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Everything posted by RainyShadow

  1. What it means: ??? Low resolution, 16 colors? Try to start the NVidia control panel applet. Or check for NVidia tab in Display properties. Does it show your GPU model or any other info? Check the driver properties in Device manager. Any errors there? What type of monitor is shown there? If it is VGA, try to change it to SVGA or another better type.
  2. This may be useful. I normally use the version installed by XOSL, but the standalone should be enough. Another option is PLOP boot manager.
  3. Did you try with another bootable CD? This one may have got scratched after you used it the last time. Try scanning it with Nero CD-DVD Speed (the 4.x versions work fine on Win98) or a similar tool. You can install from HDD. Copy the CD contents to your HDD and run \setup.exe or i386\winnt32.exe
  4. @roytam1 What are the chances of some "unwanted" commit by MT slipping into your biulds? I'm wondering whether to update since S52 and NM27 are my main browsers...
  5. After looking at the hardware, i think you will lack nearly all drivers under XP, if you manage to get it running at all... It may be better to install a lightweight Linux distro and use XP in a VM - that way you should get most hardware running. This looks useful, check also the links there. HTH
  6. @GD 2W10 You will probably need a way to run XP on pure UEFI, i don't think SP6 has a CSM option. Does the Vista files you mentioned deal with this? @FranceBB They probably meant install in VM first, then copy XP to the real hardware.
  7. It might be wise to not fully trust software that this petty person touched recently, as there may be hidden nasties inside... He already demonstrated his desire to harm users. P.S. it is a "he", right? not a fugly "she"? :P
  8. @Matt A. Tobin Nobody is required to know everything about the crap some self-important jerk is doing over the internet. Now, would you, please, remove yourself from here until you fix your attitude! @TechnoRelic As a last resort, you can try to use Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types and manually change the assotiations. No clue if it will work though, if the stupid browser is broken, As a quick test try dragging a .html file over to bnavigator.exe and select "Open with".
  9. I just checked Bnavigator on my notebook running Win7 - there was no prompt to set it as default. Maybe there is a bug somewhere, huh?
  10. @TechnoRelic Just set whatever other browser you have as default, it probably don't have to be IE.
  11. @TechnoRelic I haven't tried Bnavigator, but if it's anything similar to PM/Serpent, then a search for DefaultBrowser in about:config should give you a setting to toggle/reset. You imported it along with your profile, so the browser assumes it is already set as default and doesn't bother checking.
  12. You should've just said about:permissions to avoid any confusion. I never used that page, so can't comment about it. I just click on the favicon in the address bar to bring up the Page Info dialog and do my settings there. Is there supposed to be a list of the sites with custom settings on the left under "All sites"?
  13. @ArcticFoxie It seems to be working here. How it does not work for you? Not shown at all?
  14. It loads here, but i'm missing the WU ActiveX and it fails to download. The MU ActiveX installed fine though. My IE is pretty broken, lol. [edit] just tried on my work system, there i get "Error number: 0x80244019" which is supposed to mean error 404... At least i got the Express/Custom prompt there.
  15. Does this include the POSReady updates? About a week ago i got a notification for a ton of availale updates after starting the service by accident... I just tried it and got the offer again.
  16. Let me repeat a question that went by unanswered in the past... Is it possible to use the SSEPlus project as a SSE2/3/4/xxx emulator in your builds? Would it be simple enough change for you to consider it (as in a batch of "Replace All" on the source) or it would need too much work?
  17. @VistaLover My settings in about:config are as in your screenshot. I also tested on a clean profile with the same result. I allow Flash on that site, but it didn't make a diference in this case. Later i checked few WASM test pages, but it never worked. What "lack of compiler support" means? Is this a message from the browser, or from the loader script? Maybe it has something to do with my ancient AthlonXP CPU? It won't be a surprise since that stupid Unity is involved... But i don't think the other pages i tried use it too.
  18. Latest Serpent 52, page: https://www.kongregate.com/games/baba_s/economical I thought Basilisk/Serpent supports that, huh?!
  19. Does LAVFilters XP 0.74.1 work for you? Last when i tried this version didn't work in my XP, so i stick to v.0.70.2.
  20. If this is on NTFS, just replace the old folder with a junction pointing to the new one.
  21. AFAIK a trim program sends the LBA addresses of free sectors to the SSD. To do this it has to be able to examine the filesystem. So, whether it works for FAT32 doesn't mean it would work for NTFS - it will either refuse or try to interpret it as FAT32 and trash your drive.
  22. Be careful to not put them backwards. These chips can melt a socket before you realize what's going on :D Try to change the IRQ for the sound card. Win9x usually doesn't play well with IRQ sharing.
  23. Well, my Voodoo2 is collecting dust nearby... About your Trident card, maybe what limits its maximum resolution is the lack of VRAM? Does it have unpopulated sockets where you can add more?
  24. Which may be caused by a memory problem... You don't like giving out much info, do you? heh, whatevs
  25. Corsair SSD Toolbox v1.2 works fine here for a SATA SSD connected through a PATA<>SATA adapter.
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