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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. You know, that sounds strikingly similar to the problem I had in April when I had a sudden surge in bandwidth which killed my quota for the month. Makes you wonder...
  2. The CAT file tells Windows that the drivers are signed and OK. It has to be registered so it's put into the catalog database. I'm not sure I'm really following the rest of your message.
  3. Ah, I see now. I was apparently confused since we're in the Unattended Windows forum, not the general Windows XP forum. Anyway, there's always XPLite
  4. Some components can be disabled via winnt.sif (see the MSFN Unattended Guide for more info on that). Otherwise, you'll probably have to use nLite to accomplish what you want to do.
  5. Are you Google-challenged or something? And CAB files are made just like any other archives (RAR, Zip, 7zip, etc)
  6. The easiest way for someone who doesn't know what they're doing is to extract it with a program like WinRAR or PowerArchiver, update the files, then recompress it with maximum compression with PowerArchiver.
  7. war59312 - You should have set up bandwidth limiting on it. I set the limit on sp5.ryanvm.net to 100GB/month to avoid any issues like that. I can try 7zip compressing it, but I doubt it'll make much difference since the file's already CAB compressed. EDIT: Just created a 7zip Ultra archive. 222MB instead of 226MB as a zip file. gurgelmeyer - are you using LZX:21 compression for your CABs? I've got some other questions for you too. Shoot me a PM or IM so we can talk more about how you're doing it.
  8. GreenMachine's a bit older than you think
  9. Bashrat - I've heard from a few users since I removed KB888111.cat from version 1.3.1 of the update pack that the CAT file was needed when the drivers were actually installed on systems that needed them (in other words, the Windows Add New Hardware wizard needs them). I don't know why that didn't occur to me before, but the CAT file almost certainly needs to be present. I'll be re-adding it to the next version of my pack. Sorry about that screwup on my part. Regarding portcls.sys, I update driver.cab with the newer version when my pack gets integrated into the CD. That makes adding it to i386 and adding the extra lines to dosnet.inf unnecessary. Also, the portcls.sys used in my pack is a different version than the one from KB888111. I hope that clears up the confusion. If you need more info, PM/IM me.
  10. It's been covered on here before. You need to use a /DisallowSystemRestore (or something like that, I'm pulling this out of memory) switch when you run the EXE. Search for it, as I'm far from certain that's the exact switch.
  11. If it's erroring out, you won't see it since the MSI is being run silently. Does it install OK after the fact? If the problem persists after Windows installs, then you can try decompressing it and running the MSI directly. At least then if it fails, you'll get an error message. If it passes post-install, you've probably got an error in your syntax somewhere. I don't use RunOnceEx, so I'm afraid I can't be of any more help than that, though. BTW, I'm assuming you renamed the exe from netfxsp1.exe to netfx.exe
  12. HFSLIP (I need a shifty eyes smiley) BTW, good things will hopefully be coming this weekend OK, now back to work.
  13. How are you compressing the files?
  14. /integrate has no real advantage over manually adding them to svcpack.inf except that /integrate also replaces the affected file(s) in i386 with uncompressed hotfixed versions. I'm really not a fan
  15. So yeah, that hotfix basically installs all the stuff that's removed in XP N
  16. Let me get this straight, first you can't manage to read the directions on my site. Then you can't get the programs on my site to work (nevermind that myself and thousands of others have) - any then you're going to say authoritatively that my stuff doesn't "work at all"?
  17. This may sound crazy, but try reading the FAQ on my site
  18. The extracted files all appear to be the same as the vanilla XPSP2 WMP9.
  19. The problem I've run into seems to lie with the number of CAT files installed. It hits a brick wall of sorts and won't install anymore. I think it's actually not tied to the number of CAT files, but the hashes stored in the database. I'd be curious to see if you run into similar problems with Win2K.
  20. gurgelmeyer - have you run into any problems with the number of cat files you've got installed?
  21. You have to run it after Office is installed. It updates a file which comes with Office XP, not Windows XP.
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