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Everything posted by awergh

  1. well i use a PIII because thats the best i have and i cant get another not because i dont want a faster its because its all i have. Nvidia is generally better in terms of graphics and benchmarks and things but ATI provides better drivers which work with 32bit icons where as 32bit icons dont display as well on an Nvidia Card
  2. what sort of installer is it? it says it doesnt support 9x but it support 2k it might work but some apis may need to be implemented so first you need to overcome the virsion checker
  3. if theres still a caps lock light on then it cant be hibernate because hibernate everything turns off including the power supply when you use standby/suspend the power supply wont be turned off
  4. that depends what you consider as newer or older? the fastest computer i have is a PIII 866Mhz and the slowest is well umm Amstrad CPC 464 4Mhz but i dont use the Amstrads very often. I use mostly a PIII 866Mhz, PIII 667Mhz, AMDK6-2 350Mhz is that the answer you wanted?
  5. well some the computers i dont use but the problem isnt the monitor usually its the fact i dont have enough working ps2 keyboards, you see its kinda annoying to use a keyboard of which the ASDFGHJK jeys dont work or the space bar doesnt work. but i got a kvm now
  6. except that vista is in the nt line so you cant say that anyway i havent actually used ME i know its terrible but i havent used it so the one i dislike the most is vista which makes it worst and there is nothing wrong with the 9x line
  7. the problem is that the files that it updates also have new icons in them but you should be able to do some of the updates without the icons you should ask tihiy
  8. are you asking whether you want to restore the original 98 icons? or are you asking whether you want to change the 98 icons to newer ones?
  9. at the moment i am using nt4 because it doesnt have many directx capabilities and im too lazy to install ubuntu the other computer which i do ordinary stuff like anything but work i keep 98se on
  10. also if the computer has autologon you could use the command shutdown -r -t 00 and it will be a never ending sequence unless they go into safemode of something
  11. they came from http://dictionary.reference.com
  12. i try to have a monitor per pc but it doesnt happen too many pcs for that
  13. legacy is all really, i started dropping the usage of them when i got a serial cable and than a network floppies are for occasional use like when im lazy. i have some isa cards, i have an ibm etherjet and a soundblaster 16 anyway who uses 3.1 without a floppydrive i couldnt install dos6.22 with a cd
  14. Time to be annoying and post some deffinitions nerd: 1. a stupid, irritating, ineffectual, or unattractive person. 2. an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit: a computer nerd. geek: 1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual. 2. a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.) 3. a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken. so which do you prefer?
  15. you cant have ntfs on 98 without a thirdparty app a lot of what revolutions pack 7 does is update icons and i thought it was installed with jackhammer the autopatcher will update just about everything so you could use it after a clean install of windows and you will get all the updates nusb and 98se2me offer better usb support
  16. Update: NT4 Visual Update Release Candidate 1 (0.95) Fixes: Fixed Backup so it copies files to %windir%\nt4vubck instead of C:\nt4vubck. Fixed Readme so its up to date. Features: Patched icons here and there. Patched Dialup Networking Icon. Patched Web Folders Icon. Created proper Restore that can be used in windows and includes all files that have been changed. Installer now includes more options. DOWNLOAD 7.11MB http://files-upload.com/179723/nt4vurc1.exe.html ScreenShots Logon Screen: http://awergh.110mb.com/logon.jpg http://awergh.110mb.com/logon2.jpg http://awergh.110mb.com/logon3.jpg My Computer: http://awergh.110mb.com/mycomputer.jpg Control Panel: http://awergh.110mb.com/controlpanel.jpg PS: I really should find a proper file hoster but i havent yet.
  17. cant see the cd to know but since it is copyright 1998 it could be 95C
  18. does it say just Windows 95 or does it say Windows 95 A/B/C
  19. 98fe doesnt come with a system restore feature what you could do is a ghost image or there are some utilities that do the equivelent of system restore for 9x also there are automatic registry backups which can be accessed by scanreg /restore
  20. but if they were going to release 95 in 2009 wouldnt you think they would have released at least the old msdos versions before 6.22 and windows 1.01 and 2.0
  21. yeah, i thought they still had copyright on windows 1.01 which was realeased in 1985 and im sure its not going to hurt ms if the realeased a 22 year old OS which i didnt think was very popular anyway
  22. it is kind of funny, but i still like the fact that the nt4 page works when i would of thought it would have been taken down by now
  23. if your only a single user you dont need ms family logon yes ms has abbandonded the wu page but i didnt think it would stop working afterall the nt4 wu v3 page still works.
  24. Here are some antivirus products for DOS F-prot Antivirus for DOS http://www.f-prot.com/products/home_use/dos/ Avast Antivirus for DOS http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_77_for_dos.html however i dont think you really need an AVS in DOS somehow i think it is unlikey your going to get the waterfall virus or anything, after all who is going to write a new virus to attack your dos box what about the browser Lynx text based internet should work fine about Arachne, would you really want flash in DOS, are you going to load a sound driver in DOS
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