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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. If the CAB is only 20MB, you've got issues alright. Try the BitTorrent link
  2. http://www.filemirrors.com/search.src?type...080&action=Find
  3. Fever PitchAnd probably
  4. lol, you'd think if you wrote to them saying "Hi, you reviewed my program in your magazine. Can I please get a copy of that issue?" that they'd oblige you.
  5. Probably in mourning over the tragic elimination of his beloved Red Sox
  6. Yeah, merging driver cabs has been standard practice for me since like the 2nd or 3rd release of my pack. Of course, Gurgelmeyer's got a bit of a different situation. He really couldn't merge the driver cabs during integration (at least I would think update.exe doesn't have any kind of function like that). And I think he'd be in murky legal water pre-merging the two and including a merged driver.cab with the download (not to mention the fact that it would add 50+MB to the size of the file). I would still think that the burden would be on the HFSLIP makers to support USP5 since all Gurgelmeyer has done is create a modified hotfix for Win2K (correct me if I'm wrong). Shouldn't be too hard for them to support it.
  7. Even if the file only exists in driver.cab, it should still have a dosnet.inf entry. You can easily confirm that by looking in dosnet.inf for a file which exists only in driver.cab. I used 3dfxvs.dll and what do you know, it's in dosnet.inf It should also be noted that files which exist in both driver.cab and in the i386 directory (for example, rfcomm.sys) still only have one dosnet.inf entry. If there is more than one, it may cause problems (though I'm not entirely convinced it would).
  8. ModifyPE is for changing file checksum information in the PE header when you hack a file. It has nothing to do with CAB compression
  9. So slotorrent.net is a pr0n site now. No more live trackers
  10. Works like a charm! Yay, no more PowerArchiver needed for me!
  11. I've got a question and a bug report. First off, what compression options do you use? Second, this program doesn't work with subdirectories.
  12. A tutorial for how to make them has been on my todo list for a long time, but time for it is something I just don't have right now. Of course, members of my forum have begun making custom addon packs that have begun gaining a lot of popularity lately. It's really not much more work to go from an addon pack to a full update pack.
  13. That seems like the best solution to me. Probably as easy as just not registering the file
  14. OMG, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT????But seriously, I could, but then what would people around here complain about? *Looks at the thread topic* Oh yeah
  15. Read the FAQ on my site. It's no more messed up than the MSFN site...(considering they host it)
  16. The missing CAT file may have been the root of that problem, since Windows likes to silently fail at driver installation when it can't verify that they're signed. Anyway, see if the next version I make works OK with the CAT file included again. It's getting testing from users right now and should be released soon as things are looking very good.
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