start Regedit Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive Set the value to be 1 Reboot the computer My computer run much faster now. Tested with Photoshop 6 and 3DS Max 4.5
  14. ok....other updates since then Im actually more concerned with the customizations i like to do...reg tweaks and such Why don't you clean install a windows you want, install everything exactly the way you want it (software games etc) Tweaks everything the way you want. Then, create a HD images on a bootable CD. You can use that to backup to the states of HD anytime you want. The only problem is you can only use it on your computer because of hardwares conflict. But, this is a way to use on just for you. Some softwares that can do it are: PowerQuest DeployCenter™ 5.0 DriveImages NTbackup It writes a complete Image of HD onto multiCDs. You can use it as backup and its bootable.
  15. Thats simple. You can access the [GUIRUNONCE] interface that build in the unattend install. It will install other application you specify. Edit Note: Windows Xp it called Distribution Folder. Distribution Folder - The distribution folder option gives you the flexibility to add other files as well, such as drivers not found on the Windows XP CD.
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