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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. You should be able to allow the updater by going to this registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\FeatureLockdownand setting "bUpdater" to 1 instead of 0. That being said, here's the link to the full download: http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/read...05_enu_full.exe
  2. , not the first time Vid0's felt the need to make harsh remarks about contributing members of this community (not that I'd know anything about that)
  3. Yes, /integrate sucks. Not to sound like a broken record, but I've been saying that for a year now.
  4. I don't know why KB873339 wouldn't be needed still since it's an update for hypertrm.dll which hasn't ever been postdated. Those of you who aren't seeing it, did you remove Hyperterminal with nLite or not install it from winnt.sif? That seems like the most likely reason for why it's not appearing for you.
  5. I prefer option #2 from Zxian
  6. Yeah, I'm en-us. Whatever, I guess this is just the motivation I need to try out one of those alternative programs for working with the iPod
  7. OK, two people have now said to run the exe instead of the MSI file directly. Umm, duh . The error message in the screenshot has nothing to do with that, like I already said. It's an entirely different error if you try to run the MSI. @rikgale - I doubt it'll work since the regular Apple installer is also erroring out. I think it got fubared because I upgraded to 6.0 with the installer from here over the Apple-downloaded 5.0.
  8. hp38guser discovered that DataStore.edb is the key file.
  9. Maybe this is a dumb question, but are you sure you've got WMP10 installed prior to this hotfix trying to install?
  10. So much for nVidia's "unified" chipset drivers
  11. Just because a KB article has undergone a revision doesn't mean the hotfix within it has
  12. My update pack skips the initial screen
  13. It's because it's a script and virus software tends to pitch a fit over anything like that. You'd get similar problems with VBS scripts posted on here. Odds are very good it's just a false alarm. If you want to be safe, you can always try running it in VirtualPC first
  14. Completely off-topic to this thread. And no, it's not going to happen.
  15. Something with Windows Installer is screwed up. I'm getting the same error even with the official Apple download.
  16. That's because 1.3.1 isn't available anymore. Why do you want it anyway? 1.3.1 was crap.
  17. When using the 7z installer, I'm getting this error: Any ideas?
  18. Sure. You can download the QFECheck tool from MS (Google it) which scans the registry and will list the installed hotfixes. I've seen other similar tools which do similar things, also probably a Google search away. Otherwise, you should be able to see them in Add/Remove Programs. Assuming you're using XP SP2, open Add/Remove Programs and check the "Show Updates" checkbox at the top of the window. If you scroll down, you'll see a list of them.
  19. Bashrat - you might want to look into the CHOICE operation for batch files. It's case-insensitive by default. http://www.cs.ntu.edu.au/homepages/bea/hom...escription.html
  20. So if I sing With or Without You to my computer, the firewall will start working again? B)
  21. Yes, and it's an issue which has been covered in the main DP Base 5.10.5 thread. There's a typo in the cmd file (and some users posted the correction to make until BTS fixes it on his end). Try looking more for your answer next time. It might have saved you some time
  22. Thanks for the great work guys! I can stand putting iTunes on my computer now
  23. That or Windows Update just doesn't like that you have hacked files
  24. You're not the first person to experience the problem. Heck, I've even got an FAQ entry on my site dedicated to that very topic That being said, I gave you a more detailed reply over at my forum where you asked the same question.
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