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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. I thought that was due to your frequently flung fecal follies fetching more than anything else.
  2. I agree with jaclaz also before opening you disk there likely was a good chance of fixing it. Your impatience has ruined it though. Unless you were wearing proper gear that covered your arms, hands, head and face and in a actual ( read as a ACTUAL) clean room that disk has been murdered. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/715/142/f6c.jpg
  3. The reflection of your ceiling in the platters gave the non clean room existence away. Those ceilings slough crap off constantly .
  4. Not anymore, by opening the drive you have killed it. Drives should ONLY be opened in a clean room and should NEVER be started open... That drive has @ 98% chance of never working again...
  5. Nope all that the sources download is a setupcomplete.cmd file that's runs wpi.exe
  6. I have no clue as to the structure of a win 8 disk. I think you would have to use a answer file. I only have access to a smart phone my capabilities are severely limited. If the iso structure is the same between win 7&8 the the win 7 sources download should work fine.
  7. Get a blog. So tired of your hateful random negative posts.
  8. Simply for me because I can use any win7 out of the box to develop, surf and play on and not want to kill myself over the interface also. I don't like having to run an handful of third party apps and tweaks galore to make a OS even semi comfortable to use. Case in point I get a hold of a blank or fubar'd system and toss my usb at it, I can be fully up and running doing nearly anything I want within a half hour. Not a chance in hell on a win8 system.
  9. Please note this guy came here for help with a Warez areo enabler and also admitted to using Warez Adobe products. The validity of his system cannot be guaranteed.
  10. Office cannot be installed during xp setup you need to do it during the runonceex phase
  11. Forum rules: 2.c Requesting help with academic material, such as assignments, is not permitted on MSFN. Receiving such help is often viewed as plagiarism in many schools, and therefore cannot be allowed. This is for your own protection in your academic career.
  12. How about the sp3 installers that had amd systems that were destroyed on live install too? And now most of their updates are not optional you just have to have them.... SERIOUSLY? I read about a update that is causing problems and I see my system is already beginning install?? WTF! There is no quality control, your system gets fubar'ed and they don't give a crap. Do they send someone over to fix a bricked useless system that their mandatory update f'ed up? Do they send you a check for the wasted time and lost data? NO? Hey lets make a new brand of lube composed of salt and lemon juice and call it MS lube "It's what they offer" Besides the Norton sp3 one here are 9 more. http://archive.news.softpedia.com/news/9-Critical-Errors-that-Will-Prevent-the-Installation-of-XP-SP3-RTM-Build-5512-85266.shtml Things like this are the reasons why mandatory updates are a horrible idea. If this update was one of the mandatory ones then ALLOT of people with avast would be super pi**ed
  13. I am referring to the issues akin to startup\shutdown problems, unstable systems that no longer boot, endless "configuring updates" reboot loops, things that are being blamed on quality control and little testing. (In reference to win 8 not 10)
  14. Hey Noel? I have a question you might be able to answer. Since they started making updates mandatory (I know this one wasn't) How many of the last 6 months of win8 updates have ultimately had major issues? I mean system breaking issues for people getting them,.
  15. That's one of my points though, I have decided that in no way will I use a OS that requires me in any way to sign in with a account online (Even if I can change it later) I view it as condoning and accepting the behavior...
  16. You seem to be using wpi in a business or release interest and unless you have a license you are using it in a non approved manner. You'll find no help here.
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